
11:13 a.m

11:13 a.m


.A-A-A C.


L.M. T S.

A B. A C The Script.

A.B.C’S of Nature.

Entering The Circle. E.T C..


I thought about the Dream Arden had last the night before, as I stood on Liberty C Liscomb terrace.

I could see the two blobs, he had spoken about , one blob pouring into the other, I knew what it was.

Ying Yang .. 96 69…

He said that it was his job, to keep pouring the blobs into each other.

69=15. Letter O.

I saw a door way opening, and stepping into it.

11:22 p.m right now.

I knew exactly what it meant.

I walked back into the house, and looked up to see a book staring back at me.

Entering The Circle E T C.

I had spoken to Arden, yesterday and as I spoke about the Code his line A-Tom- AD.A.M evolving through Natures Expression and their own Naturalness Expression back to E..

11:28 p.m

Ah Be… Cee!

I was gestulating, and he told me to look around at what was right behind me as I gestured, it was a book A B C of Nature a brown book with a Pegasus ( *Winged Horse link Unicorned Pegasus on Sacred Portal 58)

Readers Digest R D

900 South Road. S R

Spectrum Rainbow.

I had been flustered and taken aback when he appeared as I posted Bowing Out of the Play yesterday.

And even as I wrote, and coded my risignation from this tiresome play theater, tired of living on the verge of others lifes as I awakened and activated them to awareness, of their true selves, and remembering, only to watch each one after the other choose this 3D Illusion and then led, to another address and portal only to experience the same thing over and over again,

I knew I had no desire to do live through that with Arden- my Father Brother line now at A = E.

No, not after the Liberty and Tom/ Jeron play.

Now you wish me to go through this once again with my Eternal Self line arisen in 16 year old Arden?

It not his age which concerned me, it was having to enact, post and record this for This World- who have yet to acknowledge my Existence and that of the E, still Unseen despite all I have done to them seen.

I had decided, that this where I draw the line.

Evolution Awakening of Everything had long since stopped having any true meaning for me.. Sure, I am still excited by the Truth and Proof of its manifestation but the price..

The Evil which I could no longer define even find the word for, of what this experience I carry so well outwardly, has done to me.

Evolution Awakening was not worth this, and to bring Extinction of this realm to evolve back to its Source, was not worth this.

I have become bored, filled with an unfathomable quiet and sadness, each time, I observed the confirmation that I am The Source, ( T.S) The Creator ( T.C) A Man ( A.M)

and that this is the role created for me, to walk and enact?

To walk as a Slave and Servant in this world, serving others evolving others, offering them the Truth in the most Beautiful yet honest way, a truth which backs me up but in a quiet and contained way..

A Human being can not be treated this way, made so anonymous and humbled in such a way, much less One who had been made to Awaken to full memory which reminds him proves to him his true Identity which I fimally accepted in 2005, after the Family of T E N The Elegant Nomads rose in me in 2004 at 57th and 33rd Street in Manhattan.

How can you go that far to make a public spectacle of The Creatpr, The Source, A.Man who has done what was called impossible.

Proving that this world is not real?

Deconstruct and prove it a Human Made Matrix and since Humans were a work in progress, not yet complete.

And thus, themselves an Illusion.

Then go further to the N E T of Father Ten 10.

Head of The Elegant Nomads to prove the True Web and Weave, is Nature -Order, an Earth School, a Universe School ( ES. P. U S. ..A

A.P. ) created an Awareness called God aka The Truth.. A.G. A TT.. Pi

And this is His… His Her riddle.

12:12 p.m right now is

What is Truth.

What is God.

Awareness of Being Creates Consciousness.

A B C.


123 is the Address of the Beacan School of Arden and Auriela both attend.

*See my sacred portal 123.

Transparency Supremacy Rocket Fuel.

T S 20 19. Rielly Ferrell.

( A Valourous Man – A Victorious Valiant Man)

12:16 p.m

And that this was His..His/ Her Script and Story, Nature Order N.O .

Naturalness Exprsssion Harmony.

And by proving Fathers Alls Harmony

: F A.L L. H ..

That He She and All will Awaken some to E as Evolution and others, to Extinction

12:23 p.m

L W..

Prooving Eternal Law.

Eternal Truth.

His LAW. Of AWE.

And Appreciation Gratitude Respect.

