
1:12 pm. – A.L. – 1:13pm. – A.M. –

1:12 pm.





B-I.T. V B.I.T.E. Victorious.


I am about to call the police and the ASPCA.

In truth I did not think that I myself would have to do this, and take responsibility and take action, and express not only the 5th dimension play and script but also the 3rd, after all this work here for the last 15 months.

As you saw Kim Arthur Hinds Jr gave me the Gods Gift hence play sacred portal 77.
But it appears that once again, I am being made to take not only the play to its next conclusion- * I opened up my computer at 1:04 pm, so I know I am in the play of Terrible Death,
1:22 p.m.

But one must ask, which I did, “Have I not done enough?”

I have to use Kim Arthur Hinds Jr, I do not use phones much, and since I felt that I would be gone from here by this point and the conclusion of this script in which an entire world has access to withness the play of translation and teaching the 3D Simulation language codes manifesting daily for how many years, merging with 5th Dimensional frequency which merges to manifest the 5+3-8.
That I would be spared this- in truth it is really Kim Arthur Hinds Jr responsibility in the 3rd Dimension and even the chance to apply the 5th Dimensional Language he has learned and mastered with an A+.

But to be honest, at this point I really do not care, I have been carrying this alone, even after showing publicly how the E Consciousness manifest.
But I have long come to the conclusion, that despite the completion of Evidence AY Facts, Proofs with a 10 years Echo Response, witnessed experienced, no one will step forward even at this point, to take some of a load of not only the truth all have witnessed as truth and fact.

So now I am obliged to enact Eternal Law aligned to Natural Law while still in a play which all have seen and experienced and align it to the C.

In a deep and profound way, I am bored of all this undertaking I must complete and enact, but the truth is, as I have been showing you that because of you, I am made to appear as if I had no choice but to complete the script of the correct action to take.

Let me pause for a moment,
I understand why I saw the time as 1:04 pm when I opened my page.
A play just took place with Kim Arthur Hinds Jr which had not taken place in months, nor was I sure that it would ever happen again.
Nothing against Kim, but just the sheer insanity and drudgey of this play script.

First he let me know that he had spoken to the Landlord and she stated that she herself would take care of the little dog issue.

You can see what I was writing.
So, a great deal has changed, I will no longer will be calling the police and ASPCA on the people- the woman upstairs, The Landlord as should be, is taking responsibility.
Then I found myself waltzing into Kim’s room, and something happened. I sat on The War Chest.
“The Wander… music”

And then we conversed in the next room.
I knew now that I would only be calling the A-S.P.-C. A… on Jae Sherman.
And the PoliceCop 5. O.
So, we talked, and I no longer sppeak as well as I used to, but I listened to Kim, and felt the energy alive in the room tay actually took on form.
Holly Macdonald- Molly… Kim said her name.
I was in the Maze Labyrinth- Pans Labyrinth and it was all cleaned up to clarity.
I saw so much through Kim’s Expression, marveling quietly and irately at how I had been maneuvered from the moment I woke up, to conclude for this discourse in Kim 66 Room with Pans movie Logo on its door.
It felt so different as if he had tried so many arrangements, equations all cool, but this was the true one.

Jae Sherman was in her room- but I could feel her, as could Kim, I really did not have anything to say to her or about what that things she is, all has been said before and so, her spying, was inconsequential, we knew and why and that is all that mattered to me, but Alien Fathers Frequency aka Darest Matter= Lightened-up stared down from where Kim told me that he just moved it, painted a new background and settled on the current spacing arrangement in his room.

It was Perfect.

I literally flowed into the room, without it being my intention but I did not resist the flow.
Kim, looked really Handsome, his body slimmer and his face…

3:30 pm.

But as I sat and he began talking, the tiredness and fatigue of this yet again, made me feel need to get away, not from Kim, but this, everything.

But I listened and of course saw the confirmation of everything I had deduced of Kim, that in him he was carrying your story- the entire script.

3:33 pm.

The man in the painting could be called “Obiora” meaning Heart and Hearth of The People, and everything Kim said was a literal reflection of that.

In a way what took place in that room, apart from gentle nudging, aligning Kim Arthur Hinds Jr, flowed. I Identified the movement of words and expressions as *”Nsibidi (also known as nsibiri, nchibiddi or nchibiddy) is a system of symbols or proto-writing developed in what is now the far South of Nigeria.
Parent systems: Nsibidi (see also Proto-writing): …”

It was amazing to hear him and see the movement Alien Father in him and Arden ( Kim made a “slip’ of tongue and Arden’s name came out) I could see as he spoke the wiggling lines of Nsibidi, and delightedly despite my reticent, I called it out- speaking to the Seen but Invisible audience which surrounded us and radiated all embodied in Kim, I was addressing a whole crowd and Kim was representing the head. The O.I.Nri people connected through our conversation some last details and refinement of understanding the Key Point.
Autumn ( Smol) has already been determined as the First and Last Leaf, but Alexa Vertefeuille name came up Story- Ganesh -Shiva= 26. Alexa- Dark Green Leave to Light Green.
I had met her in person with Esteban- E.M.F.
She and Kim Arthur Hinds Jr connected dramatically at Oregon 33rd State.
Nathaniel Thomas Bywater is the president and director aided by Josh Bywater of a flourishing estate that aligns to sacred portal 34.
That is what I watched yesterday in the series Badlands- really B.A.D.L. A.N.D.S.
meaning-“The name Nathaniel is a boy’s name of Hebrew origin meaning “gift of God”.

