
11:43 p.m.

11:43 p.m.

7-9-9… 79 9..Sacred Portal 79 Blue Print of Existence 9=I.

(G.I..I.. Gi means to Hold- and something has got a hold of the side of my stomach which I have been fighting to free myself from.. A truly physical grip, which is twisting my entire body and has bee ab epic battle.. Death Grip…

But actually represents Grace Is Infinity)

9-7-9…97 is Sacred Portal Light of the World linked to Alexander Hamilton.. A.H.. Alexander means Defender of Man or Humanity.. H his Harmony.. Defender of Humanities Harmony…. A-H..1-8.. Red in Spectrum to 8 O.. Evanescent Transparent Light… E.L.T.. Called White Light… W.L… L.W

Luke Wilson

Laurie Washington both were of the Assessment Shelter..

979…Hence is Evanescent Light Expression brought forth the Blue Print of Existence… Full Circle…

12:43 p.m. edit

I.G.I… (Igi means Breech Baby in an African Language.. born bottom First.. )

But in E code it means Infinite Grace Is…I

Link Evan ALexander Judson

Please note thee time code..11:43 a,m

It’s relevance is for the near future, when everyone will have to apply these codes to solve their riddles of Existence..

After, of course, the Truth of My Equations of the Source Code Manifest…

as Eternal Truth for the Entire Planet to see.

Sacred Portal E= True Life…T.L..20 12.. 32…Erik Ebright.. B.C..Beautiful Consciousness.. not B.C as the past but rather the Back.

Nor the Computer Matrix Dos..

But Dos Back in French..

Link Donna O’Sullivan..DOS…

See Sacred Portal 55… E.E…

3+2= 5…


See we have moved from 741 Face Book Friends to 7 42.. 7 is Beautiful Death.. B.D..42.

7 43.. 7 is Sacred Portal E True Life…B.C.E

7 44…7 is Balance of the Full Circle of Existence..

Represented in the Play by Ikem Okolo..Patrick Okolo tel. No 4-43..

and Dean Dunkwu..D.D..44..

Representing the idea of Parallel Universe…of Life And Death..

LAD…Which I have proven by passing through both of their portals, that they are really passing through mine, or that which I am representing as the Eternal Truth Eternal Law…


Played out yesterday…

I met up with Ikem,…at almost 5 p.m…

We had arranged to meet at 4;00 p.m.

But as I waited, I knew what I already knew, that this was a play,

where there is a choice of course, but it was set up.

Ikem had texted me on July 22 and again in July 27.. and finally September 1st at 6:31 p.m.. though for some strange reason I received the text on the 31st of August…

September 1st, is 9-1-9….S.I.S…Sis..but according to this play script..S.I..S..S..I.S.. (Staten Island..Supreme.. Si Y.E.S.. Yeshua..

S..IS..Supreme IS… Di means Is in OINri Igbo…

S.Di…Santana Dharma…Eternal Law… E.L..

12:12 p.m.

I hope he does not mind, since this play is not personal to anyone, but rather what each has been chosen to represent in a Unseen/Seen play of Humanity Meriting And Earning, M.A.E..

/E..A.M..Evolution A.M…Dawn…

By the choices they make to take note of the play each chosen representatives were given as their life’s.

And which to incarnate..

The Truth despite the difficulties one may encounter in living your Divine Revelations in this reality.. and following it.

Or that of conforming to this world.

Which most did…

Not real judgment here as blame, just the Observation and then the consequences of doing this for the entire world.

As most were aware, I do not really pay attention to the Ego Distortion called Peoples Idea;s of themselves they project to others.. but rather I am listening to their Spirits and to the E consciousness speaking through them, which is why they have no real right to take anything personally.

The are simply Avatar Descendants (A.D..After Death ..Shadows), whom, I have sought as much as I could, to bring to the persons awareness of their being in a play where they must become Fact, solid Energy by living their Truth which exists beyond this Current Consciousness- which contains no Current- Electricity…Life.

Only Currency as Money.

Only by being that truth and choosing the E Consciousness Truth as their focal of their awareness can they become real after death.. and hence materialize After Death.. with only my Mother, having successfully passed that test.. just…

Because each representative of this World, I was lead to chose to place their focus and attention on this None Existent realm of the Material….

As you can see, from the play and todays post, I shared from me New Face Book friend 42 and 44..

It is about Friendship…

The test of friendship with God..

Which is the Covenant God made with Man.. Which is marked in nearly all currencies.. The Dollar states In God we Trust the Pound Sterling

All current coins carry a Latin inscription whose full form is ELIZABETH II DEI GRATIA REGINA FIDEI DEFENSATRIX, meaning Elizabeth II, by the grace of God, Queen and Defender of the Faith.

