
11:31 AM

11:31 am

6-11-1 O

F K. A O

Fact Kolo Alpha Omega

11-6-1 O

K F A. H. O H!

So you see it is a Maze.

And that is what I have been navigating.

Moving through Breath and Expression Beautifully Expressed

( B E B. E. Brooke Elizabeth Banwer E

2 5 2 5)

To navigate.

Pushing the air through my body, pushing breathing into and onto my bones

An Interior journey which was reflected backwards, outwards into this World Matrix.

Each person, a character undercover, from the Book of Lies which the Human Body, The Beautiful Book of Truth as The Being Doing- I was already aware of each persons True Nature and Identity by the Inner See and journey.

I played The Book of Consciousness’s Records and Re-Cording.

Sew a Needle Pulling A Thread of E

And the Outside world, the Universal Simulations projection onto a Transparent Screen, the Truth of the Cause and Effect of not reading your Book- Body and not getting your facts straight.

And using a correlating blue print of Inner Outer referencing.

Which aligned the Two 1 1 back to 1

I and I.


The code name meaning of my youngest brother calls out, Am I the One Doing This


I and I as in Inner and Outer only ceases to become Two Endless Walls of seeming duality, at Odds

Yes Ariane Oates Oates -Otto



When you do not link weave Sew the two Expression of Inner and Outer into one.

None of them are real..

Not until you reach the Point


The I

The 1

Who is the only thing which is real.

Arriving at last at your True and Original Eternal Identify.


And until then, nothing is real, especially not you.

But the Eternal One behind the scenes, I call my Family are.

Yes, The Matrix,

You can call it whatever you want, to the Ancients the foundation of the West it is the Maze of Daedalus, The Underworld Hell Oku Muo, the Spirit World, The Mind Game…

M G.



987 Face Book Friends

Chandler Korb C K

Chukwuemeka Kolo

Consciousness Kolo…

C K 3 11.

3rd Planet and World

Inner and Outer..

3 11. 3 2. 5. 3 11. 3 1.

There is no 4.

I was passing through each of you as portals as Mind Body and Spirit, distorted by your own acceptance of lies and refusal to look in the Mirror at the reflection staring back at you

Sacred Portal 13 That person is not me

But it is, that is what you have projected and despite my convincing argument and battle when I encountered each of you along the way.

Some of you transformed or began to remember, and others Refused.

It did not matter, in the End, because it was all set up… But it was is real.

My Job was to Light up and activate the E T you. Once I received that confirmation, I could pass through onto the next portal.

And so it has been for 16 years.

And 9 before that, then 3…then 11 then 5

Then 5-6 before that.

12:21 pm

( Full Circle)

16. 9 3. 11 5. 6-5.

P ( A F)


K E.


P I C K. E




Not Ile Ife

Ele Ife


5 9



Elizabeth Clarizio

Eduardo Corona


My Rage was that it went to far, and made the entire responsibility of getting to the End of the Maze, and Transforming the Body and Being, from a Book of Lies to the Evolved Body of The Beautiful Truth and turn the Good Books and the Holy Scriptures ( Prophecy Secretions

Caesar Rivera book of Secrets, the River which Runs Through us, Stream of Consciousness…Hip Hop… Rap..Flow Music Words Verse Song…)

Into a True Mana Show where everyone watched or simply unwittingly played Angels and Demons- both no worse than the other by the sum of their cause and effect.

Just watch or participate then recede-

And it was designed that way even to the people the Script made me seek out who I had to ask monetary contributions from and your riddles I had to solve.

That is the Absurdity and Betrayal by the N line- reflected in the Actors here on face book representing the N line

Really meant to represent my passing through Nothingness Bliss.

That I am aware that I Am E

And thus, know the Truth and was given instead a version so Evil and Cruel of a possibility which even the Author ( You History) knew could never be True.

Hence, my cutting with the Past the N line and consequently Ariane Oates representing the Last Line who can rise to E.

The Portal to Eternity is Closed forever.

And the Nothingness Nature Death is now that Mouth and Jaws of Death which will swallow anyone who manages to escape the Matrix.

12:49 pm

You see, the way out of the Maze is through the Heart, which is not the Physical Heart but a Conscious Beautiful Expression-

And Beauty is Symmetry Peace and Pleasure.

And my Heart is closed forever because of this play so absurd of Someone Dying for the Sins of the World and Words

For Creatures who never learn the lessons that Consciousness Love is Expression C I U E

E C I. U E

E U. I C E

Yes, it is I who is the true Immigration Custom Exercise

And only The Cultured Pearls already patiently waiting at the True Pearly Gates have I let in..

You see, the Originals never went or came down…

When they left the Garden of Eden

They did not go away they camped out at the Gates and refined themselves to be ready when I came back from a play script of their being nothing out there but lies

which had to once and forever destroyed.

That the Physical Material Cellular dimension is Supreme.

Was there anyone I found who was there

Yes- SHE was the Seed of Evolution


And in retrieving that of Me

Evolves all who are Real

Of the Descendants of that One Seed

Left Behind in the Beginning.

He She versions of me.

1:07 pm



The Quin Quantum Transformers

The Knowledge Expressed of Evolution Transformation of the E Kind


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