A -A G R. Resurection is the Golden Ratio

It was a small thing which had tipped me over,

but it was massive.

I had told Arden to tell me, if anything comes to him in his dreams in the begining of our connection right up to two days ago

I had been quietly been protecting him guarding him under cover, just as I knew his God Mothers Espirit had been doing too.

While I did the work with his mother..

But when he had his dream two nights ago, after I wrote the post of his recounting to me of Ndingwe.. his source of the Mens iniation group which he began at age 13.

He had told his mother, instead though pausing to look acknowledge me, before he did it

I was not offended by his action, it made sense of course, and I had even posted the play rules addressing them to him.

That until its revealed or the person makes a choice, have to obey the laws of First Contact and the Hearth we find ourselves in.

12:43 p.m

And this is Libertys Hearth, and there is no doubt that though aware of the play and my Identity tis She who is the one in control of her home, hearth and children at least in this 3 D realm.

Can you imagine what it might feel to be me..?

Thats of course, I a am real E T S..E T C..

E A.M..

Energies Awakening Evolution.

Meaning All Hearths Homes, Bodies Beings are of me, shared with all creation until they could grow up and create their own.. realities.

( Except of course, those who chose to follow mine as the E and now my Father Brother evolved to A E with My and His She)

I had simply had enough of being placed in such absurd conditions.. lastly with a Mother and Children M A C. .K?

In a play of who is the Source to Respect.

12:51 p.m right now is

What an unfair for the Children and Me..?

And perhaps for the Mother.. but not really.


F A C. T.

Not present in the play as Chris ( Children C)

Ferrell Arden Christopher Three taking his place.

But Mack is no longer the code is it?

John Mack has left the play after seeing me off safely here.

Anne Mack changed her name back to Anne McHugh just before I moved here.

It was never about Mother And Children.

It has been about A.M. H U G- H ..

A.M. E -HUG E -H

* see meaning of the name Hugh.

And see how long I have been on that trail even to Delta Manor/ Starbucks Metropolitan Woods M.W.. Hugh Grant Circle.

H G C. MW 87 3.

A B C.

It occurred to me as I was posting that if Arden might come out in the last moment to stop the direction of my post, in perfect timing of his Cue in this His lines Play.

( Not her play as she had supposed Mother Earth usurper of M.E.)

And good lord, the battle it took to reach Arden through the representation of Liberty used as the refusal to accept Father Nature is Harmony the One True God or Great E-Spirit.

Arden Ferrel


Emeka Arden

Emeka Ferrell



Evolution Extinction

Alien Father Alpha ( AnDrew)

But I focused on the post..

And of course, he arrived and sat down besides me and he first words were as if he had read my Heart Mind Soul and Spirit


And then he told me his dream, where he had lived in the 765 Farmhouse their family owned.

He had not had the dream for so many years, not since he had lived in the Farmhouse

1:10 p.m.

Sacred Portal 110.

1:11 p.m

Sacred Portal 111.

Krista Moon had come the day before.

7 months they family had not seen her.

7 years ago she had first met Liberty and Chris.

6 years she worked for them.

7 years ago was the last time he had the dream

2012. T L.

1:13 a.m.

765 Horseshoe Hill.

76. 5

7 65

5 67. Ferrell Gemino. F G 67.

56 7 Eternal Family G

1:16 p.m.

The Dream he had 2 times before, 3 times now.

He said it first began in the Farm House.

And how he felt on Fire, Hot and then Cold.

He was in the larger room of the house sleeping with one or two of his siblings, though he could not recall who.

He spoke of it being begining with black and white..like two walls..

And of a blob shaped thing which poured out to each other.

He said it was his Job, he could recall why, pouring one into the other.

69 96

Light and Dark.

LAD. LAD = 17.Q

Life Death L.D = 12 4= 16.

And then peering into what made him feel was chaos.

Shouts Screams.. people hollering at him, saying things mean to him including his mother.

He had been shocked but had been able to draw back and the sounds became less but then he peered in and it increased again.

1:23 p.m right now is


A.W.. E.

He decided to get up from his dreaming state and go a get a glass of water..

But to his surprise it was still there, that dream in his waking world!

He could hear it even as he got a glass of water, though it faded, it increased when he went back.

Until he went back to sleep.

It was terrible he said because of the discord

Chaos he called it.