Elizabeth means Gods Oath and Vow.. God is satisfaction…

Grace of God.. Alexander means Defender of the Faith…

See sacred portal 97.. Light of the World which by the way is todays date…

12:43 p.m contd.

Obviously, there is some great hypocrisy here, and one of the excuses given as to why in this play, I could not earn or receive my own money, but instead having to get it through others, who gave at their discretion, and of the value and appreciation of my E Consciousness demonstration, which I was forced through the consciousness Devil.. God, (The One true D.E..V..IL..De Vine Infinite Limitless True One forced to play an hideous rendition of the idea of G-7th the Highest Frequency and Spectrum Expression the note of Ti.. and Color Violet…

Here is the quote from Ikem…

You have been on my mind all these years, primarily for two reasons. I’ve always thought as my mind expanded that at one, I was less of a friend that could have been. That has always bugged me, and I would like to say that to you.

Secondly. and without , and without knowing it/ I think you influenced me greatly in our young boarding school days, to see the Beauty in this life..

This was the message which popped up, recorded here on Face Book, which I was Allowed to see..

And was I responded to this, I had no interest in the past..

One has just got to go back to this transcript to see why, made self evident by the expressions on this page by Emeka Mbonu and Osista Nwabude, and others who had ridiculed my expression on Face Book.. And my work on the riddles of Existence..

I left Nigeria, cutting my ties forever from my association with an experience which was always cruel, and so full of conceit, experiences of great hurt, and betrayal when I had felt only a great love for it…

I will always love the beautiful part of it, but my experience of it was enough for me to right in 1988-9 the piece Good bye My Beloved Africa… Good bye as in Forever…

But perhaps the extremity of this play lasting so long, and the expression of Ikem, moved me to at least wish to see him/.

Though I knew it was part of a play, a test for him, them…

I recalled the sign floating on the Lamp post…

Beware of Sentimentality….

I did not need to be warned.

Dean Dunkwu had already passed the Test of the Unseen Realm with flying colors…Right to the meaning of his name.

Patrick Okolo test I knew was that he had to prove that he was, as he had signed his name.. The Other Ikem Okolo…

I.O…I am since 1989.. Emeka Kolo…or I.K…11 9/9 11.. 20..T..Truth,

But since this was set in Boarding School 1978-1982…

I was still Ikem Okolo.. Middle Name.. (N.O.M..E) to his First Name…


Meaning I would have to Mirror him as I.O.. as andhe would have to Mirror me.

I have already been accepted through the Eternal Truth play by Luke Simon.. As Professor of Beauty, and Doctor Love- Love being the ability to Express Cee Truth… E,CT…to Infinity…

By my seeing and recognizing every single person I had meet in the last 15 yeas, indeed 27 years Eternal Truth and their I.D.. Right to Face Book…

1:13 p.m.

..and out of 7 Billion people and 2 Billion (2.with 9 Zero’s really Full Circles.. 29)

I had healed people of illnesses which modern medicine had not been able to heal…

I had diagnosed the Illness in the World, Affecting Human Consciousness Being Awareness.. and Devoted my Existence to finding the cures by going to the root cause of the Worlds Illness and Madness…

I had walked through All Human experiences, played the role of Nri Warrior of Peace..

And I had played the roles imposed upon me as Professor of Beauty, by sharing educating and even Teaching Against my Nature.. I do not Teach Preach of give Advise and Lecturing about Beauty..

That G.O.D is Beauty.. proving it even through Arithmetic Mathematical.. O.E.I…As Eternity Infinity…

Through Empirical applications…

And through 7-7 Rainbow Colors, To Sound Vibration and Solfeggio

Through Reason to Sixth Sense..

I had gone where I was led to… way, way out of my comfort Zones.. to the Green House, to the most dangerous Hoods Ghettos of New York, to the Streets, To sleeping with them in Parks and even to an assessment shelter…

I had charged nothing, but left people to contribute at their discretion…

And suffered a poverty beyond poverty, for I owned nothing, and for the last 15 years have not been able to buy anything on my own accord…

A normally supreme insult to me personally and one which I would never have condoned.. if it was not for the Cause I was effecting..

Equation of Evolution and thus becoming what luke Meaning Light Bringer.. and Simon. Has Heard.. Listen to the light bringer, he has heard..

An Article which reached my Aunt Priscillia who sent me her number in Chicago…

All this I have done with my body twisted from that which Doctors I went to see in the Two major hospitals in New York could not see yet which a medical assistant in the E.R. had incredulously seen and exclaimed at the doctors that which was not only accurate but what was I was literally going through.. at least physically..

Ikem had later remembered that my Father had been a Professor and head of Department….

