
11:11 a.m

11:11 a.m

From Stella Antley


Based on the Evidence of my journey of investigation for my Father Son,

of the Beginning and End of my journey,

This is true.

This is the Mentality and Intention

But it concerns all Humanity,


Because the First People are Black Brown Forest people from which all Matter Based Humans are from.

All Human Dna originates from Black/ Brown people, and so to iniate this program, is to enslave all Humanity.


Silly, silly peoples..

Of course this was seen and observed and only brings the Abyss into existence for such mentalities as consequence.

But since this was a play of which Empirical Evidence was required, I was used as a P.C and Translator to get the evidence facts and proof.

Which I have done.

Thus, by enslaving

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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