
11:11 a.m.

11:11 a.m.

11 65 Facebook Friends..

11 11… 4- 1…

I have no words, at the continual extra expression as linking and weaving in this Equation Completed over and over for 43 years, circle after circle- concentric to finally the Point.

I can read it.. it is done.

All this… well…

Yes, I know what It is asking each time, I can read it all..

Here I am meant to insert the two Documents I recently discovered sent to me by Marina Burini M.B.

Link the male counterpart played out here On the Stage

2 Delta Manor: Michael Bell-Vue..

Which I was moved to give Alexis… Its Theater… Of Perfection…

T O.P…

That is what creates Manifestation as Solid Fact,

*Stephen Filgueira S F…

Yonathan Kahn… Y K..

Y E B…

B E K..

P… G H I E T C….

11:22 p.m.

Perfection passes through the Z as N ( The Illusion of A Black Hole.. really the Tunnel of Love, Light ..Lightness)..

Z= 8..H. N = 5….

H E..

M…@ D…De-Alt… Universe….

11:25 p.m.

A Play, of Sixth Sense linked to Solid Fact -Reasonable Exression Explaination Of Existence… Energy .. Equation Equalized By Mann.

I D…

So here is my I.D…

Identification @ Delta Force

11:28 p.m… Ah! My Birthday… I am back in 2010. Marina Burini apartment…

Its my birthday.. Tom and Drew arrive.. John Luke…Time Travel.. Drew.. Drew..

Drew Reyn.. D R… Doe Rey… 1 2.. A B.. A to B… for me to C–Be Conscious that the last leg of the play had begun.

8 years… Yes easier to say now in Hindsight.

I was so incredulous, when I Identified this as the portal linked to 268- Which I knew was The Portal in this Dream Play of Dawn Piercing ( Dawn Piercy) playing Elf Queen..

E.Q.. The Equation Existent.. as E Quatum, meaning she was the Point.. Dawn Pierces the Wall or Blockage of Grateful Dead

Since 2005..2006.. I have been travelling through a Tunnel, a Worm Hole.. 12 years.. full circle of Delta…

444…3333.. 3- (4), 4-(3)…. Triangle of 4’s and Square of 3.


Not 333 … 9.. 4444 16… 9 16.. I P Mann.. That is the past I arrived here at Delta in that date in 2016.. its the past but at least it is aligned to 2010-2011… right through 1992-3..4.. All the way to 1965….111…

But before I start..

I wish to post a quote from Artureo’s book ( he bought for 2 usd)

The girl who takes an eye for an Eye

It alludes to the Still.. Still! the Illusion of the Africa Play of Mother Africa.. M A. M A T R…I X…. M A 131. Monesh Anand…

T R… 20 18… 9 24….33….6…F… Is A Fact.

M AT… R IX…. 9.

The OINri Igbo has a Calendar of 4 Days and 7 weeks..

Eke Orie Afo Nkwo..

E O… A N..

E O- A.N/ N A.. Aturo Neige…

These are Market Days…

The most Ancient Market…

Cardinal Points..

4 Elements…

Ancient Village Square.

Star bucks Pike Market..



Money -Yen OM…


Money Dawn..

Correct Equation…

MON…E.Y.A H… Dawn.

See what I am demonstrarting – the Delta Region which is West Africa…

But is really Delta… As 4… F.. U

Jimmy Kimmel is on…

It is featuring right now a red Circumpunct with concentric circles….in red…


I am proving it is 4.. Red Earth.. R E… 4 3.. Mars Earth.. M E.

R E M E…M B E R IN G….

not MER… The Sea… Sarbucks..

The Book Aturo gave me reads from page 90…

( S P. 90. Spirit E.. I O.. Isis Osiris Ria Isis Hay Britannia R I H B)

Leo Mannheimer ( L M…Lisa Levine Marina Burini M L.. Michelle Lobsinger.. 33rd Street.. Matrix.. began when we moved to 33rd Street..

