
11:15 p.m.

11:15 p.m.

K.O… Code Knock Out….

‘All The World Ills in One Sitting…

Ï read this, on Todays New York Times

Weekend Art Section…

Under the Queen Sized Scandals about the new series called

The Crown…

And then I saw Prince Cromwells likes…

And then recalled the play which took place a few hours ago with Peter who sat infron of Jay ( the Twin) and Leoardo….

L.J… 10 12… 22.. V.. with Peter Nyarko…and then the coffee cup with the codes 42 and then the one Chris gave me with the code 42….

P.C… Prince Cromwell..

And Badr who gave me the 6 code… which linked to F..

Edmund Kent Friedman…. E.K..F…

And Of course, Badr is really Salman.. Prince Salman who bought the Painting….Salvatore Mundi…. S.M…

Bought at 450.03 Million Dollars….

S.M… S=19… M=13… I have 13 USD in my Wallet….

S is also A… S=1+9=10.. 1O.. A.O… All played out in.

S.A.O.M… S.A.M… A is E.. as well as E is B… Being.

My Face Book password for years was Prince of Existence…

P.O.E… Yes Peter… and my Mothers Brothers name was Prince Peter… But Peter means Rock Stone.. R.S… Foundation. F…

I have Arabic Blood… And the 3rd Volume of my Talking to the Silence is called The Eternal Dancer…. T E D…

Dette Grant .. my face book friend… D.G.. 4 7…

Star Trek’s Gene Rodenberry.. G.R… Golden Ratio…

4 7.. 11…28….39… C.I.

S..A.M…O.E.B… E C I…

The EternaL Dancer is a Prose piece which introduces the Log Book as all my Journals have Essays which Introduces them From The 1st written 3rd.. Does Anyone Know My Name….

( Call Me By Your Name..)

The Reluctant Artist…

The Eternal Dancer….

The Temple of Dreams

The Circle Without End…..

There is one more.. the Fourth but it remained a mystery.. it recounted my writing when I first Returned from the Light

I was in such a differnt state at the time that people who came and took me thier Homes a Swiss Lady and a French man with their sons Valentine and Clement… Yes V.C… / C.V… placed an I.D on me in case I got lost, because I walked around the city and everywhere obviously not here…

I was in a place of such bliss… euphoria but so quiet… The world around literally did not exist except like some sort of Green Screen which I walked in and out of…

I wrote saved that book as all the books and saved them on a Floppy Disc…

I was able to open all the books except the 4th Book.. Whihc since 1993 when I transcribed it I was never able to read what I wrote in them…

I had given the original hand written transcript to my Flat mate and friend Stephan Gasciogne….

But because of the intensity of my journey, I had told him that I did not know when I would meet and see him again, but I trusted him with them…

That was Dec 1992… I saw him last when I stayed for a month in an apartment of his Family in St Germain De Pres…

I have no seen him since…

Nor Manu, who stayed with us… Both knew when and why I journeyed through Death to the light…

The ETERNAL Dancer was a recollection of a memory of myself in the Desert , I was riding a beautiful black stallion and a voice, whom I knew intimately, was speaking to me from the Sky… A Voice from the Sky?…

In a way, but actually in a U.F.O… Unified Field O.. A Space ship and from another dimension where I had come from…

It was the voice I called Father….

He was telling of what the mission he wished me to fullfil.. telling me that he knew me so well…

I said no, over and over again…

And at tone point, I took my Stallion, my noble steed and galloped of into the Dessert, I was dressed as a Arabian Bedouin Prince…

Salman Mundi….

Salman Alexander Mundi… E-Mekka… E- Mecca…

Samuel… ?

The Jewish Story…?

Ishmael was, is the first born of Abraham….

Good Grief No…

I had to go through that Story to simply solve the codes of the past….

Supreme A.M….

Stephan Crowned… Ameka/Emeka….Alexander/Eskander…

Praise.. Doer of Great Deeds… Defender of Man…

Manu.. Progenitor .. of the Man… Source of the Human Race.. The First Ancestor… AKE as Ignacio Choi wrote on my birthday….

S A.M. O.E… M.O.E… Meaning of Existence…

S..A M E….U…E.L….

S.. A.M.E.B.E..C.I.

And then, I then my spirit moved me to look for the first time at the last coment of Jason Williams… J.W… J.E W…

J E W I S H…



i have established and the script has confirmed through echo confirmation through you and manifest expression that there is no such thing as the Jewish only the HE.BREW… HE B R O E W…./ W E..ORB….E.H… ( E H.. 5 8)

* I had not read any of his comments except to glance an the imagery he posted liked by Anastasia Hart. A.H.

i did not read it but saw ‘Hot Air… and other comments of disrespect…

I then, paused….