He had the dream the second dream and though it was still sounds of chaos it was not as terrifying.

1:47 p.m

A D G.

14 7

Naturalness God.

Sacred Portal 147 A.B

Emmy Father of Infinity

A+B = C.

Transparency Supreme

Air Water= Energy.

The third time, he had it two nights ago, it had been quiet.

Self Mastery of Emotions

A Story of his lifes emotions

1-7 Colors aligned 1+7= 8

Back to original True Light

From White and Black

Two Expression

Two Extremes

Sound and Silence.

Arden to Ferrell back to Arden.

Alien Father Alpha


N A.M. E is Afa in the language of the O I Nri People.

/ E.. M.A.N.

Adam Atom named everything.

Arden had been wearing red since the play began red T Shirt and red Sweat Top.

1:55 p.m right now is

Sacred Portal 155.

See sacred portal 155

The twins Two Men and now She.



/ I.D M.A.N. N ..A.M E. D E. N. F. A C T.

1:58 p.m

Red Truck

Wallet Two Dollars.

Arden found my wallet.


A F.




1 6 O

6 1 O.

16 O.


Alpha Omega

Greek 1-6.

A O. O is 15 1+5=6.

6th Sense.

6th sense in O.N.E.

3 Times Arden had the Dream Remembering.

Ying Yang White and Black is the Source of Transparency and is the beginning of Adams Atoms Story of which I have stated, recounted, narrated over and over again on my page until proven a Fact.

The story on my page I had announced in 2011.

How Atom.E entered the story of creation as the two Air and Water.


C… Expression Air becomes Water.

Water as you know, flows, transforms

Air to Frozen.


A F I./

I F A. Oracle.

3 times

He instinctively drank water.

Intelligence enabled him to retain Consciousness

Nadee Nakandala recognized me after 3 Days.

Authoring Harmony


1-8 Back to True Light after the play of contrast.

A Story of His Big Brother who his Son-Sum began the Sacred Journey into his Big Brorhers Story of how Creation Is Manifested as real from simply his expressing naturally.

By his without thought or reflection choosing in perfect symmetry seamlessly, effortlessly manifrsted Eden Paradise .. Expression Perfection


5 16.

And he sent him Self into Creation as both True and False so that Adam Atom The Sum could do as he did, but through a play, entering The Story of Creation, to Name all things and then also decide that which is True or False.

Knowing that which is Unknown.

That which is True and that which is False.

And the response represented through Arden by his response to the Chaos which had so alarmed him, and how he had responded naturally by conquering the fear of the Known Unknown

Stabilizing Emotions of distrust.

Distrusting what is a Lie.

And now with me present for the 3 Time he had the Dream, that distrust of reality, making him calm and serine.

I Trust you Emeka

He had said to me, in our first conversation.

He had not known why, he said.

But he just did.

Do you recall, he had even then conquered Death.

The Werewoves.. who had stalked him and sometimes even killing him?

And his remaining conscious even when Dead?

Fear has been Silenced.



AD AM and E conquered Death by being aware.

Of what is Real and what is a projecrion of Ones own fear.

2:29 p.m right now is


But Adam had to learn to Trust Himself

Knowing why he trusted and acted naturally from impulse to indicate that he recognized me, by Awakening to the Knowing of the Unknown the Experience of a Story he entered to understand why he Trusted this Stranger, Foreigner in his Home.

Trusting himself that his Natural Expression Awareness N.E A is juste.


By simply trusting himself and not being influenced by the sounds of this world.

And so yes, Adam AH Tom is the World and the Earth.


E W..E. Meaning Pure

And Atom is Cellular body and is the represenation of my truth in his Script which I had to enter in my own Turn, because no of his descendants could C his Truth

Act upon it, solve it but me.

And so, as a last resort he used me, knowing I would solve it and release him and his Sum Total from his riddle.

E = C Me 4/3.

Not that his riddle was difficult, in fact it was so simple and equisite, as easy as A B C



But it is because his most of his descendants -illusions as the body, simply no longer knew how to Cee because they did not follow his example..

Of Self Mastery.

Self Discipline

Over the illusion called Fear..

Consequences of not telling the Truth.

And Honoring the Word.

Which is Harmony God.

Chaos as the Lie.

But even as I wrote my codes Autumn S.M..A.L.L. arrived Ardens Gilfriend


1 19.

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