
11:45 p.m.

11:45 p.m.

5-11- 2018….

@ 1139 Face Book Friends

The Day began with the Play of the arrival of Kyle Murphy

( the view of two face book friends rep backwards as Marty Kyle Marty Kyle.. M.K.. To K.M…R K M…. R.M…)

As my 11 39th Facebook Friend.

11 is Letter K… ( A-A) 39 3=C. 9=I..

K C I…. 3 33 333….36.. 6 is 9… 36 360…O… 9=I

J K H.in Harmony to Infinity was played out here in at Delta…

Jacqui Quanma’e Lewis Representing the J…10.. 1O.. Ten


Kirtana Locket…K.L….K.T.. * Though I call him K2.. 11 11..

J K…H.

After I spoke to Jace Horsford and we arranged to meet for tomorrow at 11…

11 39….

Kyle Murphy Is seated now besides me…

What is the true Murphys Law….? It is not that everything which can go wrong, goes wrong…

It is What will be will be… you can not stop it…

Becauase it already is…

11:59 p.m…. Link Billy Hung Car Liscence Plate B E D.. 5900..

Bed 5-009 was occupied by Anthony Malgren..A.M.. ( Nnamdi’s Energy.. recognition room 5A…) Code C.V.

When Quanma’e Lewis Jacquii told me the story of the Woods..

Steve Woods.. S.W.

Will Woods W W….

Rebecca Harper Wood R.H.

What I did not post was it linked 2010 when I was in this same area ( near the Bronx Zoo.. B Z) Pelham Bay Park, which Fritz Venneiq led me to, after I was forced to leave 268 East 4th street after 4 years of a form of Imprisonment ( much as Delta Manor where I could not leave until it took place naturally with the Wave of Cause Effect)….

That is the Venue I experienced with Fritz Venneiq. a Light show of Light landing in swirls streaks emerging even from my fingers as well as outside which I instantly recognized as the Family of E landing.

We also observed the Awakening of Nature acted out by us both with Fritz playing sleeping Nature and me the Awakening Nature.

* Fritz and I had conversed and I had shared and spoken from a supreme hieght- and he had then fallen asleep and then woke up later having had the most extraordinary lucid voyage and experience of Nature as it really is This worlds expression of Nature is a poor, poor version od what really is… ‘

12:12 a.m.

Thus, this adds to the Truth of not only Billy Hung’s experience as being fact that we are in a Universal Simulation of the idea of having left the Garden Of Eden.. Paradise..

Cain Eden


* Kirtan Locket was wearing a Blazer with the Letter N on it.

N is 14.. Jacquii left first and then I stayed and Kiran stayed…

Emeka Kiratan… E.K… The Date.. 5 11… Today ( was today)

Kolo Locket…. E.L..

tic tac toe…

E L…. Elvis Lorenzo…



K L…

L E 17… Q ( 8.. H)

K E 16 P ( 7 G

E E 55 The One Constant E C.-H. 1O.. Full Circle A O

L K….. 23… W ( 5.. E)

Transformer down strair in this Simulation Play S.P…

(Sacred Portal)… In the Court Yard..

T Y C…

12:21 a.m right now…

Yuin Chen was also present when I came in seated in the Back Court yard..

He offered me a ME VI US Chinese Cigarrette as I passed by- he always insists..- on my way to thw Twinswearing Black and Red’

*Orion / Noir O… Correct Code… T V 6O1…See post today Black Label… Code is O.. R… I O N… E….

Full Circle Robert…I O N….E

P W Q B….

P.. People..

-Patrick Okolo Patrick means Noble Aristocrat

Q Means Quantum….

-Quanme means Spring Transformer

W is World.. Double U.. ( 21 21… 42.. 24.. 242… Jace Horsford age 24.. 242 8.

-W IS double V in the langauge of the French ( France means Free Person means.. Double V.. 22 22.. 44… 8)

Be is Being.. 55 is 10 Balance… Being Balanced literally means Still.. See the symbol of Libra which Jacquii Q represents..

1O… A O… E E..Constant

55 squared is 55555… 25.B E Y…

12:35 p.m.

The Director here at Delta is Named Bey… which means MR in Turkish… Randall Michael W.. * The W means that there are Two… Rms…. Robert Murphy… (Kyle Murphy)

R M.. 18 13.. 31… x 2… 62.. F B.. F.A..C..E B O O.K.

RR 18 18… 36.. 36 usd from Billy Hung B.H… 360.. O…

( Lion King.. Kiran Locket. K L… Animal world Inverse world is the true Alternate Universe.. not this non Existent Altered Universe- the Blue Print, just as my Expression on Face Book is the Eternal Constant… E C.. 5 3…H 8… Constant.. E C H O..E)

MM… 13 13… Played out at MW… Woods Metropolitan…1385… 1313… 26.. 8… 26/62…

This brings the equation to Summetry… it was acted out…

We are in the City.. Metropolis… The :Landing took place in the In Pelham Bay Park, but not the Woods.. It was surrounded by the Woods to one side which I later had to go into after I staked some terriroty there after Fritz Venneiq left at the end of July.. 7.

