
11:41 p.m.

11:41 p.m.


I took a pause and had to truly examine my feelings and the facts of this Case.

And I have to say No, to this present Arden.

He is not of Me.

The Arden within… yes.

The Arden I met 8-29-2019. yes.

The Arden who I met the first day Yes…

The Arden I see and speak to alone.. yes.

The Arden I see and have gotten to know.. yes.

But all other Versions … especially the One Recently Present…

The answer has to be No.

Yes, I know that he has fulfilled all the requirements and is in perfect harmony with me.

But C is Communication

C is Conversation C Is Present.

and C is Naturalness…

Courtesy and Respect….

Harmony Infinity is Equality…

11:56 p.m

I base my decision on our present day interactions and the codes of Eternal Law.

And the feelings of this play, and what its has generated with all the understanding of his point of view.

I have to reject this current version ..

This I suspect was even required, my making this decision knowing that what moves him is my truth I have expressed to the World rises from inside the body and becomes One in the Present.

He has done nothing wrong, and his Harmony is The Truth of who we both be and represent.

Eternal to the Present

But Consciousness is Love…Truth.

And Awareness is Action.

Expression Naturalness is not prompted by me, constantly.

And so this confirms the great battle of awareness and choice each must make…to Express. Explain, Communicate Truth =Love.

And that the E rise from within and transform.. this is how Humanity transforms.

From Within.

I am the Defender of Man.

Alexander and have done all the work to ensure all rise.

Appreciation Gratitude Respect is Articulated and not hidden or concealed to pursue Ones own Agenda no matter if it is in Harmony with the Script Play.

If the Script play is unfair, there must be a Protest -Response.

All of these things this Youth did do at some point.

And yes I have also witnessed the decomposition.

I am the Source off the E consciousness and thus the being of Beautiful Pride.

Beautiful Truth.

12:20 a.m..

He and his friend just came in…

You see this is a play, 12:20 is the code for Love Truth.

And he just came in.

It means that he was programed or moved to arrive just in Time.

Yet what is Loves Truth, but the Feelings Sensational it makes one feel inside.

So this, is for me a play where Nothing is real except the Truth which resides and exist within.

This is my final decision, i am not interested in Codes or games or people being moved by some force, it is about how we make each other feel.

baby child teen youth man… woman it does not matter…

Love Consciousness is are based on Expression Feelings..

And this is as far as i go to accept this as a play.

12:25 p.m.

Only that which is Real

Is Expressed and not held in or back.

And so, I suppose this is the Enders Game Finale…

My answer is Yes for his inner truth

And No, to what I have witnessed and experienced of this play in which he was used…

And made aware with nothing changed.

12:29 p.m

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