
11:23 p.m

11:23 p.m

11:23 p.m

A A B C. E

K W… K E W. Gardens Queens.

Where I had an apartment for a year.

Also famed Green House Nursery School

A W..

Adam Waldron

Alien Wizards.



Alexa VertefeuilleAlexa


A Victorious Man E.



Gentleman Quarterly The Script.

Beauty is an Elegant and Graceful man

A warrior being Naturally Graceful.

Elegant Manner…

11:28 p.m right now


There will be no more inclusions of codes which are part of people’s private lifes.

It was required, but no longer so

Evolution Awakening Process has begun, so until my portal opens in this world (naturally, as I was forced to learn the hard way during the 18 years of trying to get out of this play as I refused to admit that I had to use this plays transcript and rules to open the portal using Expression and passing through the labyrinth Maze of the Universal Simulation of the underworld ..

Moving through a story and planets myths all western named…

Until all where one.

Travelling literally through Space while walking at the same time on Earth and in the illusion of middle earth.. this present world cleft into Two as the realm of the living and the dead, and horizontally as and upright as the Awake and Alseep..

And Finally the Circle Enclosing people in the illusion of being separated from Everything ..

The realm of Imagination

Fiction Fantasy Fact Football

( the latter, I am not kidding… after all Two Legs Two Feet, A Ball.. Life is A Game..

Everyone realizes at some point

Mind Games..?l)

Anyway, all had to be aligned to One truth…

I.E we all have to urinate and defecate.

Lotus Flowers bloom in some of the most putrid places…

One Truth which Manifests Universally

Which allows all the See as Fact.

Establishing a Universal Law that Truth is Fact which Manifest.

It can Ethereal ..Wind Storms Thunderstorms


It can be Elemental… Gold Silver Platinium..


To Trees Planets..

And a Universal Awakening

A Planet of Sleeping Beauties waking up

11:43 p.m right now

* ( Yrs, that is why only 1/3 rise..

2.9 Billion People .. Awake in another dimension of planet Earth.. it’s true version sounds perfect)

All Truth now seen universally as Fact, must manifest as Meaning Reason and Logic demands.

The work done, by The Naturals and E.T has been phenomenal in the face of such….

Consciousness of Filth

V Manuel Junior is here

Signifying the Victory of the Manual I was brought Here to manifest for All, especially those staying behind because they are addicted to the Hard Way.. ( Not of E A S E)

* I have no great interest in that mentality of suffering to feel alive..

Purpose waa never about suffering searching for purpose of Truth.

It was to kick start evolution, movement Momentum expression


EM / ME..

Does that make sense?

R M.

Purpose and Truth .


T A P.




Perfect Timing

11:52 p.m

K E B.

B. E K.

The Hard Way..

Suffering Pain I feel alive

To be addicted to hurt Dissapointment


Shane guilt.

Ah no.

Look at the state of this reality…

Ah no, the Lotus flower blossoms, flourishes blooms…

We Harvest

And drain the Filth from which it grew, out.

The best of the Naturals merge with thier Eternal Nature..



Each rising with their own Individual I.D

Harmonies all in E Harmony

And the Ten now back to 5. With 3 4 5! New lines of Existence …

Yes, I am The Source…Supteme

Yes I am E The Creator Supreme

E T C..I. L E. O N E. P. A G…E.

But what does that mean to you…?

The Source

E The Creator.

All this was already seed planted in you to become Creators in your own right.

Not Co Creators..

How could you when most have proven that they could not even unify them selves much less each other and their world’s Nations

And everyone knows that Truth Manifests but what kind of Truth could transform the World to a garden of Paradise.

To an astonishing revelations moving everything to Its will, Its See and point of view.

With out using Force, coercion, manipulation spells of Control and Power.

But simply allowed each their own freewill to choose.

And observe the full circle, and in Perfect Sequencial Order( Dna-Dne) each arrive in Perfect Timing like the opening and closing of the petals of the Flower of Life, recounted by the Tree of Life

The first tree to ever exists who witnessed it all..

As well as the Stream River Brooke.. being not filthy but as pure and sweet and diverse as one large body of water Ocean Pangea.. It Source…


But what about the Rain, from the clouds which poured down when this was but a rock waiting to being Impregnated by Sea..C-men.

Hot at formation…forming an Atmosphere and then an Environment.


Oh the Sounds the Ocean could make…

From the Roar of Tidal Waves smashing against rock…. to the tinkling round of water running over stones…

A Brooke where Lotus Flowers bloom..

Ah yes Narcissus




I Be

Father of Lucifer


By Jupiter


I did fall in love with what I did see, staring back at me..


Manifest Expression

And Reflection which included all the scenery

The background and all that Beauty.

And I saw what I knew was present before..

Now In the Mirrored Reflection,Reflected so I could see..

A Family peering into the Stream with me…

And so I traveled To the Source

The Mouth of the River..

The Sea..See..

And I dove in emerging Plu (Pleased in French)

T.O See myself ECHOED in the Story called Cration.





The same thing

But in A language of Feelings Sensational!!

12:26 p.m right now

See Sacred Portal


Let the C. I S. UN

S. H I. N. E. I.N.

All Things Bright and Beautiful..

The rest…. go away…. forever

B O. Y. I.

Xu Rong Run. ( I. RAN!)

(CAP) Tain


A.M..E R I C. A.H!

12:30 A.m

Silly contest as to who is The Supreme Creator

When this was a Universal s




12:32 a.m

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