
11:22 pm- 11:23 pm right now. –

11:22 pm-
11:23 pm right now.

A-A, V.

A.A. W.
A.A. V.V.

A-C- The Story.


I have no slept, i was in such private Joy and Euphoria last night, after I witnessed the revelation of the completion of E-Nnamdi’s completion and yes, Masterpiece Theatre.

Even the bags of chocolate Kim Arthur Hinds Jr had bought me months ago, and a recently added one, Master-Piece 1926, and Ferraror Golden Gallery, and Jae Shermans two pieces of Oreo Christmas cookies, I had not eaten any but had absently taken two and placed in on the Brown cloth, I understood what everything meant.

It is true, I did all the work, but there was no doubt, as you have all witnessed that there was and is a presence in me, and rising in me, as the world turns, moving from darkness, chaos, not knowing, to being brought back to its senses.
I was watching Money Heist. ( M.H) a movie series which Kim Arthur Hinds Jr had told me detail about.
I did not even realize when I was finally “literally” moved to watch and how it is not only the story in a version of the play of Nnamdi and I- via mind, and the play of Fort Knox, Arden Fred Knox Gemino.

I could see the Masterpieces now everywhere, in your Expression Articulation, In Alicia Norris and the True Enders Game Cosmic Egg. C.E she shared, in Laura Walsh and her plays A 380, in Liberty C, in Stephen Johnson at 27 mutual Facebook friend. I realized at that moment that I was in, and had attained Ferraror’s Golden Gallery.

I looked at Kim Arthur Hinds Jr gallery he made of his room with the entire “story” of this world as a line of Nature right to Niel Armstrong, which was by the way the new paper, on 8-29-2019 when I arrived at 900 South Road, which is coded- was one the cover Neil Armstrong, and a picture of first landing and the Moon.

There is no doubt that there was also a deep quiet sadness, but the Joy eclipsed each time, as I sat alone, seeing the full circle in completion of the play.

Until I stopped grinning widely as epiphany after epiphany washed over me like an emotional orgasm, women have, washing over me, again with each recognition and revelation I had not had time to read, I was too busy, building, and weaving, a play Ii knew had gone too far, so far that I would have to cut with that which I knew were my former family, and earth linked and now connected, and detached from Simulation “I Mother” and linked back to its true origins, the original Creation Expression, Eden Paradise.

I had paused to look in the mirror with that gigantic grin, and pride, and I saw my face, I saw my missing teeth, I saw something so simple, it was and is “The Simple Truth- the truth of what the effort, demands, pulling and truly selfish and evil “Evil meaning to Negate, Ignore, Deny”.

I did not recognize myself, not even as Emeka Kolo the human being playing a character in his own creation- even denied being able to see a dentist since 1989, all because it was part of a playscript, “Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factor- Where the true Snr “Wonka” played a Dentist.

The play was not about being a Dentist or a Dentists son, my bio Father was a Veterinary Surgeon, Nnamdi would have been a Medical Doctor, and I was more aligned with Plastic and Neurosice and Neurology as a boy, when we asked and prodded by my Bio Father to take up his own Desire, the desire which caused my parents to dramatically separate in 1979, with myself, and then Nnamdi being of one mind, that my parents should separate and divorce, because my Bio father, was suffocating and negating our mother, all her capabilities, talents so plain to see, with is own ideas, and ambitions, of becoming a Medical Doctor, instead of a Vet, and so many other things, it was as if he were willing her out of existence, by refusing to see her than anything other than his prized possession, a trophy wife, whose existence fuelled his and brought a reflected version and confirmation of the validity of his existence and self-worth.

He was actually brilliant and talented, eloquent, erudite, and had playboy and James Bond tendencies- and truly an extraordinary chess master’s mind.

He was a tall, imposing athletic, and often a devastatingly charming man, but he chose to focus on only the need or lack in him…And himself alone, despite the fact that he could see, by my mother and all her children, he felt that he lacked Beauty and Grace.

As I said, he was an exceptionally intelligent, and analytical man. But his desire to be seen and valued, and for his Beauty, made him negate everything and everyone else, to place all the focus and attention on himself.
That is why I called him and cast him in the role of the Illusionist – Hypnotist, in the creation story I had written in 2004.
And my mother, but mixed with Aunt Iesha (Theresa, Ijeoma) and Aunt Nwamu (Priscila) but merged with the memory of her original self whom in the Eternal Begining, only I knew she existed.
I made her everything she is and could be, but at the last merging of all the X and Y Chromosomes, the last Phase of this first Incarnation ever, was to be able to tame her ambitions, but there were all aspects of He, the Illusion of the original Nnamdi, whom I met with the Eternal C, the first Woman incarnation the Double U.W. Double You.
now D, Victoria Victorious- Victor.