I stayed from August to Early October… 8 10…

Then was led by John Shaw to Marina Burini and Tom Trueman…

It was played out on a Knoll, a clearing outside of the Park, separated by a High Way and on all sides the park on one side and the Woods…

But the actuall landing was on a clearing between the Two and th

I left some of my things at the Wood outskirts and told Fritz Venneiq before he left that by observing my Naturalness, I could see that I was going to have to come back…

Which I learned in hindsight, to rescue some One, some line from the Woods and bring them back to EDE N Paradise….

2010… 8 years…

J K H… E J K H… I O I I.. C I… E.

12:59 p.m.

Forced to Proove Harmony to the Forgetful, to the Angry who had the whole time, the Key that they were not living in the Real World..

An Animee said Quanma’e Lewis as I spoke about the I and I..

And that the illusion is that White Supremacists as well as Black Supremacists were controlling the Worlds play but it is really the I and I linked to the Infinite Indivual Source of Infinity..


Exemplfication Of Infinity… Naturalness… Not Nature…


NN A.M… D.I…

B Mean Be… and Being is Doing….


B Q W P… Transformation… To…

Beautiful Spring Transformation ( S T… REET… CAR NAMED D.E S I R .. E.. 1920.. 39… Kyle Murphy’s Intell from his Big Brother was correct – but he did not realize that it would lead to a literal H.U.E Man Being … Himself.. and paying the Ultimate price for it.. The Crossing Guard Crucified day and night through Spirt Thoughts Mind Intention Torture for simply showing the Way….


Reason and Desire…

They are speaking about this on a movie Bean just put on with a young James Caan..

Where he is lecturing on the philosopher who arugued that 2 +2= 5..

And that he was aurging that point on Sheer Will,

Will Hunnitpercent Real.. 100%….

Desire which abandons all Reason..

Hmm… but I can prove it that in reason that itr makes 5…

Because you all ways have to Add Expression. that Invisible but oh so visile and fundamental factor that to percieve is to be Conscious and to be conscious is to see Expression..

Consciousness is piercing the wall to see Expression… the point,

See the point where the Four sides of a box converge… at the center.. forming at the Apex Convergence of for adjoining, linked Right Angled triangles from the Apex… 90-4..

I O D…

D I O…

Is that point of Convergence or Divergence….

Is the it the 5th point or the First…

Does it not depend on ones point of View… ?

Of course, we know through Logic and Reason that it must come first, but we understand it here, by creating a Box.. Having the 4 lines…

and the Circle… we have the X and the Cross which helps us locate the Centered Central POINT…

C P… And when we pierce it we are made aware that something exist beyond.. The Origin Meaning Expansing and the Embodiment and the Eternal Infinite awareness and understanding why it is the point… Ah.. Oh.. one should have never forgotten…

Yes I went back to get Justice Balanced…

J B… Jacquii Quanma’e Lewis is a Libra.. which is stillness Balance… Nature Morte.. Nature Indifferent to Human Existence :See one seen them all come and go.. It says?

Ah but no.. Nature is simply that Stillness but it is in motion and motion as balance means before there was 44.. Duality or two sides..

There was 8…Infinity, twin expression of Energy, E.I..

Brought into Existence by Expression of an Individual who has had, embodied All possibilities and Rose with the Only One which brought Eternal Harmony Manifest Expression..

After All 4 is 5… And to all 1.. which is 5… all One..



I added this post because I am still here at Delta Unseen Unheard… So I added one more….


K M,,,

R R Are II.. I and I….IIIIIIIIII 36… 9…I… 360..O…

M M… 13 13… 26… 26 8… ( 4th Street.. 268 Alpha Bet City Lower East Side)

O I 8… I O 8… I O I… 101% 101 Bed at Delta Manor What goes beyond 100%.. Add expression as One… as 5… 1O5.. As E.. add E.

RM… 31.. 4

KM… 24….6 …

RR 9…


See my IDT Card Sec Number.. 21 98…

See sacred portal 46… 6 4…. F D… Fifth Dimenson….

It is not feeding the World with Food – as a physical rep which the World required.. but Food For Thought..

Food of Divine Inspration.. D.I..

Indivuality Defined…

I.D.. E….

Expression E.. The Eternals, the E.T…E L… TE… L E… VISON Watchers from Beyond came before the Chilcren of Nature Humans called Naturals, they were and are being guided by the E.. Eternals…

No one was pulling the strings behind the Viel, because I have incontestable evdence that you have Choice Free Wll and even the power to ct the connection, the Ubilical Chord- Pull the Plug .. Matrix style…

But E are.. is still wathing because you can not put or cut the power off of what you did not create…

E Power is Constant…



The Light Bulb going off Billy Hung that was not all in your head mind..

It was stimulated a conversation from and with the Source. an infinite energy source which can wake even the Existenyially Dead- Proving that they never died.. where just made still.. in coma, stasis…

Infinity Harmony came first… And that is the Power It the E have.. to make you Still…. In stuck in Stillness of no motion no TIME… Just the illusion of it. Until Harmony is Understood.. or cease to Exist…

John Wick…

J W…

J V V… 10 22 22…. 54… 45… 9… I.

1:53 a.m,


E.L… T R ..

1 54 am

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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