
11:31 PM

11:31 pm

K C A.

Its is quite extraordinary to be in my shoes…

Not my position in this play of providing non stop evidence of Human Evolution from undercover….

Once more confirmed the Money Code Game of using money to send messages because it is this realities concept of Energy and Medium of Exchange..

While proving that Human Beings Are actually Mediums.. Living Energy meant to be of Infinity Harmony the Beautiful loop which form the base of the Eyes and Nose.

Consciousness is to Cee through and with the C speed of Light…

Thus seeing the Universe and everything in alignment.

Not as most see it, through Hindsight as light emitted from its Source Billions of years ago.


Why is is wonderful to be me, and in my shoes, is to witness, experience and observe Evolution.

To see beyond my rigorous but tedious posting and recounting recording what I am seeing as I move naturally to Cee and See aligned, ascended but in Human Form and through Human Reasoning and Logic

The sum total of Human knowledge cleaned up and translated in an Individual manner to the point that you can accelerate your perception and conscious to not only the speed of Light, but to Dark Matter and even beyond.

As you are all aware, I have never ceded my consciousness of the 5th Dimension

I call the Evolved beings and true origins of Man…

But to live and exist here though easy enough, required a great deal of work and building to have others see what I see.

I have been on Face Book as a Narrator and story teller proving through reason story telling and codes the Existence if the Evolved realm I could not forget despite being alone… As the only person in Existence.

And thus, I found myself alone and against an entire species, reality and awareness challenged to prove that realm as real and true.

27 years it has taken me to bring the world up to see what I see

24 since I was brought back down in Paris.

15.9 when I walked into what I already knew when and how I was summoned to New York by a Medium Durek Verrett

The mission itself inscribed in and by the initials of his name


4 22

4 V -5


Double Vie

See 22:22 posted by Sarah Nkem Blackstock or was it Stella Antley

12:12 am

4.9 years on Face Book aligned to my code age at Delta Manor confirmed once more by Emmanuel O G giving me 15 USD owed me with a 5usd with the number 5O Marked on it

Code J.B. A. On it

James Bond Room B A

Judges Bench Room A B Delta Manor

Justice Balance- Doctor Gauge

Recall… Weight 193 KG

Blood pressure 156

Room B 2015

Bed 49…

Keith Grant bed 53


Code Elizabeth Clarizio

Emeka Chukwu

(Kwame called me that today when I got back

What is the meaning of the name Emeka Praise- I told him.

And what is God the Creator

Chukwu I said…

Then finally after literally blowing my mind with intel from the Delta Nigeria

He asked me and what does Chineke mean?

The Esprit which Creates as it moves along

E C. C

E 33

He is in bed 33)

Keith Grant Bed 53. K,G 11 7

Ken Gray. K.G. 11 7

Seven Eleven always OPEN


S.E- E S. P R. I T Z

ES 5 19

Room 5A bed 5019…. 69. 15 letter O

Room 4B bed 4019… 59. 14. Letter N

The bed which is still vacant Thaddesus Steven…

Steve Cannon S.C

Steven Brodie. S.B.

Steven Terrell. S.T

Stephen Filgueira S.F. Sky Fall

Stephen Popiotek. S,P. Sacred Portal

Crowned with laurels of Victory

Of course there is no coincidence

Not of finding Kenneth Gray there whose portal I went down when once more I had nowhere to stay but fully aware I was going down a portal in this very same area 14 years ago

14 N

A portal of his friend Mike which was nice enough while I worked in a Night Club for Promotor Micheal James but then I met David Roman Nicholas from that portal which transformed to my living into a garage with only half a roof in the middle f wintee, and the quiet challenge of its real estate friend Mike saying

Lets see how much you are willing to suffer for your art..

I knew I was going down

Ohm was the name of the modelling agency where I had met Ken.

He was a photographer for the owner who was a mutual friend..

I went down and a few months later I met David Roman Nicholas…

And when that play exploded I returned to that hovel in the Dead of winter and not only survived it but still I rose physically and my thoughts and reflections literally formed images and patterns on the wall which when Gabriel and Andrew of the Star children came to visit me

They returned with others and filmed it before rescuing me from that pit which David Naim Tanya had thrown me into for my I.Q for making David go Mental that he was shipped to a Mental Hospital

But got out in 3 days because of my prepping him challenging him to face his last fear…he was so mad at me even through proving that he was sane.

No, it is no coincidence I full Circle

Emmanuel O G. 15 usd letter O

Shari Sissoko O earings gray sweater letter 15

That that portal representing K G K G

Bed 49 Age 49.


Bed 53

49+4= 53

Nnamdi David CE- EC H I O F. GH-I-HG

Has been reached

The understanding in the 3 D world of the 5D Realm

53 8

Harmony Infinity Consciousness Explained

Kenneth means Handsome. and Fire

Grey means Old and from Court Bailiff

And so yes from that pit I never really left and knew it…

Still I Rise.

Gabriel Andrew




E G .511 KP.T. C I. M D

In 2006 Gabe who there when I slept in Alley near Andrews House

And when I was sent to East 4th Street had told me, which I recorded here

Prove Evolution


Darwin’s Theorey DT of Evoltion

Donald Trump?




A Gift From God

And a Heart of Courage.

1:15 am


Hat Delta Manor X mass gift

115 O A

511 A O


The Handsome Comely Attractive Fire

Fiery One

I R E. L A N D. E C H O

1:19 pm

Ancestral Spirit

One Spirit

Ola Ly!

Is I

Emeka Kolo

1:20 am

My Sword

53 linked

Vivian Lavey

The 4th -1 cut Off

Only C is real

E Consciousness

The Rest?


A Lie


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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