
11:08 PM

11:08 pm

The True Versions for the Masks.

E-version of that unseen venomous deadly virus -thoughts and expression polluting the AIR I A W.A V E S. P.

But not really, you could hear the AriA DNE/ E N D A I R A

those who breathe by choice that rarified air of quiet, meditation reflection… Silence.

But I want to end on this note.

First Posted 3-20-2013.


Exactly C-TT- M= C T 33 Kim Tree Moi- 1=A.


Basically 12 years after my arrival.

and here we are almost 8 years later- 7.10.11days to be more precise since I arrived in New York on that date, 19 10…11 days.

A B O D Y.

venomous expressions were everywhere- disease.

11:22 a.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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