You see, All E was evolving via the Original E, but through Adam to Arden, Arden.
Do you recall my telling you the true story of how my bio father finally was convinced by my mother to give up his Den, so I could use it as my own room?

That is the room, I lay in, after a really bloody beating, and my mother came in and asked me to be her Knight in shinning armour and release her from my Father, so she could be free.
Please remember, the legend of my Mother, that she came from the Sea, and was have been meant to be released at age 16.
Link and connect, Pois.e.i.don- Poseidon and Neptune. ( P.A.N- P.I.N)
And how I was led to Poverty Hollow where I met a 16-year-old Arden, 16 is the letter P.
N is the letter 14.
I came to New York and was swept into the play, and my I.D. and my luggage, and my Passport were stolen from a play on 14th Street.

14 is 7 + 7. Ferrarors Golden Gallery. ( where the hold-up and frame pictures, see Gallery-Helm of the ship and the french word “Gallery “Galerie” as Chaos of a ship crossing)
F.G.G. 6.7-7. Gemino- Gemini. G G.

16 is 8+8

I was born on 8 pm 2-8, two 8’s.
8 is also the symbol of Infinity. Infinity is I.
One is lying down and the other is standing up.
I have one line. 1. -A.
But Letter “H”, has 3 Lines which form the letter H.

So which is 8 as I.
The One standing up as the one, E.Harmony. E.H is E.I. / I.E. H.E.
or it’s it the 3 Lines, 3 Sisters, Graces, 7.7.7= 21.
Really G.G.G. 7: 7.7.
7-14/ 14 7
G.A/ A.G.

E-G.A.- A.G.E,
I.G.A/ A.G.I. “Agi” AGAIN.

“Agir” *:As you continue to learn French, you may want to use the verb agir, which means “to act.” Conjugating this French verb to match the subject and tense of a subject is actually quite easy because it is a regular verb.May 15, 2019″

To ACT, To Enact. E-N.A.C.T.

Meaning the One Alpha Harmony called E brought into being and creation the 3 Graces, first feminine, form of the One Man who became Two.
The numeric Symbol is I. Infinity created and made rise Harmony- Time. H.T ( 20.8)
*Confirmed at 20.9 months in the U.S.A Simulation Enders Game for the Gifted.

I take your Queen and Knight, in the Cosmic Chess match the Invisible, whom you negate, because you can not see them, or touch, which you take advantage of, to deny and negate them, even though you Feel them, since Feeling, Sensation is the only thing which was able to confirm that you are Alive and Exist.
Because that is the truth of how you and everything became visible, and even the temporary illusion of a fact.

I am now at 3259 Facebook Friends.

C-B. Sacred Portal 59, a number code.
I am not and never have been, a number and the only social security I was allowed to use, and not for the systems play function aka “social security” is from England, London, from 1989 N.Z. 67 67 46 B, the letters E.I.

I am not of Numbers, and even not of the Letter, & Envelope, L.E.
was a message N-Z.to B. E=N going backward in Hindsight, then forwards to foresight as A-B. Only A was not seen, because Being came first then Awareness, Awakening via Being is Doing to reach F. A Fact.

I have always made a point to note and bring to your attention that Being, Beautiful One came before Awareness or Even Awakening for you all that came after my first expression. Because my awakening complete with everything whole and complete is and was the point, that I rose without any past. I rose en point as the Point.

There is Q. Quantum Application. Q.A.
18 A.R. A Reflection Truly Beautiful in the Mirror O,
A.R.T. B.
A beautiful reflection of you, Thou Art, ART. E-A. RT. H. E.I.

12:51 a.m.

I will take a little break, it always saddens me, suppressing all Joy- Pains me. P.J when I find I am still be used to Program and Code a play script, really all about Naturalness- Perfection.

P.A.N. O R A M A.
The Pin Code.
Not pinning, pine code, or undermining, awaking up and aftermath, but you will Cee and See, S.E.A, – H-AR.T is you Beautiful.

12:56 a.m

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