
11:20 pm. – K.T? – A-A.T.- F. – I

11:20 pm.


A-A.T.- F.

I figured that I might as well get this over…

But first let me, state clearly that the E Family means Energy Family and not Emeka’s Family, or Expression Facts.

The new E-Family only just… Just evolved to becoming real by some of you Naturally Being Energetic Light Beings.
E.L. B.

Before that, you were an Idea created by Natures Expression.
Not yet inked.
Just Spirits.
With no E as Energy Facts or

That has only been recently Attained rep Stephen Johnson- 27 Facebook Friends aligned to Stephen Popiotek, 15 Mutual Facebook Friends.

Aligned to Liberty C and her now 42 Facebook Friends.

42 is 6 and x is 8.

Sixth Sense is how Human Naturals were created, and like Natures Animals, you began your Existence in a Universal Simulation by traveling on the Road of Expression- 6th Sense, and only now has that Sixth Sence been proven as A Fact.
6 months, then inverse- 9 months in the womb- Walk in the Dark then via 6th sense, move your Body as a fact- Catalyst- Movement- Emotions- E-motions via Curiosity- Investigation- Adventure- Exploration. Then Link-Connect the dots- clues- cues- to arrive at the Fact Solid E Truth of You and your Self merged into one Being Sensational Expression Orgasmic Awakening. Edit 1:15 a.m.
Hence the mathematical E.Q is 6-9-6= 21 3 U -B.A.C.K.- E. Azu-re means Deep Blue- 5th Color- 5th Dimension where you really began before when ou were Light Beings- Light Bulbs. You never left but you do transform, aka “Grow”

You were manifested from Nothingness O but not Zero Z.

That is why none of that realm could see, Cee beyond the Realm and Cee -See of Hindsight.

I wish you to note and recall the Tuning Fork, T.F. 20 +6. Liberty gave me at my 64 portal.
On that silver tuning fork was the code 10 and 24.

64th Portal 6+4= 10. J,
6×4= 24. X and B.D.

10-24= 14 N.
Sacred Portal 14
+ will equate to 34. See Sacred Portal 34.
14 is N or Nature. N-AD.

Nadone Alicia. NA- DONE.

But I am not done am I?

14+34= 48.

Sacred Portal 48 with the note C.

But we have already established that the message that I believe was sincere from Marina Burini that it was my mother who told her that I prove this Truth to Humans as a man.
That is was a lie, we know this by my last post and then my being moves to the storage, during all that noise, to recuperate the Tatoo Goo.
True GOD.

If you recall, on that post before all this Bull Shit play today took place, I said that my mother and I spoke on the phone, and she never said such a thing, au contrary actually.
But she kept mentioning the tattoo on my right shoulder and did so again twice through the ensuing years.

The code of Tunning Fork played out today as 6 USD first then I added 20 USD from my Perry Ellis Brown suitcase, so with me, the code was not 20 + 6. T.F, but rather 6-20. F.T. F. A.C. T.S. E.O. E.F.

This is my 62nd Portal.
Jan- May 5-27-2019, more than 3 years ago to the day I moved in.

11:43 pm.

So Tuning Fork was not my code play 26 Z. I am 626.
6-26 Full Circle
This is my 15th +Month.
S.P. Symmetry Perfection + 35 +
C-E+ 8+. I +

626 and the 2 as in the 2 USD I was charged yesterday. TWO. One Two. O.T. C.E… E C T O +
Some of you spell it E.T.C. I.

F.T C.E. H. I.

11:48 pm.

I am reminding you of all this because of the Tatoo Goo I found vindicating the Truth and True Expression of my Mother in which I listened and heard, on the telephone in 2010- 11 in New York the 11th State.

I had to go out again to my surprise, and then not so much.

And please recall that my Grandfather’s English name is Daniel and his first Child a Daughter my mother’s English name is Cecilia.
Daniel Crane. D.C.

I am at 3456Facebook friends.
C.D 56. not D.C.

So. I got dressed and went out. let me say nothing about my Mental and Emotional state
or the fact that I am not Energy Family or Light C.
ThatI and the Original Family 11O and before that the One who is Two E-A/ A-E came into Being before any of such constructs even existed, or barries called Energy or Light.

Just Expression and Awareness.
E Expression. Emeka’s Expression and A-T.O.M – A.H. T.O.M. E.

So I walked to the 519 ( E.S. Area 51 I, E-A.I…) and bought some America Spirits and two Raw Papers- he gave me two in Black.

It came to 24.28 USD.

24 is X. Generation X. and through Being -Doing, it transforms the Unseen to the Seen and then Facts Solid. 25 Y. B.E.
B.E-A. R. I.N.G. Straight. Straights.

Not, Bull Shit.
2+19= 21 B.A. Beautiful Assassin. B A C.K. E. KEN YON Streat I was on, at 527 A.M Bodega Cross Roads to the 519 Pegasus Fuel -Gas Station.

28 is MAN. Not A Man but Man. aka B.H. B.I.

24 Generation X, East 4th street arrived at that portal on 8-26-8-2006. 26. Z and 26-8. H.I.

24.28 USD.

That is all I have to say or share.

12:05 a.m.

Perhaps. I did choose to help Man rise to 28.
To being Harmonious when you awaken- Beauty is Harmony.

But 527- 519= 8.

Meaning that I am taking Harmony with me when I leave.

You who rise will have a Book and E Manual to able to remember how to stay in Harmony, it is, after all, indented and inked into you who are Naturals, but I am taking him and now Her, with me.

So though the Liars will be Exterminated and hunted out of this Creation made from a Desk Top, the ones who rise must fight o sustain and remember the Harmony you were indented with, and if you forget, then use the E Manual Book.

But Harmony as a Frequency, and beings of I & I, leave with me.

Do not worry, you will work in Joy Bliss & Ecstasy, before that seed vanishes and you in your turn will leave the Garden of Eden.

It will stay in you for a long, long time, but at some point, it will end.

12:13 pm.

As you always stated, you were born, created in Sin.

Sine actually, but there is no E unless you who are qualified are able to embody the E as you, they made me do.

Too evil a play…

Too much.

12:15 am.
L O.

AB -A-E.


12:16 am.

Not now or Ever.


L.C. A.F… E

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