


Sacred Portal 113.


See what it reads..

See the Hands

In Cold Blood..

Truman Capote…

See the Water Resevoir

Rob Barr recall your photo of my hand up there at Joseph Carey’s Home

Joseph and his Mother Miriam..

Joseph still has the Mask I gave him.to hold, my Sacred Portals and Last Manuscript..

I asked for them back and he refused..


Poisoned Water


Poisoned Knowledge..

Poisoned Life…

Please go back and read the Story and our play with Weed

And Geoff Lacours from St Berths warning of betrayal by J Carey..

Truman Show?

And the play with Richard and the John of the Dark.Elves line and his transferring of his poison to me in front of Richard…

He dealt in weeds and was dying painfully of Cancer..

His refusal.to acknowledge a Black Source..

It goes on….

Joseph is part black brown ancestry Mother line Caribbean

He lives opposite The Bean Cafe…

J M. Mother and Son..

Both look totally white…

I passed through that portal

There is always Beauty in people that is not the point

It’s about with Wolf you chose to feed in the end..

Will Hunnitpercent Real

Eric Lile Brown

Tree Sage

Stephen Johnson

John Mack..

Water ..

I still drink from.the Tap..

11:51 p.m

Devils Advocate

I Be…

D A. V. I D. E..



11:52 p.m

K.E B.

I.rest my Case.

Murder He Wrote..

M.H W..

An Awakening


And just moments before a planned Betrayal


11:53 p.m

A A. E C..

I See in the Dark


11:54 p.m

A A D E.

K E. D A V. IDE.

I knew my things were meant

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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