
11:28 p.m.

11:28 p.m.


4-7-9.. And yes I am aware of the Harmony of the Date- and no, it can not be contrived or done on purpose…

We left of with my New Face Book Friend who I suspect is an Old Face Book Friend BamMBam Vega…

And if so, then without leaving the play, he is now my 594 and 593 Face Book Friend….

And his name is Bam Vega, corresponds with Orien Laplante literally correct name for me he once called me when I asked if anyone knew my name over two years ago, which only he and Lord Li ( Yi)..

Beauteous Be.am… BB.. 22..V..5

see Share Black Beam..(B-La C.K). Be A.M… 22 V

Double V.. Beauteous and B.La!.C.K…. Double VV…

And I just got, a new Face Book Friend…

Which moves, us…to 7 new Face Book Friends today…

599…5 99..

See sacred Portal 99… ‘Victory.. Ridding the world of Contempt

We also know that the meaning of B- A.m…Vega…

B.V…Being Victorious…B.a.m.. Morning Dawn Glory…(M.D.G..)

Vega…Star, or Fertile field of the Landing Morning star,

Lucifer…The Swooping Eagle, of the eagle eye, of the head of the Family of T.e.n…Of full Splendor and the constellation Vega..


Sara Cortez.. S.C

Sara means Princess Lady, Nobleman..

Cortez Courteous and Polite- C.P…

Stella Offorka.. S.O…

means ‘Star Offorka.. Offor is an Igbo word, Truth is the Greatest

Amich Pambou A.P..

Amich has two meanings, in Japanese it means 10.000 and Happiness.. as Friends

Please note the 10,000 dollar post of A.P.

I could not find the meaning of the name Pambou.. which is French…

So I will use code.. P..A.M.B..O.U… Pam means All Honey..A.H..

Bou means Ox

And code P..A.M.B..O.U… Which links to P. (16…88)… P..A.M. M.B…Manifest Being…O.U…

Mark Bradbury M.B.. Manifest Being…

Mark means ‘War like.. from Mars..’ the 4th Dimension.. Bradbury means from the Broad and Spacious Wood Forte.

Patricia Kane..P.K..

Patrica means ‘Noble Woman – Patrician…’

Kane means..

A name of multiple identities: a somewhat soap-operatic single-syllable surname, a homonym for the biblical bad boy Cain, and, when found in Japan and Hawaii, it transforms into the two syllable KA-neh. Kane also has multiple meanings: in Welsh, it’s beautiful; in Japanese, golden; and in Hawaiian, man of the Eastern sky.

Angelo Fronda.. A.F/ F.A…4 the Note… Fa.. F.A.T.H.E.R..

Angel means ‘Angel Messenger’.. A.M.

Fronda means ‘Leafy Branch’ L.B.

So putting all 1-7… 1 to 7 Chakras… represented as a code through 7 New Face Book Friends..

B.V.. S.C..S.O…A.P…M.B… P.K…A.F…


Being the AM Morning Glorious Dawn, Victorious Star of the 5th Dimension, from the family of T.E.N, 1O..The Star of the Morning and Evening Star, the Eagle Eye, of the all seeing Eye falling and landing in the meadow ( Unified Field Of the Full Circle)…

A Feminine Energy…of the Star…Chi…

1:58 p.m.

.. The Princess, the Noble Light, Courteous, has landed…

It is the Truth, the greatest Truth…is the greatest Friend, the Star of Happiness, an 10,000.

of the Planets A.M, All Honey.. A.H…

And the Manifest Ark…of the War like from Mars the 4th Planet from the Spacious Broad wooden forte…

The Noble the patrician,..the beautiful golden man of the Eastern Sky

the Angelic Messenger of the A.M from the leafy branch of the Tree of Life.. Fecundity….

2:19 P.M


2:20 p.m.

22.. V…

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