
11:46 p.m. – 11:47 pm. – I am at

11:46 p.m.

11:47 pm.

I am at 4576 Facebook Friends.

Sacred Portal 45 & 76.
Throne of Existence 45.
76. The Ist 123 Cock Sure of the First Dawn Awakening.

11:49 pm.

I will say nothing, because of my anger frustration, and contempt for this last chapter, L.C for this means of Coding and Programing my E.K Proof, and Evidence AY is better I remain Quiet. Silent.

Kyle Young K.Y.

Ella Amber E.A.

Breanna Annett B.A.

The message.

11: 54 p.m

K.Y. E.A. B.A.

First Letters.


Last Name First Letter.



B. E.K.


Evidence AY

11:56 pm

5+6=11.=1. =B=2.

11:57 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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