
11:55-56 p.m.

11:55-56 p.m.


K E E … K E F.

E S T R…. E.E.T E S T R E E T…. E S T R E E F.

* E- Street in Alpha Bwt City, now known as the Lower East Side, is where I found the Dark Green Plaqe with the word Grace…How Sweet The Song….

(H S T S ….8…Infinity 1910…29…11…2

1010 Jay Balance


Billy Hung 44…8

Jacqui Q L Bed 4-004…44…8

Blair Andrews 44…8…

3 -8….Infinity..

And myself repreenting All in One

123 Sacred Portal

I One.

11-28…39…C I..

12 L ..

3 ..C..

*Lisa Cole… Byrce share

Elizabeth Cole..

Coco Channel


A Night Mare

3:00 a.m right now (Edit)

11-28…C I L C …E

Conscuous Cee SeeInfinite Limitless

It is the Corner Stone (C.S) which Sue of the Green House, – The White Witch ( Literally she looked like the fairy tale, The Old Lady who lived in the Shoe- with the ‘Fanny get my Gun and Gin, thrown in.. yes she carried a gun in her apron).

She told me the corner stone laid by The Beautiful Ones before Adam walked the Earth.

They Lived Before Adam ( T.L. B.A….20 12.. 32.. 5 E B A.. Sacred Portal 147….

I found it- in what I only now realize was always a Game, a Deadly Game in the Library of a simulation called Universal Mind.

– A Library if you will; A living Library which you can describe as a Universel Simulation which creates a Holodeck.

It was all recorded here.

E Supreme T R E E…. Tree of Life… Link the Placenta and the Tunnel of Light- Ubilical Chord…. The base is the tree, roots.. Square Roots.

and the Slide which children slide down from the Full Circle of Blinding Light to land in the world of Spirits- Imagination- the Library and World of Imagination, where they play a play to become real and solid, just before being cast in a Spell by the Wicked Witch and the Great Warlord to land also in the realm with a different kind of magic. To learn Facts…

Solid Facts on how to become Real.

And merge the two experiences through Expression to merge into one, and as One, graduate to the E.S… Energy Supreme through Expression, and then through Supreme Embodiment Exemplification S.E.E… Beyond that which. to Quote Dune- No Woman as the Mystical Seer see…

The beyond the Light which brought them down the Tunnel of Love The Spirit Realm… Then Down the Birth Canal of the Beautiful Illuison called Woman- T-Wo-Men- and into the Realm of ‘Molecular Stillness or Slow Motion, the Coma, Comatose..

Which unfortunately became the Diseased realm of the Domonic, the Dead, the Zombies

14million 6 hundred thousand and 5five possible outcomes

That is the number of Face book friends I am currently at.


N F..

Links to meaning as my reflection represented in the name of Facebook friend

Neil Furby. N F. Neil F U. R..B Y…E

Neil means Cloud Chanpion Passionate…Wild.

I had to by a six pair of Gold tipped socks 22 usd and a pair of track bottoms to sleep in.

Could not be sure if I could afford it, if it is reallu all over- but in the end I was swayed by the Script and necessity .

I found a pair not previously on sale, but on sale for one day only…

The Brand is called Champion

18 usd bought on the 18th.

2:17 a.m right now *Edit.

See the Facebook memory recently..

Cloud Tree..

Doctor Strange, stated of possibiliites he saw, on the Avengers Infinity War Bootleg version which Don L Turner and Anthony Ottah, had put on in the T V Room.

And only one which manifests..


2:20 a.m right now *edited

Yes, I had come upstairs from where I had been arrived earlier, to see Kirtan, Jaqcquii Quanma’e Lewis and Kyle Murphy, I could barely move, the stiffness and pain of the Energy in my body, being stifled by havng to enter into this Play-and sustain a character and role meant to be unendurable being that which I really amd and really doing still without people full grasping it…

I had to move and allow the energies of other ages and lines of the E rise up through me- this time it was the Budhha lines and the Universal Sensies of other realms much more advanced that here.

But they all had incarnated here at some point.

I moved and Quanma’e Lewis offered more MedicIne so that I coudl release..

As if some part of him knew… because I did begin to release, but the pain comes mainly from holding in, containing that which

146 is the number of Face Book Friends I am currently at with the arrival of Bryce-Anthoney Dixon B A..D and the code intel of Dora Ragland and Megan Marke….

D R…M M… Z.

But I will get to that in a moment.

I moved and yes, once more this most Lonesome Existential Solitary experience of none realizing the enormity and the reality of my experience and existence.. and this process being Real.

As I moved, it turned out to be the Panthers, the black panthers and the Great Anaconda rose through me, along with the Universal Sensies and Sensibiliies- The Buddhas…

What an expereince to have carried it alone, feet their possession, as they rose in me, twisting my body over and over in pain, pain I have carried day and night of the consequence of thier Insisting in doing it this way, Thier Way….