I knew Ikem was meant to pass through my Portal because I had already embodied everything my Father was from the idea to Evil and transformed it into back into Beautiful Truth, to his dream of studying Human medicine, to his success in the West World as a validation of all that had been denied him…

Now embodied Ikem…

My Father had been a Shamen Dibia… belonged to secret sects, was a speech master, Black belt.. and my mothers twin…

All this I had done to reach Patrick Ikem Okolo… made obvious by the dates he first contacted me on Face Book…

7-22..2016.. To 7-27-9.. Full Circle…

*Recall I had come back from the 27th State, Sunshine State, Erik Ebrights, fully aware that it was my Bio Father as James Maurice… Transformation.. That Erik Ebright had nothing wrong with him- he representing my brother Nnamdi Evolving to the E line, but his Father had interfered with his process..

But only after I got to Erik Ebright first in 2006 May.. and spoken with him just before his Father arrived and carted him of to a Mental Hospital..

Which Erik testified that I or my existence had given him strength to fight the courts and be the first patient in that Hospitals History to win the case…

I knew that there was nothing wrong with Erik. or Nnamdi or his Original Evolved state.. or myself..

That the Bio Father had interfered with an excuse, or getting what they wanted at all costs..

Using whatever means necessary to get it.,

An illusion of flesh dictating the will to Nnamdi learning to be separated from his big brother..

Kidnapped by his Bio father, as extortion manipulation…

I looked at Eril Ebright story, with his elder brother Robert who was rendered Camotose and docile by the father, and Erik set to go through the same fate, if it had not been for my intervention…

All played out here on Replay here on Face Book.. them myself Kicked out back to face more of the play of testing in in the Assessment shelter for 6 weeks…

Through Micheal Prunty to Patrick I.Okolo…

M.P…P.O…Patrick Okolo P.M…Sun Set… The Setting Son.. Sun…

See motif of the Federal Government College Enugu…Rising Sun.. Knowledge..

How then I wondered could he pass through my portal…?

When I had incarnated that which he could see, that by not fulfilling his very first promise..

Written in the text to me…

Or his coming to the Shelter to Pick me up..

Or his calling me at the prescribed times and failing to do so..

Then coming late.. an Hour late to someone who had spent hours briefing him, through texts..

Who was living in a Assessment Shelter, with ex cons, drug addicts, and all manner of neings- doing the the work.. Who could barely afford a coffee, sleeps only few hours a night, has neen working 2/7 on the Source Codes before a world asleep and so unapreciated and unacknowledged that my name was dragged in the mud for so many years, that at one point my Mother could not leave the house for the derision given to me…

And through all this crucfixition.. I had not seen one person from Nigeria come to my aid…

Not even my own siblings…

And here I was in this place fighting for him to see e.. just a little so that he had a chance to pass through the portal of After Death…


1:53 p.m.

How could I tell him, that he had lost before he had even begun, because he texted me at 4:21 p.m…(4 U… D.U…David U.. Beloved You… B.Y..U.E.S…Upper East Side…)

And again at 4:37 p.m… D.C.,G.. bed 007…

That when he finally arrived a few minutes to 7…

That he had failed the test of E.. Which Dean had passed with such ease…

A Very Busy Man..

A V.I.P..

..I have no doubt about that in this reality…He is seen I am sure by many as a Great Man… At 49- he is Chief of Dept of Endoscopy…

At John Hopkins University….Ivy League….

E.N.D..O.S..Copy…… APE Rose.. Ape means to Copy..

But copy Who and is is the Copy and the Original… Sigh…

In this world he is a great man.. perhaps…

and to others, I am a nobody.. a fool who willingly goes to An Assessment shelter 3 times… Who endures the ultimate ridicule, insult..poverty…

But perhaps to a few, I am somebody…

But I am definitely Some Body.. The Sum Body..

The Sum of Being in my realm the World of E..

E Realm…

Even if in tis world I am seen as worthy not even the outrage of how can beings such as he be in a Assessment Shelter… With a body morphing and twisting as something is seeking to rip his Stomach.. Gastroenterologists…Stomach and Liver… which is where the doctors in Paris treated me… Where Lisa Levine head a boy trapped…

The place where my Colon…

Jordan Colon is so twisted…

Liver is Cleansing and Colon is Evacuation….



And even as last night my Stomach and Liver went into such overdrive of Pain…

I smiled as I gritted my teeth..

This evil play of creating something Wrong when there is nothing wring with me..

Just an Evil Consciousness of the World, Uwa,.The Animal Doctors, Dibias Witch Doctors Shaman.. Shame of Man.. trying to create the illusion of Something is wrong .. when there is nothing wrong with me, E, Creation, Existence Universe..

Just the seeing the wrong way… intentionally so that you can see yourself greater or as great men and women.. Equal to the E…

When it was never a race or contest…

It was all about a festival of Paylasmak..

A Festival of Sharing…

2:15 p.m.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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