
11:16 p.m

11:16 p.m

A-A A F.


A-A P.


K.T. T S.

A-A B F T S.


Emeka Liberty C Liscomb on ground floor quiet

Arden second floor. Music.Singing.

Auriela 3rd Floor

E L A-A.

Code wriiten on Sacred Portal 110

We are Here.

We are present

The First and Last

One Family of Existence


11:20 p.m right now is

The Music Arden was playing and singing to was by Nahko the singer.

It was about Awakening and revolution.

The House is now quiet.

I have a new face book friend, moving at last from 14 82 Facebook Friends.

N H.B. Natural Harmonies Being.

96% Dark Energy.

69. Nn A.M. D.I.

/28 41 M.A.N. D..A..


That was the name of a beautiful girlfriend I had in Istanbul.

She was from Australia,

I met her in Istanbul.

11:28 p.m.

She became a great sister friend to a girl I knew also in Istanbul, and then I met them again twice in New York, the last time they came to The Green House which we transformed into an Art Gallery in 2006 Jan.

See the meaning of both names.

Rebirth of Man

Ferrel and Leander, F.L Florida Sun Shine State.

Where the First Sons I met at Libertys apart from Baby Jeron.

Each I met with a friend named Noah.

F L is 6 12.

That is when 16 year old Arden was born.

Libertys Fathers Initials are D F.L.

His name is Donald and he is 82.

We normally link the name Noah to the Hebrew version of the Universal Flood.

But it actually means Rest and Repose… Chilling

That is the etymological meaning, and so that is the meaning to use… the Other meaning is a character in a Story.

Life is not a Story ( except recounted in Hindsight..It is real actual lived moment to moment, the rest is in Hindsight.)

Ferrel means Victorious


Leander means Man of Legend.

N.O. A.H.

14O. A.H.

Naturalness in Perfect Symmetry A H.

14 6. O=6.

N ..F.A H.

Nature is the expression/extension of Natiralness.

12:06 p.m

L F. F.

Leander and Noah.

L.F/ F.L

Naturalness Fact.

FAH is the 4th Note Solfeggio Frequency Sound


I have a new Facebook Friend

Arman Wisi.

Armand means Army Man.. Soldier

Wisi is Pintu Congolese it means Dawning

Dawning of Soldier Man

12:12 p.m

At 14 83 Facebook Friends

12:13 p.m



Y. Chromosome

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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