
11:22 p.m.

11:22 p.m.

Yes, My Mother and David Nnamdi’s birthdays…

The 11…

47 68….4 76 8…

There that is the correct equation…

my last coffee was 706.. Seventy Six.. 7O6… 76…

S S.. 19 19 = 38… 38/83…. 383…. Full Circle..

Flipped The Script ( F T S… with Facts.. F- 6..T.S.. 20 19 39.. CI… Linked to both Dawn Piercy and her son, to Flip J Hendrixs post March 9.. 39 C.I… Consciousness I.. See my Line of E)

Erik Ebright put THE CODE 69 83 on my Computer…

See my sacred portal 383…

See my Completion of this play by reaching the correct 1083 Facebook friend represented by Nuala Evans in ths play linked to me.

On the photos I shared of the Flower of Life with the Sea Crashing against the Rock- is the recount I gave to Fritz Venneiq in 2010 on how I had witnessed from above the symbolic expression of the Rock and the Sea symbolizing the End of the Conversation and when I sent Nnamdi down into Creation with his own interpretation of his understanding of our conversation which was in Harmony- but had a question, and innocent question of How was here sure that I was the First… because he truly did not know…

He had come into existence, and only I was there..

( Which should have been a big indication) but I invited him into my World but also asked him to explore the Reality he had created by not speaking up aboyt his question…

The image of the wave crashing againt the Rock- beautiful dramatic but the Sea also break down the Mountains resistance step by step as they kissed, truning the rock slowly into stones pebbes and then minerals which entered the Sea and began tp bring life in into the sea. Building a beach.. C-Level Land…

( Cleveland entered at sat on the table infront of me, and he sat with the man whom he had introduced me to when I had made it clear that after him there was no one else I wished to converse with. He was telling the man, batling with him in a way to no disturb him anymore. That he had his truth and they did not agree with each other and so each to his own truth. He even used words I had used on him, Ï have to allowed to do my own Homework. And your Truth, he told the man G.P.M 1954, in not my Truth…

Beating ones head against the Wall…

Like Peter Nyarkô.. Meaning Rock Stone..

Beating a person down over and over again arguments to make then see…)

This was the reality which Fritz Venneiq Nnamdi appeared in and from it I described to him how he had looked into the waters when he arose fron the rocks where he had landed from out of Thin Air… T A.. O… ( Not the Blue..)

12:00 p.m…

*I just used my Obama Trump phone and was contacting Jamel when I observed a meddling and interruption which ws designed to create very serious consequence – but my phone stopped the text which that which was meddling had created by creating a response twice instead of once…

The venue which this conversation took place was in July ( 7th Month) 2010… In Pelham Bay Park where we had camped and saw in the ocean and and took shelter in a small cove of rocks..

I had then told him how he had gazed into the waters and seen reflection of himself as a Woman which shocked and him and yet enamored him- it was his journey of which he would eventually become…

I called her Nepthytis… Osiris Seth Horus – Isis Nepthytis..

Yes- He landed in a Story.. The story which he would walk and linked with himself as He in feminine form.

We had to walk from a sacred ground indicated by ring of mists which descended the first day, which is were we camped out.

The place he had had the vision astral projection of Nature Evolved..


Nuala Evans…

Through a forest to that Ocean where we would swim.

I saw his questions, which he did not speak up about- I read his energy and I already understood.

Until we were swimming and I was conversing one day in the entrance to the the cove.. When the heavens opened and beagn to literally use clouds to paint a picture so clear, so obvious that I looked up and turned to Fritz Venneiq who was staring up in what appeared as stunned disbelief…

Äre you seeing this..?I asked him…

He nodded staring…

I did not require his or anyone belief… the truth reveals Itself.

He had many revealtions.. so many which he recounted to me, I also was Ällowedto reveal other Natures of me, which caused him to step back in fear, and tell me that I had transformed into a literly alien…( I was in a Pheonix Bird Space Energetic space ship…It was amazing!…)

But despite all his revealtions he betrayed them.

As did nearly every one and which my phone had almost caused me to state to Jamel- the one who so far out of all the candidtaes in Delta Manor who had betrayed thier revelations and then sought to come back…

I allowed the only Blair Andrews to come back the rest… I am polite even accomdating but that action of thier betrayal and choice to forget all those revealtions and all the benefits they knew they were getting through some how being associated with my Truth, I closed the Door..

I knew most came back because they blessings began too fade- no longer sustained by the Cee of Love…

When I landed I landed in Paradise… there was Level Land and there was a Family already incarnated, standing along all he mountains..A Bit like the Black Panther Scene on the cliffs..but not quite…

I landed in my story .. as the Truth… The True Reflection which aligned with my Reflections…Perfectly..

