
11:04 a.m

11:04 a.m



Its Immaculate Symbiosis birthday today.


He just turned 24.

And Esteban Miguel Filgueira E M F is on his way.

Arden and Morgan are here.

I would like to say that there was is an immaculate symbiosis between Arden and I.

And that the riddle I have been solving which led to my meeting with him.

Lucifer was one of his names.

And since he is his own version of My Self

I am Lucifer and the Beautiful Devil too.

Lucifer means the Light Bringer.


Leander Bun.

But what is Light if not C as in 3 and speed of Light.

Immaculate Conception

Immaculate Symbiosis

Immaculate Osmosis.

Elizabeth was the last Facebook Friend to arrive, and means Oath Vow.. God is satisfaction

And I made a Vow to prove my Father- Brothers Truth.

And in contrast to that, I was made to Vow to have my body taken away from me, if I did not succeed.

My body has been taken away for 17 years.

But I am satisfied that the Arden is the One.

I know it.

Knew it

And this Challenger called the Great Evil..

( The Lie of Humanity)

The Lie who created the Script I had been in- derailed from the True Script of the E and Beautiful Youth, cheated and has done everything.. even to the point of the impossible especially use of the lie and human beings aa its Avatar, to create confusion chaos and randomnes to prevent me from completing its script.

Transforming it back to Beauriful Youth.

Rep Jeron Satya

Whose code Liberty C Liscomb placed on my phone as a message that the Script of Beautiful Youth

And Beautiful Pride has been confirmed.

But still there is no Evolution Awakening and my being led Home by the Awakened Family.

I was made to stake my Life and Body to proving my Brother E’s Truth, which is also my truth.

I am satisfied that this is the last portal and I staked my Life and Body on it.

And I do so.

Was made to do so… not because I personally made that covenant, but because I had no doubt of my Brothers Truth.

Lu C.I. Fer.

In Fer No!

Fer means Iron

Morgans Iron Grey Car.


Nnam Di!

My Guide Father Is.. Here Present.

And so, I understood why the Awakening starts here, but as the Cut..

I Connect I Cut.

Lucifer is L and then evolved back to L =12= 3



Stephan just told me about his experience with the E line and how Lucifer appeared to him.

Lucifer is the Light Bringer and it is Arden whi brought me here, and into this play Alexander Grove to Arden Gemino.

He brought the Light Bringer..

He brought me here and through 64 portals.

8 8 .. to prove My Truth His Truth and to prove this is a Matrix, an Earth School to understand His Big Brothers Truth.

I leave here tomorrow night.

I have told all the Children apart from Ferril and Arden as well as Liberty.

I am done.

14:48 p.m

But I will keep you all informed.

Only that which holds onto the Lie goes out of Existence.

Because the Truth is rising and that Ray pf Light obliterates all which use the Lie and challenges the Truth.

Its Eternal Law

Blue Star.

Blue Santana Dharma

I did my utmost best for all.

As I originally stated, I canr for The Children.

Human Children ..True Pure and as incorruptible even though placed in the Valley of Death.

Feared no Evil for the Lord is their Shepherd and Rod.

Guide and Vengeance.

Avengers… noted Stephen who made me smile all day with his understanding of the play and my experience here with the one who represented This World as it is not.

And the proof truth of Perfection Beauty and Truth in them all.

And the choice to pervert it came not from anything of The Creator but peoples use and choice of Free Will.

14:56 p.m

2:56 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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