
11:48 pm. – There is a steady m

11:48 pm.

There is a steady marching sound I am hearing right here.

11:49 pm.

I understand.
It was 11:47 pm when I was prompted to check my page. and found that I have 2 New Facebook Friends.

If there is one thing, I can say for this script- it gave an unprecedented long leash to the Undead and unnatural.

11:51 pm.

The idea or notion that their existence will end in unprecedented doom a nightmare, is as far away from their thoughts of being hit by a car or train if they walked out the door tomorrow on their daily routines.

That, I suppose was the gift given to them, obviously not by me.

I understand.

John Mercedesz. J.M.

How can they, when this is the stuff of Legend and not science?

Art is Science.

But anyway.

I am now at 3540 Facebook Friends, and all Grace and mercy is long since gone, which is Manners, consideration, politeness thrown dramatically out the door.

But why believe me, when the illusion creates the idea and notion like a potion and spell in the modern-day reality, that Facts and Truth are not enough…

And all that I am coding and programming is simply just words typed and lived relayed on a Computer Screen.
And that the Source of Existence himself and his Eternal Harmony is nothing but a pipe dream.
After all, you have lived in this reality now, for thousands of years.

12:00 a.m.

I suppose that for many, it was work taking the Risk, to ignore what Intelligence and wisdom- Intellect is telling you.
Informing you.

But I hear you, and never before has the world experienced the End of the World, and not the way your saw or imagined with, of course, you made it so illogical that you convinced yourself that it was a legend, myth, and silly but interesting prophecy.

And worse, a Tall brown man, posting it, programming and coding it into existence, empirically and with proofs and facts… Living here like this.

I understand, but I really can not agree.

12:04 a.m.
A.B.O.D… I C.E.


I agree in one thing, that I do not like the idea of playing with my food, but apparently, cats do.

My mother drove Mercedez Benz cars.

J.M. M.

354O Facebook Friends.

A Tedious laborious script for sure, unexpected for most, I am sure.

My code age is 54. ED.

C E.D.O.
O.D.E. C.

12:10 am.

The meaning of the name J.M. M.
You do not really need it.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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