
11:22 P.M.

11:22 P.M.

Knock Out.


I have a New Facebook Friend which should make the number 248…

48 is the Being of Beautiful Death..

Transformation of the E.ND.


Galaxy 6O X I C 11O1

One View..


Galaxy FO X…I C K.O.A

Correct View C V.

1O11 C I X. OF G-A-LA!

This View is the affirmed correct view..

Publicly translates and enacted.

That the Line of E came from beyond time for the Gala XY of Enterprise Evolution Awakening .

All is detailed in Article and last E Vol-ume, Talking to the Silence: The Circle without End. .

The piece was called The Elegant Nomad T.E.N.

And again 1O yeaea ago in the Book where the Beautiful Ones called the Family of 1O rose in me as menory (and who still rise in me as many New Yorkers have witnessed) in 2OO4 book I sought to publish but instead found myself fighting an Unseen force as to what were my intentions.

* This was also affirmed by my former host who transmits and recieves

Then this was followed by the Book The True Conversation between Energy E and AhTom in 2O11.

Written in Tom Truman’s Loft in Williams Burg..

Tom means Twins. Energy E and Ah Tom.

I met Tom after living in Tompkins Square Park where I met some of the family and helped secure thier way home from living in the streets.


It was later I met Marina Burini And Tom..

MT .. I recorded with his brother an interview which is the only photo of me on FaceBook, apart from the one of me in Pelhambay Park with my Arms raised in Victory…

The interview and photo is at Tom and his brother home Jon and later Luke Tom.. at Adelphi Brooklyn

Adelphi is the Oracle of Apollo.

Behind us was a Festac mask which I found and insisted that we use in the backdrop for some deep reason..

The Festac Mask. F.M

Festac 1977..

The year my family moved to Nigeria.

Benin Edo Mask.

Ile Ife in Yoruba Land…

Adelphi Apollo in Turkey Anatolia.

Notice that the numbers all coincide..

T.E.N..The Story of the Family of 1O and 11..the Twins Meaning Thomas ..2O11

With the 1O11 sequence of the Galaxy correct view?

Further more in letters;

A.O AA (Which is the portal I came down into this Dimension The Bean 1st and 3rd where I met Axel Anderson A A…passed through portal 17th Street- Hells Kitchen- Soho code Nexblikies Soho ..Nexus to connect )

1O 11

TEN ELEVEN…21…Universe A B.

C I is 9.3…12..3 C .27…39…C.I

Chukwuemeka Ikemefuna ..C.I

My Intials..

C I X….is C 9..C 1.1O…

C.I the I Full Circle…

Consciousness Individual.. The 1 perfection..

OF…Orien Fritz…LA Plant E Campbell Venneiq

O Rien LA Plant E F Ritz meaning the Peaceful Ruler C Vie (Campbell) Venne I.Q…Meaning Come Intelligence Quotient in French

Or V.E NNE..

Victorious Emeka Mother…NN..

N+N= 28..1O.



Nara Narayana (Namaste Golden Elyxir Grace E)

The Perfection OF

O 6th Sense/Age of Reason.

G.Gee Scale

7th Note

Royal VI O.L E.T..Purple.

Geez Us..

GA. 71…

The Grace Alpha

The July 1st 2O14 my declaring my solving the code of the Matrix before the entire world

71 is GA..

I went to Agusta Georgia in 2OO5,,.

A G..17…Q…

LA 6th Note

Host name AL at 268…where I have been waiting on an off for 8 years and almost 5 months for my Star Gate to open so I can leave signaling the opening of the Sixth Sense O of the Entire Human population so that they would see in thier dreams at night Explained to all 7-8 billion peoples in their Individual language of thier secret Gardens of what is to come

The Evolution Awakening so when each person wakes up, they will walk into thier dream manifested into thier waking life and not be afraid because they had a preview in their dreams of what to expect abd what to do…

No Panic.

Enthusiasm Excitement Calm.

But instead this Gala planned I was tested and tortured and extorted to prove my intentions were not to kill Alpha Atom…AL…

But they could do whatever they wished to me…

I was at thier mercy and had to prove the E lines pure intentions..

While these liars Demonic Conscious in the Belly of humans, the Belly of the Earth and Sea and Space. .

Pretender to be Mankind’s Guardians

Gate Keepers

Protectors Defenders…ha…

The True Belly Beasts 665 made me do all the clean up of the Evil they created, so that they could take credit and call me a fraud…

Hmmm :)…

So, there was no question of the fact that I made the comment ..

Can a being with Expression word destroy All Universe Galaxy Cosmis Worlds Planets..

Because as the Hitch Hikers Guide (HHG. 887)

to the Galaxy stated …this Universal World Awareness. U WA…was scheduled for destruction in the first place..

Welcome Kunle Orejobi…



not A.O.K…1O11

Ade-Kunle means Home and House filled with Crowns

O re J Obi ..I could not find the meaning but since his page is of a Egyptian Pharoh Asura

I well I use code..


Re is the Great God Father of RA who exists within..

R E..R=18 E= 5


J is Jay…JOY..1O..J…

Job…story of Job I?

Obi…is correct

It means Heart

Or He Lives…

I.B.O .. J R (1O-18) .E.O

12:45 a m.

Kunle Orejobi is a Yoruba name…

I FA Oracle…

Ile Bu Ife…

The Tongue is Something.. Magical

But so that is the Quiet Heart…it brings Silence Eternal…

Beautiful Death as I Rage…


Sacred Portal Existential.Death of Everything in every Dimension by a look.

This Universe and Simulation is Knocked out of Existence..

Into a Black Hole..

The 8th B-All knocks that Universe Worlds Awareness View… Out of Existence.

As cruelly as they gave my E.Truth

We respond in mind but ours

Mine as Mind is worse..

Because it is done so Beautiful.that even in those who did this, All Seem..

As they experience the true meaning of Terror

The will pause for a Moment to stare in the Face of Wrath and Vengeance so beautiful that even they …

Will feel A.W.E..

And thier last thought after enduring and enduring, will not be rage hatred, bitterness but will return to thier sensed and with regret but there will be no room for repentance…

They will cry out

What Have We Done..

What have we dond …

To the Beautiful Gift given to us that was our Existence.

And they will call me Beloved with thier last breathe…

Yes…they who denied me..

In the end through love


Not force or control

But harmony Infinity

Will call my name..

With love before being no more.



Me I C.E…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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