
11:50 p.m.

11:50 p.m.



I did not write my Focus Conclusion Thinking..

Add Action… It become F.A.C.T.

I have a new Face Book friend, but before I welcome them..

11:53 p.m.

I wish to address and give my conclusion which I have stated over and over again.

There must be F.E.A.R… Violence… and Chatistment for Human Creatures of the Lower Vibration.

There must be Terrible Death and Consequence which I have submitted here, over and over again.

The arrogance and the conciet of the many of the Human Species is Beyond anything even I could have imagined.

There must be Pain… And those who learn only through the exercise of Power must be given that Pain and then sent out of Existence.

This is my was my conclusion 25 years ago and it has remained constant.

As many of you may recall, it was revealed here that I was sacrificed by my own Family, Bio Father, Grandfather and even mother ( though her sacrifce of me was because she felt that I was not of this realm)

That is the theme of the Isaac Ishamael story.

I do not wish to speak this any longer since it was revealed here publicly with Evidence through the years.

The sacriffice moved from not only this realm but to my being used to play the Lamb of God’ and other such characters.

Albert Sanata of 268 testified to his revealations of my being sacrificed and ritually killed over and over again.

Right to my Uncles Pius Nduka being told by a Bishop that there was a terrible Juju buried in Amawbia which he later unearthed and found with a terrible curse of the most terrible death.

This was further corroborated on Mothers Days 2016 when My Mother and Uncle each had a dream about me on the same day being tortured in ways so horrific in the Spirit world that they could not speak of it.

My mother had called my Uncle to tell him of the Dream and he had responded that he had one..

He also later testified to seeing me buried Alive’ last year saying he was the only one present who was mourning me.

The list goes on.

Now, I wish to tell you what happned when I came back, to the Shelter and you can make your own conclusions as to why I stand on this conclusion.

As you may recall, I saw Kyle Murphy when I left this morning and he bowed and curtsied to me in the manner which the energy in my body often preforms…

I am fully aware why It does that, It is not bowing to others, it is telling others that I am the one that they should bow to in recognition

( believe me I do not require anyone to boy to me, but I also understand the Eternal Energies in me and what they are converying… Recognize and Acknowlede and respect the God Particle in me as I have done in you all.)

I recieved the evidence and my conclusion today that that the Energies moving through Kyle Murphy and Jacqui Quanma’e Lewis recognize me and acknowledge that God Particle in me, but it was and is not the Human.

This of course, is of no surprise.

I am over 6′ 4-5… I am strong muscular and I have a dragon in me… Fire…

I am literally a Beautiful Assassin who has been forced to play the role of a Lamb in a play which everyone respects only Violence and Power… the baser humans of course… not all.

I command respect, and always have except when I have to intereact and Rescue and do the work’ with others, which requires a soft touch.

And then at the same time play the part of the upholder of the Eternal Laws…


And I am forced to post everything on Facebook.

People respect me.. those of the animal vibration in the Human because they sense the Violence I am capable…

They actually have no idea.. but they sense it.

But Familiariy breeds Contempt.

Igbo Anthony to the staff used to have a healthy respect for that inherent Violence while those of higher Vibration here sensed something deeper and did not respect the violence they sensed in me but something which was worthy of Respect.

But only when dealing with the lower base aspect of the Species..

But to illustrate the point that this was a set up…

When I came back there was Kyle Murphy, and Jacqui Quanma’e Lewis.. and Ant..

I had warned Jacqui to stay away from me, because i knew he would say something which would move me to a place where there was no coming back… for him.

But it was Kyle Murphy who was used by Nnamdi Terrible Death to illsutrate my conclusion… that there must be terror…

For that is all they respect.

They being that which all Humans of this Universe of the Animal nature not Humane nature respect.

I had come back, and knew that I wished to show not him, but that which moved in him My Sister and Father line that the concentric Circle… Circumct had manifested instantly an in perfect timing after I had paused at page 618.

F R…Yes, the great circumpunct.. and the universal symbol of Gd.. at the Cross Roads of America…

I had walked just a few paces behind me to find a ball with the concentric Circles….and the Circumpunct…

The significance of this is beyond profound… It means Instant Manifestation.

