
11:28 p.m.

11:28 p.m.



K B.H. (11:28 is my Birthday)

A B H.


U- C-H.

B.A-C-H….(Sebastian Bach…Us…Supreme Being)

Kolo B Harmony.

Awareness Being Harmony

You See Harmony

Supreme Being

Sebastien Bach…

Harmonies Universe…Expression

I saw two messages as I woke up today and looked at my Facebook play chart…

2 texts one from Lady Ana Leonardo Caixas Cecilia

The other from LA dye. Ines Inês Guerreiro…

I read that of Lady A…LA! Of Sixth sense…

Bonjour! j’ai UNE cadeau pour toi…

And it was a gift that moved me despite the Glacial Ice like Energetic frequency I have kept…while the Sacred First flame..the Blue Flames Heat flickers raging wishing to rise and consume everything and everyone in its path.

She spoke of the dream she had of being in the country side at her aunts home

And seeing a beautiful blackness of the night growing deeper and deeper yet at the same time stars so beautiful and powerful appearing stronger and stronger… Then a Moon appeared full and brilliant appeared but not just one but 7-9

* note the number..


The number of Facebook friends I am at by my last count…

Sacred Portal 79 Blue print of Existence Aligned to sacred portal 97 Light of the World Existence

9+7= 16…7… P.G.

I.+G= DxD P.G….

9×7= 63


First Contact= I.

*see post below via Pamela Stefaniotis..

Claude Arse-nault.

C.A…B…A C..H…

Music of the Spheres.

Saint Sebastian…

She sent an image which my phone does not allow me to share, but she assured me that it captures just a fraction of the astonishing beauty of the arrival of my Family Manifest (FM) after 48,years of my battling and sustaining the Truth of thier presence when the dropped me off here…

Oh yes I recounted everything and how I entered my Mother Cecilia Onu’s Womb ( Cecilia Wiebers)

Ana Cecilia… A.C…B.H…

And passed through the many Rings and dimensions and stories before landing in the Superman Star Ship in my mothers Womb…AFO…


I heard her.

Her text was at 6:35 A M…


F A.C.E….

My Face…Book…

I responded at 1:56 pm.


It is the first day of Spring…

12:OO pm.

I was watching Jennifer Lopez video Lord A S my host put on…

(Abraham Sarah Hagar Ishmael Isaac…

A S…HI!! I, I.E…that was the code Father of the multitude like grains of sand the Prince Princess

Incubus Succubus Incubation Successful I.S I.S

Ha! G A RE Grace Akashic Records Existence…Harmonious Infinite Idenity, Eternity

The Example…)

It showed the exact image of Ana on her robes created as a fill Circle Screen…

But it is my body which the universe represents as 1-7…

Actually my Back U.S….( Barry Backus)

BA CK 21 311 U.S A … My past as Chukwuemeka Okolo I left behind at age 22-23…

It was a reminder to make this post aligning me to Ana….

See Anna Lotta….

All the same line until I got to the source ray of each line…

Ines also had a Nightmare, many children trying to kill each other…a sign she said.


12-13 A.M right now…

We texted all day .

With Ana I was Soulage she was postive cheerful and ….compassion..

In 36 months of telling ppl what I am enduring on these Facebook page there is hardly one person who expressed true compassion …in full understanding..

Nearly everyone including lady Ines simply brush that part of my expression aside as if they had not heard…

I smile for 36 months…

Compassion is Graciousness Consideration which Don Diego Espirut expressed though the man is no more.

So there you go the two Cees and the one which links to mine from begining to end..

Onu Ana Cecilia David Nocturnus (Doom) Nnamdi ( Nnaemeka Jude Charles Nenad M. Djurdjevic Alfie Ndubuisi Nze Neel Akash etc… )…

Its all a riddle …

Of end the wall of stories by aligning them to the Beautiful Present the codes my E family created with a message in the meaning of the one Harmonious Being who Listens and who.laughs…

Ishmael Isaac.. I E.

Ikemefuna Emeka Kolo..

Love Light Lightness Laughter

and a healthy dose of Mischief..

E Beautiful Devil Lived

Not God…


God was an invention of children missing


12:26 pm

But children have to grow up up up to reach JA CK The Bean Stalk



James Dean

Usuper of Youths Truth


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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