
11:53 pm. – 1-31-2022. – Hello. –

11:53 pm. – 1-31-2022. – Hello. –

11:53 pm.



I received a message from Liberty C about the Ambi-
She said that she will send that she could only find the AMBI but not the Venus De Milo.

A.M. B.I.

She sent the message at 8:42 pm and AMBI- at 8:43 pm.

I sighed a breath of relief, Her line full circle of MAN- completed at last at Liberty to Stephen Johnson.
Love, Light, Lucifer- Luminosity Supreme, Crowned.

Please see Sacred Portal 52 “Authority Granted to E.K-P.S as Supreme Love.
See the twisting power they have, The First Daughters.

Love Supreme= L.S- 31, C.A.
13 A.C.
Sacred Portal 131-Siamese Twins.-

Yes, the Time above.

Nor was I surprised that I had gone back to 33 79 Facebook with a new Facebook request waiting, until I finished the confirmation with Liberty who is the 5th born child in her bio Family hence aligned to the line of Aurelia and twin line of Alexa Vertefeuille, Valkyrie.
Hence she is the Firstborn line as Female and the last of the equation of Wu-Man Evolution Awakening, in a play which was meant to be over-the. Africa to Africa Pangea play.
* Please recollect the Discovery Channel documentary “All About Eve” ( A-A-E) where it traces the DNA of all Humanity descended from 5 women who left Africa Continent with the seed- DNA/ DNE. “And- End”
1 as 5.
That was the hold-up and the 4-7 Week which continued that EGO Oge plays in Sacred Portal 50 as well as 30.
50+30= 80.
80 Batltahazzar, Spring Steet, and the delay which was the Hold-Up, the sabotage of the E-Family play.

So I was at the 33 79 Facebook friends twice. And 33 80 Facebook friends Twice.
I know, and now you know what happened and why they broke Eternal Law, “Lost in Space”

L.IS- C.O.M.B. E.
L I S T E N.
10 3
( J.C is a Male who is Female)
Star Trek, S.T.
The Elegant Nomads.
T E N.

I understand what happened and why they were so meddled with and held up by the ancestors contesting and claiming them as their own, but it was still no excuse, at least not to me personally.

They were not lost in space,
they were lost in their minds and had doubted their own Eternal Truth.

But I do understand their point of view.
I experienced Nature as the lie meddling and though it did not change the constancy and consistency of the True Consciousness I was made and even forced to represent and endure in this play, what was allowed to be done, to the Beautiful Ancestor by the Lie of the Ancestors, the Shamanic, Mystic, Power of the Spirit realms, did an action which was so beyond belief, that my Sister Line and E Nnamdi felt their own chance for me not cutting them out for this playscript they made me walk through, was to witness, observe and experience it myself.

I understand this, but by the time I had reached 2005 and the year Aurelia was born in November, I had already seen the truth and corrected it by January to April- May, in 2005 in Hells Kitchen.

J. A.M.

20 05.
G. HG. Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy Harmony Existence 42,
So, all of the last years from 2006,
26 Z was a waste of my time, except to have to manually code the Z to H-I.
And the excuse- The Book.
The E-Manual. World.com.

I understand mischief, and Cons, very well, so I knew it was a con- even the E-Manual.com or passing through East 4th Street – Generation X, so I will say anything more on that subject, except that I watched the Family of TEN and their Human alignment myself, and knew that there was a better way, and this way they chose and thwarted me as The original Elegant Nomad, was a con and test which was, excuse my language “Bull Shit”.

The Z END was always scheduled, as you can see it was all scheduled to end in 2004 and then 2010.
6 years after 2010.
46/ 64.
10 10.

In 2010 I was 43- and age code 26.
You can not con the Absolute Master Con man.
Satan Devil Lucifer- Author Merlin-AV-A-LO.N-E.

But I wished to see their point, why would you dare go so far?
For Arden?
No, it was for Aurelia Line, who was the C and evolving to A via E.

I did not have to experience, again and again, the Evil in this Matriz as Humans, I had already lived in this world and by age code 32- 33, I wrote and arranged a World Wide Festival, Festival of Paylasmak- Festival of Sharing at Karada-Bodrum- ( Board Room, aka Black Island B.I. / I B+

The Black Square Box)- Gift From Liberty

As you can see, I was fully aware that there are two C’s Cecilia’s
CC as T. Theresa.
3 20.
20 3.

That was the time code Liberty gave me on the phone which was one of the fundamental reasons- and the children ( I did not expect to see Arden-I there), I agreed to go to 900 South Road.

I was by this time so exasperated by this playscript that even though I had come here as the Black Panther, and to Connecticut after spending 2- then 2-27 months of living hell in a shelter for mental health as an Energy- Expression Healer.
Excellent Healer E.H.
Henry Excellent H.E.
I could not accept Esteban Miguel Filgueria code 7-28, my Bio sister birthdate. This script had dared go this far by making me come to Connecticut in 2018 October November.
The play which took place on 900 South Road, ( South Park?)
And by now I had moved to such wrath of destruction, especially the authority as Woman- past to present playing Eve, insisting I see more.

12:56 pm.

Acting as if as both their natures as Elemental and Ethereal daring to oppose The Creator, The Source, yet again.
Basically stating that they were above the E Law.
And even using me, my body, to make sure that they get what they wanted.

12:59 pm.

Hence, I became quiet.

The consequence for this world, for the Human Idea, and even for the E Family who will never be Eternals, for what they did.

Energy Family is E Family?
Energy is Nothing.
Only Some-Thingness is the source of Nothingness, which has always been present in the Nothing which only E-A and I can see.