I reflected back to the last 5.8 years on Facebook… and all those who came before him, male female..

the challengers.. the few graceful ones who took the hint and simply left my page, while others most who had thier own pages but inexorably stayed on my page posting blasting insulting… all about their agenda and their ego projections…

They all start of with Ah brother and when end up … revealing this nature when they are put to the script and not my play…

And I have watched observed in quiet fury at Father who brought me into this Script which I said would bring out the most hideous of Existence specimens…

I did not realize for a long time, that that was the plan.. in a way, I was the Sacrifice… IS L.A.M.B..

i Found that out through the years…

I was Bait.. to bring out the … to be seen heard witnessed….by All.

Salma A Mundi…

World Vision…2030….T.C…

See my sacred portal 20.. ‘L.A.DY.. E C H O.E… T.C…

Salman means Peace and Blessing.. Peace.. to the World…

Jason means Healer’

Greek Meaning: The name Jason is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Jason is: A healing. In Greek mythology, the leader of the group of warrior heroes called the Argonauts.

William means Desire Helmet Protection….

I looked at the Expression from Jason…

12:30 a.m…

And then that quiet rage.. boiling over through out the ages of time at the very expression and its source which has brought conflict war, misery.. the hypocrisy the ones who refuse to investigate because they do not want the truth…

Those whose gall balls to go so far, to twist truth take the Source Creator.. in vain and usurp the word of even the person giving evidence that they might be who they say they are who has given non stop evidence….

General Edmund Allenby took of his shoes out of respect when he stepped on Holy City of Jeru salem…

Whereever a Dancer stands ready is Holy Ground…

This page is a Holy… because it has revealed purity tesified by witnesses over and over again by the content…

And then I observed Ugo Nwamama post which just popped up that the Black Egytptians did not enslave any one…

I already wrote about that years ago, explaining through the then test of memory game that the certain races were literally Unclean and were meant to go out of Existence but were spared by the Compassionate ones to teach them through the only manner which they respected which was through fear and power violence and brutality…

Which is why they were called Filth.. the Swine…

Demonic.. the carriers of the diease and filth of bringing the Human story into being in this play and evolving it….

And I reflected back to Jason and all these people male female black and white .. all races who had been allowed to come here and spew their vomit in my presence.. despite warning despite all effort to explain to them what this is… What was is going on…

And I watched observed.. looking to the sky, to those behind the scenes.. to He who had allowed this to go this far…

And I realized that It was the Great Evil… and that these expression which he allowed to go so far was really simply a reflection of He being this great Evil in wishing to create a play for another to act in…

12:42 a.m.

Yes.. the Truman Show.. T.S… 20 19….

Selfishness Control.. true source of Slavery .. to ones point of view.. narrow mind… refusal to open up to another possibility.. refusal to even investigate….

The Unclean respect only Power and Fear…

I knew this…

And this is what this false Father created… and Its children are these creatures who have brought the World to this place preaching with twisted tongues Peace Harmony Love….

12:48 p.m.

I have sought to turn away from this play for years, but I have stayed…

When I spoke into the Abyss which is Face Book.. it was not a waste of Breath.. it was a demonstration from my one Father Guide within.. my Past…

It Responded moving each of you to respond be moved in a play and script you were not aware you were part of or summoned too…

Edmund Kent Friedman E.K.F… Was the last…

E.K.F… 1917… 1 917… I.Q….

And the play today outside of my control and yours confirmed my EMF.. to attract that which is the Truth…

And once more my attention shifted to Jason and all those who had expressed on this page, in my journey, in this world, through out time with such arrogance…

Mohammed brought forth the Sword…. Swine understand Blood… and the clean understand Water… Knowledge..

The Sword of Democles… This is what Yeshua understood…

And to cut out the disease when it first appears, first opens its mouth and does so 7 x7 times…

This Script allowed them to go too far.. all beause of a challenge a secret jealousy of ‘Father to Sonwho was never the father because the Son was the Father within.

12;56 p.m.

And so, there will be Blood and Pain, and suffering and agonies and people will Burn and then will burn not only as they leave this world and thier bodies but they will burn and pay thier debt in every dimension every level of existence to the cellular level..

And then after the physical is all gobe.. then the Spirit level the process is repeated.

I reflect on Jasons last expression.. Defiant… On my page…

I reflect on the last 49 years of Grace given to Humanty,

I reflect on the suffering of people in this world and the arrogance of the protected and the self entitled.. The Gossip mongers and he Racists, I reflect on all which I have seen and observed.. then endured…

1;00 a.m.

And then I relfect on Slavery, the enslavers.. the So called White man… .. Not the true Pale man my line.. but the White Elephant in the Room…

And then I say.. Increase the Horror increase the Dette,,,

Dette Grant .. bring them to life in that spirit state to feel every single moment to they exist no more.. and make it as Eternity… to feel like Eternity….

There is nothing that can repay the horror that they have done, these illusions and thier Source…

But I have accomodated in the program an effort made by me which comes close to giving them response…


Hot Air….?


A.H… Anastasia Hart…

meaning of the name…

Alright…. Jeru Salem….



1:05 p.m.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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