
11:33 pm. – A.A C.C. – 1-27-2022

11:33 pm.

A.A C.C.


A-A.A. T.V.


Lord, this playscript has been demanding.
It desired for me to express talk, post unravel over and over ( Using Silence of Omission, and thus forcing me to Prove Extraordinary Sensory Perception- E.S.P as A Fact, via Sixth Sense, Telepathy, True Remote Viewing and all the tools and Gifts of the Gifts of Evolution confirmed proven and fought for, when you wake up).

There is so much I could have shared with you, but this play was so meddled with, so many distractions, battles, proving Evil non- Existence, by placing me in non-stop scenarios of the sum total of Human Evil, Cruelty and negation- to literal prove these “Little Things” where the root and seed of Evil as Negation had to be dismantled step by step, publicly including such things as the root cause of suffering, jealousy, misery, each time i solved the blockage, the Riddle, this play, If you had noticed the Computer as the Universal Simulation would respond with you, adding Facebook Friends requests and the number, confirming the Echo Response to my Expression, Eternal Truth, while the world still looks the same, but looks can be deceiving, appearances, as Attitudes and Minds awaken by being activated by my Expression Response in this Evolution and awakening based Video Game.
I suppose that is the Viel- the Lace, the block, Mara -Maya- Illusion which I have long understood as the dismantling and prove that as I reach each new stage of the Script, that is the truly obscene nature of this script, to break down and dismantle all these reason excuses which blocked you from seeing that the only Viel, wall, obstacle to your evolving has always been you, yourselves.
That everything had always been 7-11, Seven-Eleven, “April” meaning OPEN. 24/7″
Perfection Symmetrical Expression

E- Sacred Portal.
E- Stephen Popiotek
E Sir Perfection.
E- Supreme Perception.
519, Pegasus Fuel Station.

And yet, I was forced to do this in a Void, in the Blackest Hole, with little support, acknowledgment, and mainly Silence as the Echo response.

After each setup, that I recognize and pass through, yesterdays play of Extinction and Evolution, I take a brethe, Pause to tak in absorb and digest the absolute cruelty and demonic nature of this script and its intent and manipulation using control.
It has been like this especially this bad for the last 15.. now 16 years. Since 2006.
It is not the depth of the evil and cruelty of this play or facing the root cause of it represented by the people, rather it is the limitation, conditions, and setups that I am made to pass through, and solve and get the answer correct.
So that the darkness of your blindness breaks through to pierce and bring forth dawn light.
The radiant light, of Dawn.
And for who? For what?
And to what gain?
For you, your evolution through a script which so cheerfully and with absolute malice and viscousness.
What is the gain, because I do exist, I do have a say, no matter how the script negated my existence, I exist, you do not.
And since I will never Forgive and forget such a script, so full of Manipulation, Deception, and Spite, I will never accept, this as the play of even Death Destruction and Devastation and your Doubts, Illusions made my responsibility.
And since it has, insisted on using dad idea, such as “We rise together or not at all, or ideas of Saviours, and “Saving The World, really saving Humans Illusions from themselves, and my imposed upon, Beautiful Transformation via deforming my body. I fail to see the point of all this, I will not forgive or forget this, and the only one truth is that I decide who I personally chose to cross over to the E, not through a vile script of the Energy Family, who became the lie, by being infected by this realities attitude Mentality and behavior, but of the very few, who walked some idea of my path.

You see, Eternal Law, dictates that you can not take away a person’s Free will, even if it is for the benefit of all and to prove that First Light, First Love is and was the Light Bringer Eternal Light.

