
11:32 pm..

11:32 pm..

1 132…I Notice that Jonn Blackwell has 132 Face Book Friends

Aligning to sacred portal 132..

We are back to 443 Face Book Friends…Reference sacred portal 43..

Sacred portal True Life which since I am still here, it has not been opened..

Or affirmed..

We took a little trip to the Future..444.. Three Dimensions of 4…

43…and 445..Sacred portal 44 the Goddess versus 4-45…For the Man as God Nature/Nature Grace..

Yes, one can read that it was a contest of Woman challenging man as to why HE as Man, and not She as Woman is the Supreme Creative principle of Universal Nature Existence…

She represents the Physical World

And He the Energetic World..

And the Source of the Two being the Real of Beautiful Expression…

Man is the Source of Woman…who evolution was not complete until the completion of the 12 Months 12 Disciples 12 Astrological Signs 12 Hour Cycle L.L..Lucifer..

Months Disciplines Astrological Signs, Hours…

M.D.A.(AS) H x2.

And finally 1-12-12…A.L.L.

Many so my expressing to the Unseen on Face Book my rage and incredulity of this warfare between the Male and Female form as Man and Woman, could go so far to challenge the principal of what principle is The true Form and Consciousness of the Creative Expression of Existence…

When that should have been the least of Humanities Concerns considering that this is a Play in which we were meant to all work together to bring forth our own Awakening Evolution.

And yet, I have witnessed from beginning to end, the inability for these Two Principles to Work together, and even risk the Awakening and the continued Pain and Suffering in the World, never would I have conceived this Hatred’ Hidden and Concealed with go this far…

This rejection that Existence began through the Unification first of Two Men…

This face book play, I have correctly understood has been acting as a Barometer and weather Report on the Temperature of the Collective Human Consciousness and way of thinking…

And hence, the play and the number of Face Book friends moving to and fro like a pendulum is also a representation of Human Consciousness at this present stage…

Which reveals that the Anger Women have for men (And their latent feeling of being Superior) versus Mens Distrust from Women and her subliminal secret undercover play of disguising her rage..and secret vendetta- made many men love woman but brand her a Witch because of her power of manipulation..

Men manipulate through Control and it is very transparent if you can read..

While Woman I have observed use deception even if innocently so..

This is a much more dangerous form of control…

How they can hide just how much they are pissed off..

Men have done terrible deeds, but with much less secrecy than when women apply themselves..

But it is this Contesting Competition and Each Blaming which one can read by studying this Face Book play…

That 445 ended with last Face Book Friend Chike Marios…

meaning The Power of the Creator is Male…

Not Men but the Masculine Principle…

Represented by the Phallus and Penetration of Self.

This is of course, Self Evident that on a Physical Level that only Men can symbolically play out what it feels to be both Masculine and Feminine roles- The Lover and the Beloved…

While the Female Form gives birth to the Two but can not experience anything other than Being 1.

While the Male physically can Express the 1 and the 2=3..C…

In this play to bring Forth a Masculine principle in completion in the Form of Woman Wu-man Woo Man Woman had to penetrate Man or the understanding of its principal by understanding the play of the Two Beloveds The Two Lovers..The Bromance

Code David Roman (Marius- not really Marry Us) Nicholas

which brings the Victory of the People.

But the rage of Woman in her demand to be the center of Attention has perverted the Truth penetration of this sacred union…

Conversation such as Rumi and Sham- which creates mind Exploding on Sine Waves Tides of two Forces of Nature meeting at Cos Sine Awe..Orgasms..

And by True Woman understand the Play of the T.W.O…Truth Wu-Men Oh…

they could penetrate the great Mystery’ of the Consciousness of MEN…

-It can not be done on a physical level as men can do..

But only through the penetration of their manner of their True Expression..

As for men, all men and most women know, all men have a Woman within them…But most men, at least before- since it is changing now, were afraid to give voice to that voice within…

Note, Therefore we found the play demanding then what is a True Man and what is a True Woman….

And the play gave its response moving to Lucifer (E John Jon Jon Yonathan) and to Nnamdi Nature 444..445…

A True Man is Andrew…Harmonious as Divine Nature…AN-NA Drew From the Well of Being..Homo Erectus…Erect Phallus…

A True Woman is Andrese… HB- Woo- man, Wu-Man… A man (Homo Sapien) of the Wu meaning 5..5th Dimenion…Expression Energetic from Beyond…EE..

Anya Wu…Eyes of the Fifth Dimension…A Door..

Pan Door AH…

Divine Nature

Expression Energetic


Nede Neden in Turkish means What Why -Cause

Cause Why..Y =Eden

Nede..Neden is a Question Mark..


Nnamdi Father Is Here Nature..


Nature IS Eden…

I Have posted the equation of Nede /Eden…

To get there and enter Beth Eden

meaning the House of Pleasure and Delight for the innocent not those found Guilty..Treason Hypocrisy..Failure to Evolve…and return

Do re mi Do full circle to the


You see Man and Wu-man…Same Thing..

All are of the MALE…


E LA! M.B…

M.B=13 2…

Which Aligns to Jonn Blackwell…

13+2=15..Letter O..1+5=6..6th Door…

13×2=26..Z Zeina Beauty….H..Harmony Grace




Haun..Charles Delguidce Evan…Black Well C.D.E..Black Well is an illusion it is Transparent Water O in a Well seen at Night and in the day light it is Blue Water Transparent- reflecting in the World T.V the align to the play created to prove why the One then Two Males with Cocks…

Are the DAWN the Awakening..

Emeke Lucifer Alexander-Haun…


Before the one who finally rises and Woman As Lady…



*Nadee Nakandala is studying Law..

And thus the the True Nature of Man and Woman are those who Never get Jealous Compete Envy…


Joseph Camp- Bell E…E Myrrh Balthazar…J.C.E .M.B

Add the C A.M..P..Bell… Praise Loves Anonited the ;Lord who protects Manifest Beings..Of Memory Beauty…

Those who remember that they are the Children of the Source of Beautiful Pride..

aka Manifest Being…

The Story of One Man, then Two men, then three men…then four men x3 until Twelve Men…12 Before the arrival of She…

Jonn is working at a portal very near here Baker Town B.T..T.B.. Owned by Two men and a Third, according to Jonn a chilled and cook Contractor (That RARE..RA-RE) and with him it makes 4…

1:24 PM..

A: X..

Yes the X Chromosome was made by 1-12-1-21…1221 Men and the they Y Two men who are linked V to the 1..I Who I.Z..


3:15 Date of Birth of Zeina Hanna…


The Spear and the Source of the Destination and Journey

Return to Eden Paradise E,P..

Was never lost.. just hidden intil

HA linked to HAW…

Individual and then Individuals Total Completion..


1:29 PM…

12 L..9=I.



1:3O PM


LIGHT Manifested Being

Truth Beautiful

1:31 PM..

Resurrection of the Consciousness of Being and the Garden of EDEN

1:32 pm..

Number of Jonn Blackwell Face Book Friends…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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