
11:11 pm. – I actually am aware

11:11 pm.

I actually am aware of what is going on.

What is Here, now Present, carried unseen by the waves and One Wave of Sound, drum beats.
Its Avatar here presents sends the waves to my hearing.

11:59 pm.
But if your not in the E Harmony, then which Harmony is really moving you, when you feel it is your own Free Will and Choice to say no?

But I feel that I have explained enough, this one Event which never ever happened in this world.

Except in Films, Books, and the Human Imaginings from simply looking around and entering the fear forecast.

Something which only that which is Safe, can witness from a protected elevated space- not in this realty Zero Frequency.

It’s is only natural when all things in this reality are coming to a close, total end, that all things Seen and Unseen, buried, mysteries, secrets, all would rise from History.
Including the Dead.

Revelations Full Circle.
It does in a way make sense, that they would begin to enter this realities awareness through the U.S.A.
Always the last to know, even though this was the decided playing field used the represent the World and The Word.

But I am done explaining and reading the “weather forecast”
all that has been explained has been done, as well all the proof, evidence and facts, pointed out.

It’s time for people to witness and experience the truth made manifest, of that which is greater than they are, and the meaning of understanding that choice, is also a loaded gun.

For that ends it all for you is it not? when it manifests and of course, then it will be too late to stop what IS.

The sound of the drummer, madly playing in the background, no longer causes me physical and emotional pain at the Insult to the song and Harmonie I.G-Ode.
It is obviously because I have stopped focusing or listening to it.
It has receded in importance, to at most an irksome disturbance which at some point will end.

I realize I don’t care, and never really did, except because this script moved me to focus on the greater implications of the response.
In 7 countries 4 and 1 Seas, and 64 +1 portals houses of People Placed Things, coding where everyone knew, I have never had such a response, violent.

It makes sense, Its is the End, which these Avatar have no understanding why and what they do no realize that that which enslaved all Avatar Humans is possessing and using them for.

I did do my best to alert all, but in the end, I saw.
And all is as it should be.
And so, I have done my part, and the ease and quiet enter my heart.

I do not have to respond with loud sound of the Beating Drum head all over the streets.
The Illusion of the Lion of Africa, Juda, all cultures North East West South.


11:26 pm



Instead, I simply post. I speak to no one now, I stopped using the telephone over 6 months ago.

It would appear that as I noted, and expressed, A Quiet Heart did suffice.
And that is the Quiet Heart which did respond to the roars outside my Left Window.
And to the World Left and Right.

Wingo Ford

Wing O For.D Delta.

I find my self now first 22 33 and now 2235 Facebook Friends.


V.C.E. B.B.C.E.

11:29 pm.

I am aware that every who is Matter can read, as well as the E Script of AH.BE. CEE
and the Toddler Children script of A.B.C.
and because I have read all that is to proceed, via my being the coder transformer to create a manifestation was required and been fulfilled and Fueled.
S.P 123. A.W.

Then there is nothing left to say, explain or alert.
It’s all here.

So you will not require my translating.

And it is not my script, just a version of it.

Some music is playing here in this quiet, “Listen to your Heart..” it says.

But what is a heart, if not that symbol which beats in our chest?
And we do not live in a constant state of a roaring pounding, beating sound, do we?
That would kill any living creature from the stress and tension.

No, I have been calm, quiet, steady, even when in such indignation and the battle that went on here for months with sound and the message I was made to convey here, after attaining my 64th portal complete.
So this is the 62nd portal as well as the 66th.

I know all the sound makers have been trailing, reading my posts each day.
I know by the sound outside.

But, it was and has been an Enders Game Play. E.G.P.


Egypt Kemer.

So, yes, I have despised the play script, but I have understood that it was all set up this way, just waiting for the roles to be filled up.
And so they did, and I played my part- Warm to Hot outraged Ardent Passionate, to Cool, Calm, Chill till Cold as Ice.

Rep Alaska -Siberia.

Literally the Weather Man.
W.M.-Micro Wave.

11:43 pm.

Sane-Same. Me.


Perfect Timming.


As The Point of the Enders Game.
EG 57.
GE. 75.


12:16 a.m.
L.P. Album.

12:17 a.m


Let the True People Judge.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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