At 57 Street we were at Imagination Realm True… Fairy’s Elves… Natures Play…)

He is speaking about Markets..

No, no, just think about. What is a Market? It’s a convention.

We’ve decided to let our anxieties and dreams and thoughts about the future set the price of currencies, companies and raw materials. Much of what matters in our lives- Like our cultural heritage and our institutions, for example – are mere creations of Human Imagination

And Money to of course.

Absolutely, now more than every. We don’t pile into piles of gold the way Scrooge McDuch used to do in the comic books

( The Circumpunct is also the symbol of Gold)

nor do we keep cash under ouer mattresses. These days our savings are numbers on a computer screen, constantly shifting with the movement in the market. And we rely complety on them.

But imagine if we start to worry that those quotations not only bounce up ad down with the markets, but also could quite simply be erased, like numbers on a slate, what happens then?

Our Society would be shaken to its very foundation

Groundation.. Post .. Isabelle Ilic

Ground Zero…

Zero does not Exist….

nor does the Free market…

Numbers.. Drowning by Numbers…

All in your Head.

The Matrix is Real.. but it Exists in your Mind..

Where is the Mind?

It is in Manifest Being which Includes Body Being Inside Outiside.. Everything.


And so by proving the Full Circle…

That entire World and Universe do not even exist…

What does. is Ground Full Circle…

Perfect Symmtery.. P.S

Symtrical Perfects… S.P… Stephen Popiotek.

Does Exist…

Which means that there is a foundation…

Somewhere to land the E C.. U.F O. E..

/E O.F…U..C E….

Can Land..

Problem is.. it was always there.

My ID..

Paper written in 2011.

Resonance Echo Reverbration Chess… And Bliss

( R E R C A B….. To Ilustrtae the Symmtery of meanings all unconscious)

– An Equation of Vibration Movement And Song, that afects reality through conscious awareness and paying attention

Written by Emeka Kolo.

April 8 2011.. ( 4 8…4 )

I believe there is ew way that the world will approach scientific analysis, reseacrh development and study…

In short, a new Arts and Science is being born, based on an evolution of consciousnes. Which is the combination of all sciences’ from rational science, mystical science, natural science etc..

Evolving all the knowledge of what I call the old consciousness to demystifying bringing into clarity and simplyfing the understanding of the way Energy Moves, forms, works.

To me, the knowledge and motion of energy can be seen through the understanding of Waves, wave lengths, the ocean, through music, dance and the intentionof the expression verified by the collective individual amased universal truth of existence.

When I was a boy, we moved to Nigeria and I was shiped off to Boarding School where I had many adventures with this strange and magical place. I had grown up in England and Canada and my father was a vet.surgeon and thus, my sister and brothers and I were steeped in the rational Cartesian Logic.

i recalll one day, my palm sandales were stolen. Outraged I allowed myself to be convinced to see a medicine man or what is called a Dibia, or Witch Doctor. I wanted to trun back after, during the trek to this place, made aware that I was out of my depth.

But my companion insisted, and so I went.

And met this man who had a drawer full of objects hidden from my view, and by simply peering into the drawer had told quiet amazing things about me, things no one knew, and of the future.. Which he spoke of a mission.

What amazed me was not what he was saying, for in all honesty I was not realy paying attention. ( i had yet to learn Igbo the native language) but more the idea tthat he was seeig me through i glimpsed to be objects in a Drawer.

Years later I began to understand the truth of what this magic

really was.

I have been investigating the link with how vibration reverberation link with consciousness and awareness, especially with objects for the last 6 years. By the understanding how things.. objects can be activated through Concentration, Focus and Appreciation, which can affect not only our conscious mind state but how it affects and manifest into reality.

I began this stage of my work, after doing a great deal of research on sacred texts, mathematical and physical sciences…theoretical physics, about the nature of energy and how it is is activated; to change from state to the next. We see and now what lets say Heat does this, but can Human consciousness do this?

And can it move objects which are stationary on a table, to manifest outside, as a reflection or almos parrallel manifestation..