Gift of God.
Weed as a Gift given to Kim, which he bought and made a gift of to me, which I placed on my Altar- and which joined and connected to reveal the last pivotal piece of this Jig Saw Puzzle.

3:49 pm.

Jae Sherman is Evil, truly but Evil is Non-Existence, it is not real and has no effect on truth, and so it was and is the same for Dark Matter Energy, its Nothingness, filled with something, which revealed is Expression and Consciousness- Clarity Supreme.
That idea of Black and White- is for cats, not humans, and that is all the Illusion Maya, Mara ever was, an illusion people gave thier power to it, and it became the Vampire, the Tick, the Vermin- The Lia of the Rat.
Rats are Greedy because food is something that they must strive for to exist.
But the greed and green represented by what Jae Sherman has no I.D. hence no name, except perhaps the great fat nothing in a silly human story, and even in that story, there is purpose and intent.
And misunderstanding… which could be corrected.

Now there is the Nothing. which simply can not exist.
The Negative- The Negation of all that is real for the lie and what is fake.
Even the lie of playing the guardian to animals.

No this was about the Darkest Line of the True Nature, using me, my body to give that Kake-True Nothing a voice for a moment in his play, until I disintegrated all those lies and deception, turning pitch blackness to Blue and Light blue and Dawn… to Evening.
So all can be seen in a perfect setting recovered and each see each other in the Perfect Light.

Such as the sound I heard last night of Pearl – Flora crying from behind Jaes room, it was honest and before Jae could force her to shut up, the cry was such that I just could not ignore, depite knowing that it was a pre-set up cue, meaning I could not pretend to ignore its true meaning, and what for 14 months, I knew and recognized it meant.
Once I heard it, I knew I was being cued and wanted to call A. S.P. C. A. I.

4:07 pm

Yes, so much more happened, all of it beautiful lightening and even the things I had told Harmony that it was forbidden- which was to study the nature of Evil and Negation of Existence and all Truth.
Why bother to study that which does not exist- when it is only the product of a perverted programmed reality where nothing and no one is true and all are Fake- False.

But somehow they insisted and got stuck in it, because in this equation of it, it is so, so bad, it could turn you into stone.
Especially if you study it.

Why study an abomination, the stench, the smelly bad ideas of being in existence?
Scan it for a moment, inspect it, understand its make up and cast it aside.
Do not dwell on it.
Jae Sherman is here, present but I have avoided her shadowing me my every move, striving for attention – all her moves to divert, interrupt, and Kim Arthur Hinds Jr
the constant refusal to give me space and desire from day one to distract me from what I have been posting equating- what she represents out of even this game Hologram Matrix.

This is of course the code of the police, which she breaks and slyly denies.
It’s all evidence, allowed, arranged so that you all could understand that which is Evil -Non Existence- The Lie.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr understands it, he had already a background but as he spoke to me, speaking about Jae Sherman and the Great and horror of an evil witch who must be using her, merged with her, he told me how she had called me a lie, and how he had responded by what he himself and quietly, covertly observed.
“Then why each time you see him, hear him you sidle up to him and are always getting in his face?

He broke it down so well, I realized, O.K. he gets it, can we end this production now.
I am Beauty, The Beautiful One in the Original Family of E- such creatures do not really disturb me, pest, energetic vermin, what does disturb me is why it must be allowed to exist and sustained around me long after it is proven a lie?
That everything coming out of it has now become merged so totally with the Lie, that the light which was once there is absolutely and totally gone.

I am saying this now, only because it was the Original Story of Harmony C.
Do not trust only what your sight tells you, sight can be deceiving in this reality if you do not have the back story with proof and Facts.
You must use Feelings and Sensation- like a Radar, Ultra Violet, and Ultra Red, Rays.
That will tell you everything you need to know, and it will even bring out the Antenna and Sword- there is no healing of this creature, it is not even real, at most it is the so-called True Blue Satan’s Tester. T.B.S.T
The Sentry at the very last gate out of this story of time- The abomination made to appear as Kim rightly surmised- to appear as a Victim- “Pity me,” P.M.

They have no shame- no iota of Beautiful Pride, and B.P like British Petroleum is Beautiful Pride, the Fuel of the soul and without it, – just as she is doing now but finding excuses by fiddling with the tap in the kitchen just to get a reaction…
That is her pre-pre programmed nature.
To Bore.

Which is not even what she is to me- my boredom even in this play bears fruit.

4:44 p.m

4:45 pm.

I Talk when I have something to say, even if it is squeezed out of me, but it still has meaning and a point.

As Kim noted, both of us aware of her snopping nosey presence listening in the next room, ( you can always see the cause & effect in her actions later though she may think she has disguised it well.)- That she would say the same thing over and over like a rat on a wire cage and wheel.

That is my point, her existence has no meaning, nothing to add, simply no point.

So she runs water, over and over with no point, reflecting in all she says and does her one truth, No Point.

No Problem as Kim Arthur Hinds Jr wins and is Victorious.

The Stalker goes.

11:52 pm.

I was just wondering who just said that and the time told me, perfecting timing told me.

She and all she represents, have no right to an “Existence” because they have no point.
Nada, except to see to undermine and destroy all that which is true.

6:56 pm.

Now to my most recent Facebook friends- I believe this is the code expression 8, required of me for the day.

If no one will do something about the true nature of Evil as Nothing then I do and did what needs to be done.

4:58 pm.

Donna O Sullivan


William Sullivan 9 Mutual Facebook Friends.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr mentioned you today, so I knew.

W.S/ S.W.

South Whitney.

5:00 pm.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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