His Way… Father Death as End and Mother Absolute Death- they were Stories of The End, which took Thenselves far too seriously.

Locked in as They broke Laws of Existence Play…

(Some Laws are really really not meant to be broken, unless you know the reason the law was created in the first place)

At one point I had to go upstairs and came back downstaris and Kyle an Q stood at the landing of the steps, having left the apex of the courtyard when I left the space because T.J of bed4-009 had arrived, in Harmony, but I required quiet to release and undergo once more.. a Birth.. Release of Expression of Being once me, but no longer me…

– Read exactly where I was, in another realm as I obsereved my own movements, read the muscle memory and the actions gestures…

I was walking down one of my images loaded of a row of Black Planthers the E.T True Kind of Universal Assassins as the Leadr the one Crowned King.. K.C.

1:11 a.m.

I walked down…

I knew they did not know what had taken place, they are Avatars Descedants, Anchors – to Lines of Energy stretching back to Ifinity Portal…

When I came back upstair Q was on the computer.

I sat to the right of Donald L T And Anthony O..

E D A…/ ADE… Means Crown

Randall Michael Wiltz soon joined…

R A D E… Then Micheal Belle…

Soon I moved to sit where Q had sat on the computer after hearing the News..

22 22nd High School Massacre in 2018

22 Fissures in the Volcanoe..

1:22 am right now

22 Was the price I paid for 6 Pairs of Socks- Gold Tipped – Jonn Blackwell had bought me some pairs and expounded on thier quality…

I knew it was a code 22 usd… I did not buy them at first but went back when I got the Evidence that it was part of the Script which I already suspected,

6 years ago Billy Hung with Nnamdi Energy moving with him had bought me an entire new Wadrope there.

It was a play of course, because in which scenario does it make sense that I can not buy my own wadrope?

Unless my Dad – ot the one playing my Father did no.. Nnamdi means the same as Emmanuel except in stead of Father is Presence it is God…

God Father… G F… 76… 1776… ? Q 76 The correct code ( the E Qunatun Equation is Code 76 The Awakening from a … Play…

Not a Time coded play, a Perfect Timing Code Expression.)

M R E D A.. M R E D -D…I… A… infinity Awareness….

A War to bring the truth of Loves Consciousness

L C… Lisa Cole… Bryce-Anthoney Dixon Post… to your awarnesa

Meaning of the name Byrce…

Its mean the same as Jay…Swift… as well as Bright, Noble force of Strength and Valor..and Price.

Super Nova..

English name originating as a surname taken to English by the French in the Middle Ages. It is believed to be of Celtic origin and might be derived from the element bri (force, strength) or brígh (valor, strength). Var: Bryce. Short: Bri.

C- Speed of Light Consciousness

Anthony means Flower, of inestaimable value, Highly Praise Worthy, Highly precious..

Dixon means Son of Dick – literally Seamen Semen///

DIX.. ON…The Ten art On..

Son of Richard…

Son of the Powerful Ruler….

Doria Loyce Ragland 1956 .. She is a Yoga Instructor and Social Worker who works in Californian in the Mental Health section.

she is 61 same age as Allen Murray..

Anthony Mark…

A M appeared on my feed and I saw him day before yesterday as well as yesrerday… this morning..

61… Fa….Green… 4th Chakra.. Heart Love..

Doria means From the Sea and Gift…

Loyce means Lord

Ragland means Stone and Land… Stone of the Land . as well A Small Piece of Woodland

From the Sea a Gift, of the Lord- from the Stone Rock; The Earth Land Woods… All From the Sea

Rachel Meghan Markle… 1981

Rachel means Pure and Ewe a female Lamb

Meghan means Pearl Strong willed… War… Of Mars the 4th Planet.. Delta

Markke means :Open spce clearing in the Woods

The Pure storng willed Pearl of the God of War, risen from the clearing in the Woods…

See the meanings put them all togetehr and link everything together…

The God Of War.. Ares the Ram.. War to defeat Thanos.. as Death and destruction.

1:58 a,m

Mother of Pearl..

Pearls comming out from under cover..

Sacred Portal 78..

Yes Kyle 39 twice..


Sacred Portal 78..

The Family comming out from undercover..

2:26 am

Aphrodite Ceres..

E Rose them from the Sea..

The First Royal Family the TEN



2-002 completed The Elegant Noman.


I Alpha.

2004 True Creation Story..


2005 The Magic Creation in Hells and the journey begun April 2nd The Day Pope John Paul died. (J P.. Jah Finesse.. Josiah Paul..

Jehovah God Heals the Little People…

The Children…J P… 10 16… 26…8…

Aphrodite Venus A V 1 22 rises from the See of A Fairy Tale….Wedding..

2:35 am

B C E..

Sacred Portal 87..

Two Boys returned to Mothers Love..

J Q L.


R K M…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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