
11:49 PM

11:49 pm.

Sacred Portal 3.

They dared to go so far.. the alien council and the Beautifull Illusion children Babies 0-12. and there A-Lien link.

Do you see the two Olympian Goddess by HE.R, MY E A R S?

Athana Olympe and

Artemis Diana Aphrodite.

There is me as Paris at HER Adams Apple… Voice Box.

She E H; E R A.

Anove above me in the Pit ( so they thought where they had dragged me down) is me as Infinity eternity Immortality on her Crown and Brow.

Browbeat me to sub-mission would you by becoming Aboinable litter- monster of depraved bestial animal nature none of whom represents me, into a sub-mission as a yellow submarine when it was all about Greed and Gold. Kim. Aurelia.


and the Gway to the Garden of EDEN… A F K G…

11:58 am.

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