So as the Manifest expression of that first Light a First Dawn, this has become instead the play script to bring absolute Darkness, not light because the source of this play as the lines and lie of Nature have only succeeded in manifesting my will to create complete annihilation, extinction via breaking Eternal Truth, First Light, and First Love, Clarity.
This is self-evident by the Script, it makes no sense to me who has solved it.
And the only one line qualified to cross over is the ones who were able to slip through this script by thier own merit earned.
Beings of Empathy and True compassion and warriors of Beautiful Pride.
And since, I have not found cosmic heroes or Heroic Beings in this world, despite knowing that such beings exist, I have been confined to a script Controlled and telling me, who I can stay with, must stay with for a certain time- this has been instead a playscript of Human Children Sacred Portal 3.
And your Stories, I had to clean up for Adults who never left the mewling baby stage.
Never Grew Up, and I had to play the coach?
Temper Tantrums, this is where I was led to?

I was contemplating the other day, the price Esteban exacted and was supported was his constant demand that I teach him the codes.

I had no intention of doing so, I had done enough breaking down the Art and Script.

All I knew was that I had no intention of continuing to write, explain the codes that were so simple, they did not have to be taught.
I had written enough, spread the news enough, first walking about New York when I first arrived, then E-mails from my not mail account to groups, before being directed to facebook.

Esteban- Stephan was too impatient to be taught the Codes, nor did I see why I even would want to, I had done the work, explained them, and from 2004 to 2018, was enough time spent explaining.
17 years, I was done, but see where this play has led me to, Liberty C – Stephen Johnson- 22 years 22 V.

220 USD was the last money code Esteban left me 20 months ago.
220 V.O.

The two peoples lines of L.S and in these circumstances and conditions which I will never forgive or foregt. F F 66.
That is my intentions made clear no matter the abomination as Ancestor and Spirits like Albert Santana told me, his fear and terror of made to be accountable and the irresponsibility for his conscious and aware actions of harming others Truth.

I recall staring at him quietly as if were insane, “What do you mean that you do not wish to be held accountable and responsible for the things you did?”

That makes no sense to Nature, Natural, Divine, Eternal, Infinite Law, and yet here I am, led to this apartment for 14 -15 months.
The Source, and Elegant man, with children who refused to grow up and take responsibility for what they consciously did, and my being made, forced – tortured and tormented in front of you who despite my non-stop calling it out, posting and giving Evidence AY of the truth of my I.D and the waste of time and that refusal still to take responsibility.

There is a play going on in the apartment right now, I am mainly out of it, but the new Landlord called Julie seems to really be on the ball, she did not know that this appartment had no Heat.
Kim said that when he moved here he tried using the thermostat and it did not work, so since then, there has been no heat, which I always found strange since I resorted to using the oven to heat.

1:59 pm.

But Julie prompted Jae and then Kim, we have discovered tat there is nothing wrong with the thermostat, at least it was just a temporary thing when Kim first moved in.
She sent two persons called David and William, and there is nothing wrong, he turned on the thermostat and said that there was no problem with it at all.
Kim just informed after he put it on and left that it is now at 68 Degrees.
86 Heater in my room,
68 right now.

Should I say that I am speechless, should I make a comment that someone should have investigated, or should I say that it is the 211 USD & 269.49 EverSource Bill, or should I say it is the responsible Landlord or should I just shake my head and be quiet referring all of this to the Play?

Of course, it is the play script of the Human Children, look what I am posting and where it lead to in perfect symmtery to the play happening here, first time in 14 months, here, now there is heat, and perhaps there always was.

I do not really care, it is the play, set up. Being and Doing, my posting all this on a public Forum

I just saw a red water can on the sink, it must belong to Jae Sherman, it reads “I am Sorry, Lydia”

Lydia is the name of Albert Santana’s mother who passed away a month before I moved into 268 East 4th Street she was born in 1947 and Albert in 1974, Lydia Albert. L.A.

Emeka Lucifer
Arden Lucifer.

My Mother 1947-48 and the illusion 1944.

I have walked through all those portals.

I am the code 1967.
19 47 – 19 67.
Add 20.
47 =11 28 -39.

I felt it yesterday, the story came to my mind of a usurper, “Who is Sleeping in my Bed, Goldilocks and the 3 Bears.
Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs.

I know who Lydia truly is.
I have always known just as I knew who Albert was and why Kim Arthur Hinds Jr and Stephen Johnson and Liberty C were aligned to GOD as 26 Z.
And why Arden and Aurelia are not.