I have found that the reply is a resoundind Yes!

Oracles, Shamans, Medicine men, Voodoo priests, and so many cults have used the secrecy of this science and Its true nature ( or natural science) to create fear and superstions by veiling the information in rituals which create separation, rather than integrating themselves into the other sciences.

In my evolution of understanding ( empirically) the true power of the human consciosness and subconsciousness. I began my undertsndinhg with the truth that Energy can not be destroyed but only transformed..

-Thus the nature of Death, water evaporating, fire consuming, even decomposition.

I had always wondered where did that Energy Go..

Obviously, is is alive in The Everything- the everything being the collective of everything- air, the true nothingness with somethingness.

Thus, having done a great deal of research on naturalness and the investigation of how and why in its natural state, the unconscious action we do oft times have the greatest meaning.

I would wonder why I picked up and object off the street ,why I was attracted to it. Most times, I found that it is because it resonated with something in it that resonated with me.

I began to place objects on tables, and I would forget about it- them, until a momet of quiet when my mind was somewhere else, then it would suddenly capture my attention of my wandering mind which would be drawn and then suddenly anchored, capturing my attention, reverberate. I would place it in a particular way and ofte times enthralled with it, looking at it for what it was, then going in differnt directions- dimensions, planes of meaning of what I was seeing, was its greater meaning. An Apple plaved in a table can become the very essence of Life. the tree of life by ones aligned logical progression of expanding to see the depths like concenrtric circles and eve cycles, simply by seeing the anchored truth of the Apple. How it was formed by nature, to how it got to the table.

In time more and more objects began to leap up at me on the street.How were these things , objects able to capture my attention. How is it that everything i seemed to find would correlate to the objects I had already palced on the tabe and arranged, algined to create Beauty. Was some one placing these objects in my Path

The thought seemed proposterous.

At first, I did not know what I was doing, but I enjoyed the comtemplation, the peace the serenity, tranquility the Beauty of these onbjects brought me, having cleaned and retored their essential truth, and the discoverying of the depth of meaning behind each one of each item.

It the became apparent that as I instinctively and intuitively moved them aligned them, and placed them a context would emerge. Each object became a Word and that by arranging. aligning them to create beauty.. symmtery order..color.. I observed that I was creating sentences! I was astounded!

Was I subconscously creating a story and what did it say?

What was I trying to say?

The more I aligned the objects, and then ‘Let them be only to come back at a later date or time all unplanned, in the right frame of mind. exuding a certain frequency…

Did I come back to perceive that there was no doubt that I was unconsciously createing…a story..relaying something.

It seemed that my natural appreciation, and then growing respect for what the objects were and are started to open up portals to astounding meaning,

Then I discovered that while out during the day, the that sentence Inside began to manifest outside!- In a conversation, in a situation, and that sentence ( items) or object ( words) would reveal itself with hidden meaning I had perceived of it..

It was reverberating outside!

They key became recognition and paying attention without thinking about what was on the table during your day.

You simply let the objects rest lightly on your consciousness and then when outsideabout your daily life, that understanding begins to act as a flashing signal which correlates itself to the very meaning or object outside.

( Elemental ionized self recognition) and all you are asked to do is to make the connection and recognize it, and then look to see if the meaning which you gave it on the Table is the same meaning displayed outside.

Are we truly Human Magnets, can our purest and most natural state, through alignment of Wave Lengths-Colors ( emotions-Sight) and expression see through appreciation through appreciation through the third eye eye, sixth sense 36. see 360 the full circle of things withing and outside of ourselves?

Then using the channel of the imagination and expression, anchored by theobjects we have placed on the table, activating our unconscious to the subconscious being conscious, rising from our well being.. An Awareess of Soul which has all the information within.

.. It continues…

Now link Daniel Browns Novel : The Lost Symbol..

Noetic Sciences…

A Fact..

Link my 6.7 years Script on Face Book Every day..

And what is in my Locker..

And what I am reading is manifesting..


1:58 a.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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