I also did not mention, that after completing the book I had walked a few paces down the road and saw a B.M.W Logo as a circle was lying there on the road….

I could not believe me eyes..

Still this play… even now…?

B M W…

Being of the Milky Way…

B Metropolitan Woods.

So when I came back and heard Kyle Murphy state that he had seen that image everywhere today.

Then tell me that he had read my posts.. and had understood that Anubis demanded a toll.. he quoted the Ferry Man… Not knowing I had complted that play with Joseph Carey…

12:33 p.m.

And that he understood the play of the 8 usd.. ( despite fact that I was spoon feeding him and had given evidence over and over again which he accepted that that which was moving him was not him- that he is not aware.

And thus can not take any credit for it…

But I also witnessed him make claims that he knew better that I did and made claim to the fact that he had watched in movies sich as the Originals and Supernaturals.. the play … which I have been decoding and explaining to him. to all of them on my page, through the air and each night as we spoke…

I watched him.. and then Jacquii Quanma’e Lewis joined in each aruging and as if they were Gods…

I was quiet inside but all i felt inside was the balckness of Anubis the real version rise in me and desire to swallow the whole…

Ghandi and Anthony kept quiet… G.A… Joshua Ant…

and Yuin was there .. Quiet… J A Y…

E J A Y…

Incredulously, I watched as the person called Derick who I described as the Lizard Line because of the way he bring sout his tongue who owed me 1 and then he siad 2 usd came over and with arrogance he would have never dared before..

I was quiet, I was fully aware that alot of the disrespect came because I had allowed ..or the play of the Lie.. the Evl’ Beyond had set up the play to use these Avatars and that the play had given people this sense of self importance.

I tried to keep myself light, as I observed the pattern of Disrespect which I had witnessed over and over again since East 4th street 268 with A Santana…

I was aware that they especially Kyle was no longer filled with that E-Spirit of God Particle and that what he had read here had raised his Ego Pride…

Have you notcied how none of these people as Avatars Descendants come here and speak…

I have invited all.. right to Jacqui and Robert… J R…

Ah the code Threat J R on the Golden Jersey…

Loose Lips… speaking about me behnd my back in tones which shift the distort the view of others…

Oh I am fully aware…

I take the Temperature all the time…

He gave me some chocolate Hersheys Cookie n Creme…

H CC… Harmony 33…

33rd Degree Mason.

He was fully aware of all the play but decided to make the stance…

And so I quietly walked up to Derick the Lizard Man who was smirking on the phone- no longer respectful because of the company I had chosen to keep because of the play script..

I then came back and after reminding Kyle Murphy of the words of Micheal Belle and that he carried the Curse of Cain…

and my defense of him which caused Micheal Belle to leave without telling me… for he was sure that he see was right.

It was and it was not… as long as Kyle did not stay in the stories he would be alright just as Jacqui constantly played the vanity of Lucifer…

None of them spoke to me like this before the play of interaction but it was also the play which is like a truth serum…

It brings out the Truth…

I knew that they did not fully realize what they were saying and doing but at the same time they did.

They had chosen to take my words lighlty becuase I did not enact out the Violence and the distance .. and manifest the Fear which they respect.

My truth and this entire play had become something like a childrens game…

We were equals.. I who had brought forth evidence facts.. lived the ultimate nightmare.

These three J R D… Q.K D… were representing that arrogance that they are equals and have no fear because no reason to fear had been given.

I am quiet…

But I said to Kyle Murphy just to be fair that he is aware that may the best man win and Kyle who said he had wished to speak to Billy Hung…

Oh I was fully aware of the veiled provocation… I have witnessed this throughout the last 12 years…

Since 2006.

May the Best man win I said

The best man has already won Kyle responded.

‘Where does he get the balls? Where do these two get the balls.. J R… Yes they are the Threat..

But they were used as Portals at which my sistter and father passed through…

How can these people make claim to superme beings – God Particles…

I have heard this over and over again through the years on Facebook book.