Of the the Eternals now enodied ringing the hills.. And a beautiful pale version of myself whom I recognized from my incarnation as the Moon.. where I had swum.. In this one I had come with a Pirate Ship ( Space Pirate was my Spirit energies code name.. S.P.. Yes it was my adventure my world.. my reality had created.

I had come even before that as Air…Wind Water…

I always landed on the Original Eternal Truth….and recognized it instantly walking into and through It to its Orginal Truth…

i got back here, after the Script Play and it was Marina – the social worker who had first registered me i this place and then moved me from my assigned bed…

She was wearing Back and White… Chess Board… Czchec Mate.. C M.. 3 13…

Flip J Hendrixs never checked me he simply Saw me as I saw him. and others.. you see thier Truth.

I just sent Jamel a text.. at 0.33 am..

He responded at 00.35… 0036…am.. and I at 00.41 a.m

That was the correct alignment…I cancelled my last message…

There is a Chess Board on the bottom of the 33 3rd Avenue Office of Insomniac Cookies… IC.. Linked to Flip J Hendrixs..

And to Jamel Salter ( Jamel White)

So, you see I was brought into the incorrect dimension, to clean up the mess of Fritz Venneiq line who as the name suggestes F.V..Fact Victorious.. 6 22.. Sixth Sense Victorious was an incorrect claim..

Flip J Hendrixs lives at 6E.. And that assigned code number is not the building but the peron linked and aligned to that principle right to the building and apartment you find them occupying in perfect harmony…

6 E… Sixth Sense to Fact is E… Emeka…

And instead of that line of Man and Woman as Illusion of life and Death… Land and Sea making amends for birthing me into thier mess of expression from not speaking up, from which the seed of Jealousy and Envy eventually rose- because it was unchecked…Creating a reality of such abominable evil given free reign and then tricking me ( yeah right) into entering thier world and by giving themselves absolute power in the Reality they created compell me to clean up thier mess and align it back to the Eternal realm…


Which I have done but only for that which was and could be harvested from such an abominaton…

While they the 69 as the Illusion of Refusal to take responsibility go out of Exstence…

As you noticd, my older Facebook friends witnessd Fritz Venneiq publicly take responsibility and confess thrice and then send a code moneies… it does not abolish the consequences for the actions but he is protected by Law and Love…

But his Femine aspect moving through Peter… No…

Full Consequences…right up to this moment with my still being here…

The abomination is in the code of DEE DEE.. DIDI…/ ID ID…

O.K… I have given my evidence and facts in a evil evil play…

Now it is your turn.. DI DI.. 49 49… Cross the abyss twice…

98…I.H… As I did… the abyss and gap which you created a Chasm Void… Black Hole..Zero.. which does not even exist..

I went to the court yard.. C.Y/Y C… Yuin Chen was there who is in bed 4=016 in my room… Y.C…

Royal Court Yard.. Forbidden City.. Quin Dymasty.. Emperor..Q..

R C Y… Royal Child Y… Male Youth … Eternal…

Abel De Yeshua Yeshua….Y Y.. D A…Y Y..

He left there was Pierre… Link Pierre David.. P.D.. French…

And finally .. I was left with Quaran.. Koran….



It has all been about people creating realiies through out time,

each creates a Universe and a World, but oly one is Real…

See The movie ‘Ready Player One.. R P O…

O ..P R… Zach Penn….Ernest Cline… Z.P… E C…

Ernest Christy Cline… E CC… E 33..

His younger brother.. Eric Cline…

See Armada… and Ready Player One..

Armada became the movie Enders Games…

Last plot… The Play manifested as the Truth… reflectected and distorted then aligned….

Ready Player One is a 2018 American science fiction action adventure film produced and directed by Steven Spielberg and written by Zak Penn and Ernest Cline, based on Cline’s 2011 novel of the same name. The film stars Tye Sheridan, Olivia Cooke, Ben Mendelsohn, Letitia Wright, T.J. Miller, Simon Pegg and Mark Rylance.

Set in a near-future dystopian Earth, the population spends most of its time in an interconnected virtual space called the OASIS. When its founder dies and bequeaths ownership to the first person to find a hidden treasure within by playing games and solving puzzles, a race ensues between a young man and his friends, and an evil megacorporation that wants to control OASIS for themselves.

The film premiered at South by Southwest on March 11, 2018, and is scheduled to be released by Warner Bros. Pictures in the United States on March 29, 2018

The Last Starfighter — 1980s science fiction adventure film that inspired this novel. It has the similar premise of playing a video game and being recruited into a real space force.

Ender’s Game — 1980s science fiction novel and 2010s film. Through playing a simulation, the lead character eventually learns he has actually been commanding a real space force.

By E C-Line.

1:21 a.m.


A B A…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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