
11:43 p.m

11:43 p.m




A.T M. E..

I was about to make something to eat, Michael Bennett arrived.

To make manifest the E Quantum Leap Jump Change Transformation from Death as the End to Beautiful Death Prince of Darkness, Beautiful Transformation based on you enacted embodied truth.

( can lie there when you transform into what you really thought and acted out and expressed from)

.. I have to respond to each new Facebook arrival until the alignment of The Script, Echos in perfect alignment to my Expression Post Script.

What on your Mind

Facebook Interface.

The perfection of alignment brings the Quantum Jump Leap Jump Change Transformation..

And I will not have to post anymore, using my Expression which literally transform into Energy which then summons you, the Avatar Messenger to respond- unaware of the play on my page and the perfect timing of your response

The fuel is my Expression Attention Focus and Awareness..

Which is why I never have time to eat rest ..or sleep.

Awareness does not shut off when you are open accessible 24/7, that you are in a play which transform, by using your own equation a world to an inconceivable ( to you of course) of this world back to the Consciousness Beauty

The E form of expression.

No, there is no rest.. but now, there is Peace and Serenity, it is done, people can see even if they do not completely understand and accept what they are reading imbibing energetically by me on this forum my Expression is in Harmony with.


Has 163 Face Book Friends

I am at 1263 Facebook Friends

Sarah Kaizer friends since before they were born ( mothers where friends pregnant together) Steven M was born 6-3- 88

She 6-30- 88.

I contacted her at 6.-3 believing it was her birthday.

It’s 27 days later)

27th Esteban Miguel Filgueira moved me here.

63 is Full Circle

First Contact

Sacred Portal 63. Solomon an E T from Atlantis and Queen of Sheba From the Abyss as the Arabian Dessert.

His date of Birth

C K.. 1992. S I B

The year I went home through the Portal of Death My brother lover, Beautiful Death

And met my portal Home a Full Circle of light

The same story manifested now here..


First Contact.



Manifest Being

Manifest Body..

M. +2 B

13 2. 15. Letter O

15. 6

66. 12. 3

6 3

Through Sixth Sense so all can see6 6 6 through reason it manifest 24 X from the Shadows of Doubt to manifest Facr

For all to See And Be Conscious of

Feelings Sensational

Informing all 5 sense, that yes.

It is Real.

See please the meaning of his name..

And yes thread

The data

The date and time of this post, beginning and end.

12:10 pa.m.

12 L

10 J

22 V done

12 +1 O

13. 6. F


Manifests Facts

12:12 a.m right now





144. 9

16 9



Perfection Attained

12: 13 a.m

Lynne McTaggart


Y .E B

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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