You are all my witnesses…

I had listened to Kyles state that he would have done something to bring Billy Home.. that he feels it…

Do people think that I am stupid… I am fully aware of of when people are speaking and hwne the God Particle is speaking.

I am fully aware of those who are speaking from Ego and Not…

I am the Source.. And the Source EE Despite this play f ofalice from my Brothers…

I have no brothers.. I have Equals…

And since they are Equals… And these ones Believe that they Are…

Then they must walk in my Shoes and prove it…

I know that they are in an animation and video game where my reality is seen as a Video Game.. but they as all the people in the last 12 years linked to Billy Hung 500 200 500… who already could read E B E… Total 1200…


But I have heard the Big Mouths for too long now…

Ant and Ghadi and Yuin kept quiet…

Yuin has head me in the room and the battle which takes place there… he chose.

I said to the Two of them To the Death.. to The Existential Death…

Sacred Portal 49… For I have given them all the intel..

They have been privey to all the data and I have checked thier Inteligence…

Let it be… It is not personal…

But if you wish to play the Big Boys Game… then each must take responsibility for the consequences..

This is the Shamans and Witch Doctors.. Evil and Cruelty beyond words… there is a world which exists like this.. the Demonic Realm is real…

Let them be sent there.. Father I.E Dragon Lord…

Laus Deo

Praise God…

Praise is my Name….

I have Raised the God Particle…

Just as the play in te Tv Room as Above and as Below..

I moved upsatirs in a quiet fury not for the Foolish boys but for this script which intentionally went this far knowing that this would happen and wshing to see how I would endure it…

These two cartoon characters have a chance to come back if they pass the test of terrible death…

He too is a Character in a movies… series…

Orignals Supernaturals….

O S//

Ogonna S Omocrafts

I accept the challenge of these two Men.. especially Kyle Murphy and I summon my response… from the depths of the Pit.

I met Randall Michael on tth 2nd Floor.. I believe he felt me fury..

Ra.. Jace called him Ra… I am Re Ra….

Derick the Lizard man came upstairs…

Ra apeared ..

I had told him that I will teaach him a lesson he will never forget…

older people in the shelter have witnessed what I can do and I never forget.

He moved to Igbo Antony to sell a metro card..

I saw beside Black Edward and Randall…

R E E…. On the other side was Don came and then Igbo Anthony…

Igbo Anthony threatened to Knock Derick out if the metro card was not okay and if he did not pay the dollar as promised if he foud the metro card faulty…

I called Derik out as a Liar..

Derick left and came back with a card which I am sure worked…

the threat of violecnce and my quiet growl.. that he is Liar which was followed by the Roar of Aya which came from within me twice…

igbo Anthony used to be terrified of that sound becaue he knew that it is not of this world…

But now…because nothing has happned to him after the play of the play of the game of thrones..

-But something did he was gravely ill… and I called off the wave saying to myself I had enough of this play and that these people are just foolish Avatars… Descendants.. ..

But they are not.. the are cause of the disease …

The God Particle.. Truth is Clean…

So is the E.

My Conclusion… give the Unclean the Horror they so crave.. give them pain misery disewase, Take out their spinal chords from them as they live, give them all thier imagnations created and respond to all thier Big Mouths.. all they said and uttered to me in challenge in quiet in thoughts in gossip in all manner..

Thise who gave let them have the in return equal to what they gave in return but let them be shut up in thier Video Game and Virtual reality and prove themselves My Equals.. that they dare speak in such expressions of challenge…

Then let them prove it as I did…

Let them find thier way out….

Grace to Ghandi and Ant…

Link Greg Dollins and Adam Dollins.

G A D D… 7 1… 44… My Balance.

I have heard Ghandi;s ‘Joshua’s expression to me…

each time pure..

each to acknowleded…

each time as Ant.. True.

This is my conclusion….

Power Vioence and proof of what I can do and manifest as Fear of God Eternal and for those who challenged…

Alpha Bet….

I challenge you… Show me.. prove to me you are Equals… send you with this post and these words to the pit…Perhaps then you will take The Lost Word…



1;46 p.m..

see my dark saide as Pire Rage and Hatred for Liars…Destroyr Doom.

1;47 a.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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