
1,111 Face Book Friends…

1,111 Face Book Friends…

That was the number which appeared on my page today 1 1 11.

My new Facebook friend is Kate Rene…

K.R… 11 18… 29… and Doppelgangers 11, or II of 18…

18 18…

On my way here I saw the code 6983 on a license plate.

That is the code which Erik Ebright from Miami which he planted on my computer.

I just sent a message to Dawn Piercy at which with her usual grace despite her still moving through all her own stories, responded promptly and in Harmony with the code 5-8..

Which she will send to Peter Nyarkô.

Who just arrived, a moment later despite being ill- I have never seen him so alive, so vibrant…

When I received the response from Dawn Piercy, I felt my tough exterior almost crumple when she said the codes.. 3 333 12…

My page, world icon then turned 12.

And then Peter Nyarkô arrived and told me that he had just been with his brother Daniel…

Peter Daniel… P.D..

Dawn Piercy… D.P.

Recall the work I did, of proving that they were always in Harmony…

A called Sugar, she was born and raised in this area, Archer School where she went to, is seated besides me, with the words Equality on her cap.

Peter told me that he had a vision.. It was of me.

He spoke about how he saw me in a different dimension having to come back down into a lower dimension over and over again and that is why he is in pain.

He requires the Cannabis because going down into lower dimension over and over again causes his body pain.

Tears suddenly sprang up in my eyes….

He then clarified that it was not vision, that he had had a conversation with me, that he had heard me in his head.

He then began to speak about a video he saw of a man who committed a crime, and was placed in a Tube, Tomb which he would die only to wake up to the same scenario but worse over and over again..

It was his punishment… and the scenario he creates as his great crime never improved, it just got worse and worse…

He looked at me, and he said but you committed no crime, it does not apply to you.

But I said staring at him, that is what manifested for me to solve the riddle of those who were meant to be placed in such a place for betraying Their Eternal Truth over and over again, but instead of they being placed in that place of …

‘Get up Stand up, don’t give up the fight…

The Almighty God is a Living Man…

Peter just called my attention to the Bob Marley song playing…

C’mon Emeka, he said, don;t let me be two steps in front of you

I smiled, I am not paying attention anymore…

I know, it was never meant to be your work…

Then he said Emeka Don’t tag me…

I already did.. I am giving you credit…

To which he responded, No, take it all for yourself, the Light is shinning over your head…

9:33 p.m.

I just finished the Book in the Name of the Rose by Umbertto Ecco in which concludes the despair of the idea suspicion of their being no God, only Free Will…

And that is what was the thought so unimaginable…

I have two coffee’s…


6;34..F C.D…

See sacred portal 16…. and 34… Dawn Horizon and Cannabis Weed…

I really started this post with the intention of saying I can not go on with this play…

Without the support of the People who I have been sacrificed for .. in a story made real, transformed into a Nightmare.

9:41 a,m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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