
1:12 PM

1:12 PM.

What I can tell you,

Is that from what I am Doing Being and Expressing, us that a great Staging and Setting has been Created..

UNE Mis En Scene.

With all the Characters, like figurines moved to the selected place.

Everything activate from Lighting, Air, Harmony Action Plan E T…

And the final action of Manifestation.


31B As V

Meaning Sacred Portal 31 ..B

C A.B.

Is of course, the Physical Bodies Transformation of the D N.A at the Quantum Sub Atomic level…

The venue said to be a vacum which can not propgate Waves because it has no air hence no sound

Apart from those who possess Diamond Hearing

D H.





32 56..13O…4


Yes, the last stage would be my body and human bodies morphing quietly elegany moved by a Song sung from deep within which after 14..

49-4 000 000 000 years old pit..

Filling rising from the Joli Pit.

The Wishing Well…


1O The Elegant Nomad.

24…X .

The Family X 1O the Creator Gods…


The Family of E who came before the Creator Gods..

The Family of 24..+x.. 6…Sixth Sense… SS..

And 8.. Harmony…

68-6+8..14..5..V E.

S H.E.


1:28 P.M.

Yep…That is the last Proof..

V becomes I.

The I the One

Who begins Evolution

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