
11:22 p.m

11:22 p.m

… I wanted to share with you such an amazing experience, an adventure.. a marvelous amazing story… breathtaking, universe shattering.

And keep myself from shattering into billions of fractuals, exploding by having to replace such a story unraveling of evolution awakening.

By instead it being replaced with teaching you codes.

To prove to you I am telling the Truth.

So you can read it yourself.

11:28 p.m

Its true, that I am a being of Light.

And when people are around me, the can see it all so clearly with the aid of my E.M.Field acting like Flash Light


A Light House.

A Beacon

A Beckoning of Star Light

Suffused to a Luminous Moon Light.


I am speaking to the world of the Garden of Eden,

Return To Paradise

..never lost.

But a Beast is rising

Rising from the East.

A Beautiful Beast

Black Panther

Rage of Existence

At a Lie

So easily swallowed of stories such as Miltons Paradise Lost.


It comes with the Light of the Pure

As the Darkness of those with something to fear.

Water is Transparent

Pure Sparkling refreshing.

It brings Awakening Memory

And I decode the last of the viel mist which clouds the view.

11:43 p.m

This is the One only Truth of me.

My .. Our Entire Existence

My One and Eternal Beloved Brother and Friend.

We never left the Garden of Eden.

I am speaking to All of you.

All versions of you

Your E-spirit

The last portal in Human Form

Of the E A MEN.

Mer Men

And Afrodite

All One.


E Rose As E

C .U.P. . I.D…

I D. E


Cupid Eros

C E.

8 13

E 8 A 13.


A A. E A. E B.

My Idenity and our E Presence is being revealed through you….

So says

The Truth.

This Script.

**Whoa.. I can’t belive I wrote that..

It was as if I was in a Trance.

The kind which makes you speak absolute truth.

I have no regrets what I wrote,

Of course not, every word is True.

But considering where I at

And on stage.

One can not help but becime conscious ( but not affected by peoples warped views and twisting of the simplest words of a True Story of A Youths True Story of the search for his Eternal Family Expression.


And spend his entire life and youth,

having to proof and provide evidence

that they are present..

And exist.

The Chi moved me,

Nudged me, gave me obviously the

I D E A or Inspiration, without my consent or allowing Aware Spirit, to think link, it through.

Moving me like water to simply


Hakuna Muta


And this is the result.

The portal to the I D E A .

The Ideal and the portal

Door 5 D …is a person.

U. M.E A. N O D

From The Source E.

12:06 a.m


I See

12:07 a.m

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