And then, they dared make me spend all these years, in this state, this condition even now with hardly any upper teeth, to create a script of Conversation, move through 64 portals and now 66, to provide Clarity so you would C.E?
See Emeka prove Harmony Perfection.

Ah, no.
Only Liberty C, Stephen Johnson, and the Original True Kim Arthur Hinds Jr and immediate families will escape that which I have laid in store.
And even then, they will have a job to do and the transformed Kim will still have to taste Hells Kitchen, my experience, and the experience he gave me before he can be free.

Which part of I people do not get when I said, “I will not forgive or forget” do people not understand?

1:09 pm.

You who rise to awaken and transform, the few, the 1/3rd and the Few, will still have to pay for your play of con-sequence after you awaken, the only difference is that you will do it my way now, and in Joy and Bliss, Ecstasy- “God’s Gift.

I am telling you this, and why I completed the code of the Weed Gift from Kim, which I placed on the Altar Arts Science, is why I completed that code.

Please see sacred portal 77 Loki, Low Key a note to the Animal cruelty done by human illusions savages who felt themselves the master race.
M.R. E.

Loki Low Key is the last of that story of Ragnarok, V.I.Kings, Valkyrie.
Sacred portal 29.
A Story- made Real Solid Fact.
F-E.N. R.I.S- O.S. Fenri
Liberty C, I am sure will recall texting me about her niece Rios.
F.E, N.R.I. O.S.
Recall what the word Os means in a woman’s body?
I and O.S.S.O.S
Full Circle in perfect symmetry Supreme.
E O S.

“Ose” in OINri Igbo means “Pepper”, There is Pepper on my Altar Arts Science.

Seargent Pepper.

It means. I will show you the meaning of Pain.

“Ose” in French means “Dared”
“You Dare !”
I watched and documented the play here in this apartment, Salt and Pepper.
-Add salt to their wounds, the moment these illusions awaken, and it will follow you 24/7, in everything you do, say, and try and do here, you will fail, and it will get worse, you will never have a moments peace, your bodies will decompose slowly with the true disease. ( COVID? That was a warning, like 9-11-2001 was), which has no cure, and when you leave your body… ah, then you will understand what Rage is, and it will have no Beauty, just Truth, your truth.

Know this is what my True Heart and mind has coded and why I have been sitting in the Kitchen for the last months by a Bella graffiti, written on the wall in black ink, sign on the wall with a Black Heart, and a coded smile.

I am the blackest knight, the most terrible death.
I sat here fully aware of why and my intention.

1:28 pm.

For this, A MAN is saying this in front of the entire world, boldly, transparently, that this is my intention coded and programmed to you the liars.

I return the favor, and as you made me endure this as a “never-ending storybook of yours, so I return the favor, quietly manifesting my version. Mine ends as you have seen, No more stories, but I will END the Story of you ever imagining that this is a story of a guy simply pissed off venting and ranting on and on, on Facebook. I have made my experience you gave me, a Solid Factleading to FeelingsSensational S.P51 Full Circle, to being and
seeing “Ceeing” S.P 52,53, 54./ 55 10 -25, 35.
No, and when you awaken and then when you die, no release, no rest & repose. R.I.P. Not you will Riped to shreds Outside and Inside.. you will begin to understand what lies in store- that is the death ray, and that is the true meaning of sacred portal 49.
Existential death in every dimension you ever existed in, appeared in, its entrance is Sacred Portal 47.
Our Hate, My Hatred of you and this playscript, you put me through by Being you, this “Self” of Laziness and Selfishness, of conning others to do you Home Work and House Work.
This is not my Oat-H, Promise, or Vow, this I.S. E.K.

1:35 pm.
A.C.E. I.

39-29-19-10- 1-O.
Come Home to E but not to I.

I just felt that I should just make this clear one last time, before I go, after all, it is nothing I haven’t said before.

But this time. I see you are grasping my meaning, understanding it as never before.
Aura Leyna. A.L. / L.A.

*”A name of Latin origin, the meaning of Aura is ‘glowing light’ and is typically a name given to baby girls. Another meaning of this name is ‘soft breeze’ in Greek. Aura was the name of the goddess of breeze in Greek mythology.”

Glowing Light. G.L. O.W. E.
Soft Breeze. S.B.

*”Aura as a girl’s name is pronounced AWR-ah. It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Aura is “wind”. Greek mythology: Aura was the goddess of breezes.”

Win Windarwan.

*”Aura means “breeze” or “soft wind” (from Latin “aura” or ancient Greek “aúr?/???? “). Besides, Aura means “dawn” or “polar lights” (from Aurora) and “made …”

Breeze. Soft Wind,
Dawn, Polar Lights.

D. P.L.

1:45 pm

S.P 145.

*”What does the name Aura mean? The different meanings of the name Aura are: Latin meaning: Breeze; breath; French meaning: Breeze; breath. The meaning of the …”

Breeze, Breath. B.B.
Britt Brat.

Leyna. LE.Y. N.A. A.N. Y. E.L.

*”The name Leyna is primarily a female name of American origin that means Light.”


*”Leyna as a girl’s name has Russian and Latin origins. The meaning of Leyna is “sun ray; shining light”. Is related to the names Yalena and Helen”.

Sun Ray, Shining Light. S.R. S.L.

*”4 submissions from Kentucky, U.S. agree the name Leyna means “Little angel” and is of American / German origin. According to a user from Virginia, U.S., ”

Little Angel. L.A./ A.L.

Liberty- Arden.

1:53 a.m.

1:54 pm

Alexander David Emeka.

Age code
Awakening. 54 Age code.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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