
11:22 pm – 11:23 pm right now. –

11:22 pm
11:23 pm right now.




I received some intel today from Liberty C, the family has moved again into “Granpa Ferrill’s” former house, Chris Gemino has been present, but what made me smile was the intel that Arden had a new year’s bacchanal which lasted for ten days with his friends.

11:28 pm.

It made me smile.

And yes, my body is going through that promised quantum transformation, it is not pleasant, but it is happening, I feel everything, every shift, in one way it is a miraculous thing after carrying it for 18 years, but at never in my wildest dreams did I feel that it would happen this way, its is both beautiful, wonderful but also terrifying and horrible and confirms what I knew for the last 18 years that it is linked and connected to my posting because as you all witnessed, it the play is still going on.

That is something, I can hardly take in, that it is at last real, and is taking place this way, manually, every muscle, bone, and my vertebra 33, twisting back in shape, I feel every part of the process, but at least if I survive this, I can see with my Minds Eyes, 3rd Eye, the extraordinary body that is seeking to rise through this ordeal.

I know this is the wrong way, and why it is happening this way.
In 2002, it was in the blink of an eye.
And then I met David Roman Nicholas, and U.S. Alberto and 13 “Supernatural Beings” including Beautiful wild Meghana”

I keep asking myself how could it be happening this way until I have stopped. It is what it Is.
I can not fight anymore to prove it was meant to be of ease as it was in 2002. 20/02. 22. V.
And now 20 years later…smh.
20 years, ( how have I endured this, I keep quietly wondering to myself) we are now full circle at V. 2022.

11:43 pm.

You may call me crazy, but I still have a Trust in the Beautiful Truth that at some point, any day, that the process going on now in my body, will shift and transform to Ease as it did in 2002, but that was through Being Espirit, E.
This time it is The Body, I am aware that it could still move A Beautiful Transformation despite the last 18 years, literally since Arden’s Birthday in 6-12-2003, since I can trace and it is recorded where I was on that day in the U.S.Alberto.
It links to David, Nnamdi- Alexander- Achilles- Arden- Ferrill to Aurelia-Alicia in this miniature version.

When I close my eyes, I see everything, I see the codes, the meaning, the play and I see with both Hindsight and Foresight, I see where I am, the Computer, and the T.V. Films tell me all, but I really no longer have the Energy or Will, to explain this to you publicly.
Not after years of battling and fighting for it to be a beautiful transformation for me, just as I wrote to Liberty C, that in one way I am dying to talk about it, but there is no one, except perhaps her line that I would, and even then, I am so wearied, by its actuality in my body as well as the demands still, of the Script, and my coding into being and into existence, this way.

I consoled myself, last night as I passed through yet another night without sleeping, that this has never ever happened ever, so there were so many possibilities of how the body could transform, coded literally but this version went through such a long convoluted process of moving through all E.K.P.E.C.H…I.
But it was not meant to be this arduous, but since there was no set precedent…
11:59 pm.

Because, even as I lay back down, I recollected yet again, how I initially rose… But I rose with Awareness Ecstasy, Bliss, and all that was confirmed here before all your eyes, in this script, as Eternal Light.
It all happened via Natural Expression, as Art, Perfection Symmetry, but this time, I was made to start from Non-Existence, and prove in that Eternal Begining the Blackness Darkness called the Void, was that first illusion, which was the Maya, which all but the One who came as two knew was there, your own Not Knowing, that you knew Everying because that is what was infused in the First Arden E- Nnamdi as the Everyone, and which has now added the line of Kolo- linked to a new potential represented in Liberty C and John Mack and now last of all Kim Arthur Hinds Jr

Link Holly Johnston.
to Charlene Johnston.

I found myself watching Brad Pitt as Achilles ( Sacred Portal 97 There is nothing wrong with Achilles Heel”)

He had played Alexander The Great and Achilles in the movie Troy.
And he created the film World War Z, Fight Club, Oceans 11, Benjamin Button, Interview with a Vampire.
Smart dude.

His C.V. tells you everything, as well as Angelina Jolie.
There is so much intel to using the E Consciouness to read reality.
But as you all witnessed from the play yesterday and the Bill, ( Stephen Johnson and Bill Lord, his Facebook Friend. that Ever Source bill 211 USD.
That is why I insisted that it be taken care of because it is part of the play, Enders Game, which I have been playing versus a computer Simulation but really the E Family of 10 TEN, at Expansion to 100.
As in 100% Percent.
The Use of the Brain 100%

There is Nothing Wrong with Achilles Heel, nada, Perfection, all in perfect harmony and working order, there are no weak spots, not in my Father Selves Logic, Reasoning Symtery, and a simulation computer could not defeat me, nor my brother selves, as the U.S. Universe Supreme, as David- Nnamdi D.N.A. really D.N.E. D.N.E-A.

