
11:36 pm. – I have another Face

11:36 pm.

I have another Facebook Friend.


Obviously “The Gate is Still Open’ when it should have been Long since closed.

Arinze Umeano 40 Mutual Facebook Friends.

S.P 40.

Kendo Ibe, 0 Mutual Facebook Friends,
Hence 40+ Zero.

May I remind you that Liberty C is at 42 Facebook Friends & Kim Arthur Hinds Jr is at 47 Mutal Facebook Friends.

42+47= 89.

1989. That is when I had Left Africa Behind me- and began Takk the Journals called “Talking To The Silence.
T.T.T.S= 79.

7.9 billion people on Planet Earth World.

/97 John Mack that was here, on the 3rd Floor in 2019 left here after 5+ months on 5-27-2019.
So, it begs the question that why am I still here?

I just completed a code representing Stephen Johnson who already stated “Attained Perfection” way back When I was in Jesse Macias Orejuela portal- 5 mutual Facebook Friends.

11:47 pm.

And had already attained my 64 portal and met Arden Gemino.
Ferrill, Leander, and of course the always at least then, Jeron Sataya. Supreme Lang.

Stephen is now at 28 Mutual Facebook friends.

What then caused the delay in not only communication, connections…
Who caused the Meddling and Interference.
And what agreed to allow it and wrote this script.
The Source O.

Yes, I noted that code on the Door Jamb the first days of my arrival here, on 10-23-2020.

10-23= 33.
Is that not where I- We are right now on the abacus counter, 15+ months after my arrival?

Who programmed this Lie for me to correct and align to its intent, no matter what it might have done to me personally, and what power, agreed, allowing this to be done to my body, night and day, including pissing like this nonstop and the most constipated release?

I am now at 3,439 Facebook Friends.

C.D.C. I.

I just found in the cabinet where I killed a Rat, if you go back you will read all about it, it had a Blue Bag which I know does not come from Kim Arthur Hinds Jr because I saw Jae Sherman holding it when she came into the house some days ago, on it is an image of Washington D.C.
Spy… Spies.

I only have C-Town bags with a Tree and Keys all over them.

Tell me what is synonymous with Garbage if not rats.?

Douglas works as a Garbage Collector and lives on the 3rd Floor.

I am the Garb A.G.E Man.

was something or someone preparing to get rid of all humanity, through the species in the Garbage and replace them with not the Reptilian Species, but the Rat Race..?

How is it I was on 3444, then 3443 Facebook friends, and now, I am at 3439?

3rd Planet C. D.C. I?

The True Being -Donald Trump,
D.T. 4 20/ 20. 4.

12:06 am.


12 66?


LA of 6th Sense.

Blame, Shame, False Accusation, and Guilt.

The evil Trinity plus their 3 in 1. or 3 in One Zero.
Kayla Ava K.A.


Evidence AY- J.A.Y.

A little food for Thought, Contemplation- Refection for you to Digest for your Constitution.

12:11 a.m.

23. W. B.C.

12:12 a.m

1= A.


*”This name is of American origin and the meaning of Kayla is derived from the combination of the names Kay, meaning ‘to rejoice’ and Ayla, meaning ‘oak tree’. An Ancient Greek root gives the meaning of ‘one who is pure’ or ‘one who is free of shame’ to this name. Another meaning is ‘one who is like God’ in Hebrew.”

Rejoice – same meaning as the name ‘Jay’

Oak Tree. O.T.
Ref portal in Park Slope. P.S, in 2002.
Sky Oak Speaker was his name.

O.A.K. T.R.E.E.
Sephora with name code on Kim Arthur Hinds Jr Black Jacket with the letter C.
Sephora, that is if of 10 branches

One Who is Pure.
One Who is Free of Shame.
One who is Like God.

Kayla Ava

Ava…*”Its roots could be from the Germanic word aval, meaning “guarantee.” In Latin, avis means “bird, birdlike.” The name Ava might also be another version of Eve or Eva, which comes from the Hebrew name Havva (from the word hayya) meaning “life, lively.” … The name is known to mean “birdlike, lively.”Jul 15, 2021”

Guarantee, Bird, Birdlike- Life, Lively.

*”The name Ava is a girl’s name of Latin origin meaning “life; bird; water, island”. In medieval times, Ava was a diminutive of Germanic names beginning in …”

Life, Bird, Water- Not Essential Bottles Water of course, in a plastic bottle.

Arden Gemino was born in a place called ‘Water Town’ W.T. T.W.O.

In Connecticut. 5th State- Constitution State, C.S.

Water Island… like Atlantis as Manhattan, New York, the 11th State,

12:27 a.m

27.59 USD.

27 A-A Elegant Imagery

12:28 am.

Yes, of course, 28.

smh. This script…bad.

12:29 am

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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