
11:51 pm. – No word from Kamora

11:51 pm.

No word from Kamora Herrington or Sharia Aallah.


And after the relapse with Jae Sherman, I am sitting here seething with the Fury of the Blue Flame.

To be a person balanced of Male and Female
Y X chromosomes.
X Y. Chromosomes.

25 +24= 49.
24 +25= 49.

Not a Woman .. or Man born of the Womb but of Energetic Expression and at this point in the play to have to depend on a Man while making public you truth of be neither but rather a Supreme Harmonious Example- while depending on another, or seeking someone else approval.

Or the absolute worst and the true Horror and Hypocrisy of using the Excuse of the Victim or being slow ( Lazy ) and not having no remorse or regards for that which is now clearly demonstrated as being within you all-and to still bother me, or anyone else- uncaring if you are moving them from their peace and quiet after observing them working known stop on the equations proving that you already know- and then interrupting that person to either confirm that which he already knows and was for you ( the intel coming through you) it makes you beyond Black Hearted but a Heartless Fiend.

Dependent on a Man to confirm that which you are literally confirming that which you know.

Oh Arden – Infinite Arden, at this point Rip their hearts out, for such beings are the reason that Sacred Portal 49 came into Existence and Being.

Let today, through the confirmation of tel no. *86 O 48 O 16 49 be their last day of Grace.

Blue Satan.
Existential Death- Ray.

12:04 am.

4-26-2021 be their last day and so let them not rise to 4-27-2021 ever but to rise to the Home they deserved- merited and earned.

12:06 am.

L F/
F L.

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