
11:30 p.m

11:30 p.m

This is the world,

The Evil in Govts,

People which people refuse to admit.

Or hold themselves accountable.

I was very present during this Osama bin Laden play.

I was aware..

Scape Goating others

And witch hunting with out solid evidence

This is the History of the World.

And the unnatural nature I assure you is every where.

The desire to blame, to accuse

And a society which always finds a lamb to slaughter.

This is the mentality of a world people

2000 yrs.

It is an intentionally technique which goes so far back, in human history.

Exploited by those in power who use the Cruelty and Hatred incumbent in people.

Who do the same thing even to their children.

Sacrifice the innocent,

Find a scape goat and make them pay.

No remorse.

Take it from me,

Used by a play to train people to the E Harmony

What is the reply,

The Price,

This is the Evil Hatred,

I.have witnessed.


False Accusation.

Too Late.

Its not the Govts or Secret Societies I hold accountable, they are just captilizing on the Humanity.


In Humane

Truly Indifferent

Self Entitled

I am always incredulous by people acting shocked by the abominations created people,

when I have observed that it is the people, everyday people who are the cause.

And this is the Effect.

The Evil in this Species, who can not be permitted to stay in Existence,

I have been forced to investigate and witness,

they all have beauty but I have witnessed how their minds work.

How they will betray the highest calling, gifts, teachings, guidance.

Twist its meaning..

Tell me that its in Harmony, as long as it serves their cause.

The evil is not in the powers that be, but in the people who ( not all) but the majoirity.

What use is Beauty in you, if your every day decisions, in moments of temper tanteums.and this Virus of needing to blame accuse, make others suffer..

When you have no evidence or facts..

And the amount of evil this has perpetuated.

64 Homes later,

This species majority will always reach for the Extric Rod, of Power.

I.am ready to leave this play.

John Mack

was elected as a Line to be educated about the E.

He is qualified.

I trust him because I Cee him,

And that Love allows me to have no surprise by his or all those I was made to.train.

But I did not chose them, this force did.

Chose all the candidates.

And I trained them, loved them, could see them.clearly and I know what a person such as myself in any reality, deserces as respect for fteely ( under duress) forced to train people I did not chose.

To clean up and give them knowledge for free which took me a life time to figure out how to read and untangle their mess.

I know how I would respond to a person who showed me such kindness, gave me such a gift.

I know what the correct response is.

And I have never to this moment.recieved it.

True Respect.

A Universal Play chose you, and tied me up and tortured me to give and train certain people.

Which I have done..

I trust these people, because I see them all clearly, because I truly Love,

They can not for this reason dissapoint me

But I am fully.aware, that I did not chose them.

And that I was bound compromised and tortured to force me to.train them.

Evil Cruelty Hatred Obvlious Indifference to the pain and suffering of others.

This is the energy, expression of which.I was forced to share and train and I will let you figure out the result of what cause and effect of using Hate and Cruelty to make me share my.knowledge.

Tis not I who is the Fool.

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