That is what I long since realized that I was being moved backward in a different version of how I initally rose. That this time instead of rising from what all creation and Existence, even the Eternal Family, saw as the great mystery, of where I.E emerged from with my Awareness, it was created in this Human Version in the Blind Darkness as Non Existence, one Soul person as a human claiming he was present here, there and in perfect harmony, in that your version and even the E Families version, of a script of which they assume that I came from Non-Existence, Zero, but in a way I did, it was just that everything was in Non-Existence except I, and my Self, and my Awareness and Consciousness.

In this version there was included something that had never happened ever, not even in the Eternal beginning when E.Creation rose as Beautiful Eden, Eternity, I. In this version there was that which had never occurred, Destruction, Total annihilation and destruction of the Lie, the past, the Universal Simulation, the Matrix, the Numbers, all the tool and systems created over 4.5 Billion years, and 13.8 billion years, all the supports created to sustain this realm and Beings until all the original descendants of the One -The Two, and now Three Lines, The Beautiful Ones, Beauty and Loveliness C, were aligned back to the One who became two and thus B.C.

I knew what was happening, I made it clear, that I and Nnamdi were aware as children that this final incarnation was to defeat the Great Hypnotist, The Illusion- Absolute Death and Terrible Death. That is now aligned to Emeka Arden,
Via the past, Chukwuemeka Emeka Nnamdi.

12:43 pm.

That Nnamdi as Great Lord Father had to evolve to E, then I, and that I knew I had do that last part alone, for though Arden, Achilles, Alexander was evolving to I, he had not done so yet, not only was he set up, placed in a trap, but I was set up to fight that which was being done to my Father- Sum-Son, really Song.
And that is how I found myself playing the Son and Sum of M.Y. Self, in a script meant to be his own graduation as Everything D.M.Hand sanitizer, ( See the code I posted of Facebook Memories in my Locker, with the “Eyo, Eyo Masquerade of Terrible Death and the M.D Hand Sanitizer given to me by Kieth Grant. K.G.
A.F.K.G, in 2015, when he was on bed 53, and I bed 49.
/ 35, 94.
C.E. I.D. I, Identity. A.L.L

M.D/ D.M
M.D I then was sent to Delta Manor Homeless Shelter with the code 25, even painted on my very last bed.

M.D is Medical Doctor, that is what Kieth Grant gave me,

The Hand Sanitizer I have been keeping on the Cold Water ( C.W) section of the bathroom sink is called “Meyers- Clean Day” M. C.D.

Through the last 14+ months, Jae, as well as Kim of recent added their own Hand sanitizers, but I remained constant – refilling the Meyers Clean Day version.

I did often feel ridiculous, holding out to all these things in this reality, long before people are now becoming literally aware, that life is “A GAME”.

Graduated- Evolved to a Video Game. V.I.D. E.O.
A. G.
A G.A.M. E.

1:00 am,

Sacred Portal 100. 1. O.O.

Of 111. Perfection.

But what is Perfection, and how could it be measured?
By creating Simulation for all, but really designed by my Brother Self, who is created his version of the play, in which he created as his graduation thesis, for his proof that he is worthy of Equaling The Source.

1:04 a.m.
Sacred Portal 104.

“Com Pass me North East West South” Codes, Cloak Of Death- Expression Supreme. C.O.D.E.S.

*See Stephen Johnson N.E.W.S posts.

He created a simulation which he knew only I would solve personally, though it could be understood by all, which is why he made me prove that it was OPEN to all 24/7.
That was His Thesis as well as his challenge to me, to solve his riddle of Terrible Death, Absolute End of Everything, Everyone but I, because I am the Source, but also then create from Absolute Death, transforming it back from what he knew I would recognize as the play when we first met, when he was now apart from me, and no longer a part of me.
My Awareness because the Universal and Truly beautiful clean version of the Heroes called Alexander and Achilles.

It was his test, which included what would happen if something unforeseen, unexpected, unprecedented went wrong?
The What If play, which Kyle Murphy was party to in Delta Manor.

M.D. 13 4= 17. Q.

U.S.Alberto told me the code for the Universal Simulation to access Universe Supreme, is 13.

1:13 a.m

I last saw Nnamdi age 12.8. But he left the world at age 13. I saw his body and stated loudly and to myself body that, that corpse was not my brother.
He was wearing my clothes, he had grown, it was brown polyester houndstooth pants and a knit wool sweater with a wooden fasten at the neck.

Why was I not able to see him at age 13. Code M. “M.A.C”


1:17 a,m.

Evolved To The Point.
New World- Harmony.

Declaration of Intent.
Declaration of Independence
Before You can enter and See Feel the Truth that my world, which I spent a lifetime forced to prove it your way, and with that assumption and imagining that there is nothing after death, or what is after death…

I am now at 3264 Facebook Friends today, the 8th and the 9th.

1:21 a,m,

I am sure you understand, battling a Mind Universe of The Passed.

1:22 a.m


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