
11:47 AM

11:47 am

A very quick note..

I am seriously exhausted and over Impulsed and Stimulated by the this multi- dimensional play while at the same to posting.

I should not be posting anymore, but I demands are still being made, and the portal of E GA LA XY 1O 11. C I…

Is, just as this process is way too slow.

I have explained and explained what is going on to the point of my own fatigue?

And provided All the Evidence too the point of distraction.

But this is not a Human Play, at least not of this Plane of Human Consciousness

Every single person I have interacted with was for the purpose of this play…

I was directed to them- and a play was already set up without they being aware,

All of you, including myself are Avatar Descendants being moved by either this inherited reality, ancestral Dna through Sound but All are moved by the E

Eternal Energy Expression your first rising in Existence.

This was the last play of you each being the Embodiments and Examples. either of the E line, N line (Naturalness) or the Illusion Nature and City..

Both representing the illusion of Duality

Good and Evil but really both being one and the same… An extension of the other.

That I am still here at Delta Manor, despite my reading and knowing exactly where we are in the play


18+ 5… 23.. 5

56 11…1

47-74… 11 11. 1 1. 1

The Process has been made so slow and convoluted that one knows that this is not of Natural Creation which is efficient and moves to the point harmoniously.

I also wished to mention that the reason for my solitary Existence was not a choice but I noticed in my twenties that no matter how I tried to stay connected with so many people I had worked with, this wave would move me to the next and the next person…

It has been like this since 1989…

And even more speeded up.

I also realized that the more I did the Work the further away I went from the plane where most of Humanity.

I went so High.. To the Apex and to my astonishment was asked forced to come down (i refused) but I had to come down and then explain step by step, and prove the Dimension of E and R and I…



Yes the Nri and Celts

N C.

There is a vast reservoir of information I have had no time to share because of this Play Theater Simulation evolution from Story to Video Game has been so demanding made even more so by my physical condition

Original Angel..

Observing Acting

Interacting Speaking

Explaining and Fighting Evil

The Mis understandings and the very impossibility of my own Existence and my being stripped of all my former abilities to prove this as the most ordinary man.

I have no idea when I will see Rob Barr again, or any of the lines I had met.

But when I do they will be forever changed, evolved through Épiphanie

Awakening to Alpha Omega Awakening.

I have sustained the Truth of the Evolved Humanity since I was 8.

And lived it consciously for 27 years.

I can not even now conceive of how such a burden could be placed on a person and has caused me the greatest questioning and even denial of This being Real.

This Way, This Play to Game to Video Game.

The E are a Fact

But it is only recently that I have come to finally accept this as Real.

Because I can read it.

It makes sense

But it is not Human…

And thus, makes no sense.

12:27 p.m.

I do not wish to post, or even speak..

My greatest wish is for Quiet and Space but still this is denied even now now and so I am trapped in the Beautiful Truth which I find I can not deny and since I can not deny it, and Death of Body eludes me,

I am still trapped in the Horrendous Battle with the Lie of the Evil in Existence translated and projected on to me and in me.

A battle with both the Lie and the Truth testing me and my intentions now that These Two Awareness know that I am truly who this Conversation Echo on Face Book which was set up to determine the Truth of my I.D. rather than to the Intel I have been sharing.

And what would I do with my knowledge of having accessed and activated the Source Codes

And Records Codes …

I made that abundantly clear

I would activate the enforcement of Eternal Law and True Cause Effect

Justice Consequence…

Which I have done

Despite all that was done out of Fear and inherited mistrust to stop me.

I am Fair.

Unlike what was done to me and my Line

I have 31usd

On the dollar bill- change from the marked 100 Usd bill from Rob

Is another code

# F D MUSIC. CINQ… Which means

Five in Frenc.. Cinq

F D is 6 4

Sixth Sense Fact Delta

Link Fred Delshad

Serial number

B. 67040628 F


2 6

See sacred portal 100

Pan (Rob Barr) 100 usd


Cupid C U.P. ID

With Music from the 5th Dimension


Consciousness Eros rose with Music Harmonies

100% of the Brain

12:51 am

So much for Quick note

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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