
11:13 pm – And since I am Defen

11:13 pm

And since I am Defending Satan.
The Devi Devas
The Devil.
Lucifer ( The Light Bringer)

And have proven them all of them innocent of the Roles they were cast as in your version of “True Life”

Not mine.

And that all had reason Symmetry Logos Order and a Reason and Purpose for comming into Existence.

But non really in Being.

They were all in your Mind.

Except the Functions you created for them to fullfill.

Your P.TS.D.
Your Traumas, your Nightmare your point of view..

And That I am in the Second Floor representing in this End Game A-B

That is a Story.
A Book.

Beginnings and End.

A Line which goes to one point and back and forth forming a 90 degree Angle.
2 90 Delgree Angled.

A Trangle 3-90 Degree.


4 90.

A Base
And from which one Can Manifest A Citcle and its Center
Its Point.

Straight Talk.

And I appear to be Speaking and , writing peofing myself into Existence
as E Harmony
Proving it Actually
Like a story written from a Bible.

See Revelations
In The Begining

And I find myself in a ridiculous absurd story book of the illusion and lie that I am posting to the public for your attention and to convince you that I am telling you the truth by providing and repository of Evidence AY


I would like to pause to ask that since God actually means The Creator.
T C.
20 3.
23 W. Prounonced Double U.
And Double Vie in French

The Designer

20 4.
24 6.
24 6-7.

20 22.
Sixth sense Creativity

6 = 4×2= 8.
Facts Harmony Manifests

And the word in O.I Nri Igbo
” I N R I

O ..I N R I. O as the Famous Letters on the Cross Yeshua Christ The Annointed
Was crucified on

The word Idea of the Devil in O.I Nri Igbo is “EKWE NSU”
E K. W E. N.S U. K.A.

And O.Pi Nsukka
Where I went to school for 6 months
” Nsu” actually means
“On The Fence ”

The Observer Watchers.
What are they.. you Observing Watching…?

Entertainment of one peoving God is really Harmony Perfection
Which he – I claim brings World Peace by simply adopting the illustration of Sacred Portal 14.
By seeing reality in a completely different way than the collective Sheep.

And it works.


KA means ” Greater..< Greater Thn . Who? M.E O.W? The Neutral who sit on the Fence. Safe. Like Humpty Dumpty just before his F A L L Fallen from Grace. The Egg Head. And all the Kings Horses and all the Kings men could not but Humping Dum PT. Y Back Together again Cosmic Egg. Neurons? Neurological Nerves. Nerve Endings N.E They so get on my nerves. The Talking Egg Heads so set in thier ways of seeing perceiving one way. The way they were taught. Which they know by looking at their world reflected makes No Sense. To dumb to try another way. What was that definition of Insanity again? Mine way using your Art and Science applied correctly brought and brings response accord. Nevi Ehko Natural Expression Ehko's Echo Confirmation Response Which was acted out Manifested for anyone paying attention to see. I have to ask, since Echo response to a Creative Force A C.F. A 9. A.I. 360 Degrees. Full Circle From 4-90. Full Circle 90.4 49O 94O D.I.O...S. / I.D. IDENTITY. Self Soul Sol Source Idenification he she, identified Identifirs ... I.DO. Being Doing Be. Do. And I have demonstrated publicly Transparently In this your world and mine as the Eternal Source Energy Energy = Harmony What Expression Energy The Creative force can and did you create do and Manifest. Even simply in your own Life? What did you create for this idea of randomness Chaos? Me? I created an Art & Science and showed how they are one and the same using Harmony A.S 1 19. 20. T to prove it true before a live audience the full circle OH. AH. As well of the Scienxe ce, Empirically experienced and walked in front while confronted by you La Resistance, war mongers without the use of my nody or in control of it, all for you for 54 years. ( 54 45.. Foresight Hindsight E.D.D E E A E. E I E. E.H.E. / D.E.E D I. D.I.D. I D.A D. Via 45 aligned to 54. Age code. Birth date of Nnamdi age code confirmed of Emeka Kolo As well as the lie 56- 56. As 56 65 The illusion 56 65. 5 66 5 E.A.E. E.C.E. Transforming a Illusion Lie... to the truth. 3×7. 21. 21 in this playing field That which I created and proved explaing even with illustrations and examples from the world wide audience on Facebook and on the Ground for 64 Portal 66...1. Shared all the knowledge since Istanbul Turkey When I had the Idea in 1997. * I am at 49 97 Facebook Friends at the moment . I spoke of organizing a world wide festival of sharing. F.O.S. F S...= 25 Y. Evidence Y Chromosome Yeshua Christ. Y.C.28. 11 28 When I was born 8 pm. Abel De Yeshua Yeshua A.D = E. Y.Y = 25 + 25. 1..50. O. 51. E.A.Y. With Evidence A.Y. Sharing "Paylasmak" Turkish I would like to know what your in turn created? You who observe and watch me and Judge me leave me broke but alas not broken. What did you Creative with this Creative Force all of you have. What did you do or contribute with your Life Force. L.F. First Light Given and shared with you at no cost. No price? Harmony? Clarity? Light? Reason with Logic which Full Circle reaches the Point? Perfect Symmetry? Beauty? Proof of The Existence of a Future present right here of The Beautiful Ones. Waiting for you to be proven out Existence the same way you were given a chance in the illusion called Time, which you had no control of but which you had measured my success or failure by how long Manifestation took for you to see and accept all this shared data as A real Fact. Holding out until the last possible moment I'd true or false without doing the most basic check and testing yourselves. What did you create? What did you do with that gift of The Creator given and shared with everyone of you. What did use that Energy to create. What did you Express. Seel to Duplicate....Replicate? Beauty? Harmony. Life. You make such outrageous demands on my Equation Manifesting in Completion despite it consistent Trail of Manifestation Echoed through you all. It never occurred to you that it was all being held up because of you. Not being ready or prepared. Scorn and debasement of all that Devotion Divine Intentions for the Uplifting of all true natural. Of True Nature. What did you do with Harmonies Gift. Gods Gift.of Life? G OD. 26 Z. GOD S 7 15. 4 19 22 23. 45. Earth Life. I spent my Energy All my Expression, Experience Arts Science in Praise to The Creator. In all things even Proving Harmony in both the seen and unseen Known and Unknown. You the Audience Watchers Observing Judges... What did you create in your turn? I know what Kim Arthur Hinds Jr created. I know what Liberty C Created Via her Children and then Will even Investigate this Strange Mysterious Man who strode into her Life with such Confidence it could be erroneously read as Conviet and Arrogance. 12;18 a.m 12:19 am. L R. L.S. So let's say that I am Lucifer Satan. Baphomet Harmony God. And Death The Beautiful Assassin T..20. B.A. 2 1. 12:21 am What would you say if you found your entire Green Screen erased and you were standing before your own version and in any language of Conscious Perception to know that it was real and a Fact. But that it was still a Dream. And you are Awakening to the realization of that fact. And that question What did you contribute to Existence To this idea called Life. " Check The Records...Log Book." This species are known for Excuses Lying... 12:26 am. Check The Facts 12:27 am. There Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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