On the red canister, is also the symbol of the pyramid Illuminati all-seeing eye with the words,”Under His Eye”
And the Symbol of Baphomet with the code S.T.S.

The Source Full Circle.
It is right beside the sink.
As I stated Jae Sherman I had noted was a spy and can read the language the Mystics- Witches M.W.
Do you recall that play with the Micro-Wave?

Something called Mother Nature took over my life, my role and left me tethered and enslaved convived that I was a lie until made to pass through 14 years. 16 years.

I am now at 33 67 Facebook Friends, my code year.

2:28 pm.
How long I have been challenged, defied, made to appear homeless, a beggar, and this entire reality against me, like the lowliest slave as a rag?
Ah but no, not a Rag, a response of Beautiful Rage and Terrible death and I fought back, even when they threw me here.

You’re Sorry?
“I’m Sorry?”


His Story.

After what you put me through, a story like the Count De Monte Christo…

2:33 pm.
133 Extinction
233. Being 33.
B C.C.
W.C Wise Child.
Beautiful Assassin.

Your Sorry, because you were sure that you awere Mother Nature.
M.N= 27.
And not as I stated over and over again that you were a character in a story. C.G.I Animation.

My brother’s son is Micha Nnamdi.MN and as I am, He is the second born and his sister Akila is the first just as my sister and I. But the First Born son, again as I.

MN= 27. A-A.

I spent 2 months at Green Point Assessment shelter and again when I returned from Donna O Sullivan and Jonn Delguidce Blackwells 18 Mountain Vie home and Erik Ebright portal
2 more months and then a whopping 27 months Straight.

That is 31, 29, and 27 months in another Hell.

And then you tell me Sorry after dragging me here, using the E.M.F as if you were the owner and seeking to use Insults and Negation of people with Hot Tempers to cower me when you felt that you had broken me down sufficiently for me to be vulnerable, through using your children as characters, set up to move me to confidence and then disappoint me, and betrayal.

And yet I was aware of False Eve, Ava Life.
And your setups to try and prove the superiority of women over men you see as weak and prefer to be dominated by women, who give all their control and authority to them calling them weak men.
That they do not know any better, such as Julia telling Kim to tell me to put the gas stove off now that there is a heater working, calling out noxious gas and that I who have been here 14months am too stupid to know the truth of that. G.A.S./ S.A.G.
E G . A.S.
S.A.G E.

Men can be stupid but the men as the sons and daughters of Eve, a cartoon character you created called mother Nature. And perhaps Julia’s comment came from her impressions of Kim and Jae, I have never met her, from David and William, or simply the impression that Kim and Jae do not really care about anything or this place, or perhaps Kim told me this, absurd expression to get even or out of spite.

2:58 pm.

To be honest, I really do not care.

I am the Source and all are at the Supreme Black Hole.
A Setup, testing of Expression Communication, and that one last expression, all of which I saw last night, was required to push you in.

As far as I am concerned, it was just done complete and executed. Julie William David J.W.D.

I only met David today, and the heat thermostat was switched on just like that and it rose to 68.

My room and now the Apartment and Heat. H.E. A.T… E in the hiuse

Black Panther.

As I stated, Each now is on their own.

My new 3 Facebook friends…

Colene Hansard C.H.

Nwachinamere Mduagwu N.M

Britt Brat. B.B.

C.H. M.N. B.B.

11 27 1.

Sacred Portal 11 27 1

AA. A-A. A.

C.M.B. / B.M.C.

H.N.B./ B.N.H.

3:10 pm.

3:11 pm.

My work is done, always was but something real went the wrong way and was so convinced it was right, it allowed this abomination of a script of Power and Control to manifest and was too much of a coward to come clean confess what it had done and take – it said nothing and let the most innocent, The Source here present as a man, take the blame.
And watched me clean it up and said nothing but was willing to gain from the suffering surmounted all because of envy and jealousy.
Thirst for Power.

3:16 p,m


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