
11:01 p.m.

11:01 p.m.

Divenly Self Aware.. D.S.A.

pg 17 New York Times

A Chinese Novelist is Found in Translation,,

( Yan as in Melissa Shelly Yan.. is a Chinese Name)

The Crawleys will see you now….

(Crawley means Crow link Allister Crowley Tarot)

An Epic Tuned to Black Lives…

An African Bee in her Court…

The Men on the Moon..

Is He a Good or Bad Lawyer….

(The last two headlines was what Lisa Natalie Johnson was opened up to when I walked into Starbucks..

I played the Devils Advocate.. DA.. And in this story, The Devil was a S.H.E…)..

Renoirs Jaunty Comedy

Bad Boss is better off Dead

Rebels On Pointe…

Hmm, a Thinking-Mans Punisher…

When I went to pay for my coffee, I gave the man some coins but he then returned them asking me what is this?

I looked at saw that I had a Half Franc

*All the details and specifications, values and prices, plus the best offers for the 1967 French New Half Franc.


Year: 1967

Mint: Paris

Mintage: 28,394,000

Issued from: 1965

Worth 50 cents.

And an English Dime… Ten Pence.. T.P.

The British decimal ten pence (10p) coin – often pronounced ten pee – is a unit of currency equalling ten one-hundredths of a pound sterling. Its obverse has featured the profile of Queen Elizabeth II since the coin’s introduction in 1968, replacing the two shilling coin in preparation for decimalisation in 1971.[1] Four different portraits of the Queen have been used on the coin, with the latest design by Jody Clark being introduced in 2015. The second and current reverse, featuring a segment of the Royal Shield, was introduced in 2008.


1965…. 67-68… 66…78.. 87.

English French… E.F… 5 6…

50 cents…

10 cents…

Total 60 Cents… 6O… Sixth Sense Full Circle….

50 E.O..

10 T.E.N….

Code E.O T.E.N.

50 10… 5O.. 1O.. Would be the correct code since they are different currencies…

You may wonder why did I come back to post when I said in my last post that this should be it…

Well, it is because I was moved by the Wave of my own sixth sense… Linked to reason, it is because I know that I am exemplifying the nature of this play because most of you will use this my experience as a blue print to get out your own matrix since I can not do this for you..

And finally, because from my arrival back here at Delta Manor, to the 17:75 USD Left in my wallet and the rage which filled me ( frustration) I knew that there was more…

Today is the 17th… 17 is Q… 75 IS G.E…


E. G.Q… E Gentlemens Quarterly….

It was Francis Frick who gestured to me that he had finished with the computer, there was another free so why on earth would he suggest that I should use the computer when I had no intentin or desire…

As I was writing this… the confirmation came in the form of a new Face Book Friend which just appeared.

E.G…Q… E.G… Quintessentially Important, because when I am gone released from this play there is no force in Existence which will bring me back down into this dimension of those left behind to help to guide or educate how to get out of the Matrix..

23 of the Poplulation cease to Exist…

Me Slaughter of the Innocents..? Painting by Peter Paul Reubens .. P.P.R… ?

No.. That is Puerto Rico…. rep the blaspheny of mixing Santeria and Christianity… to create the Utimate perversion…

And yes, it goes back to the Rites of Dionysus..

Correct code Rite of Passage, not the Middle Passage.

People go out of Existence because they chose not to pay attention..

This is the Demonstration for those who have not naturally attained the frequency of Truth..

It is like those who pass all their Course requirments to get their Degree’s of H.I.G.H School Diploma, and those who have to come back and retake it…


Trimaine Sylvester introduced himself to me when I was Lisa Natalie Johnson and she was speaking about value versus money.

He overheard us, and asked whether I was a teacher and where he could sign up to pay for lessons in the knowledge he overheard me speaking with Lisa about…

That was a day after meeting Tharwat.. meaning Wealth..

Trimaine looked like he came from the Omo Valley, which Lisa and I had been speaking about…

T.S and the force moving through him was acknowledging the value of the Knowledge I had been sharing for free was and is meant to be paid for….

11:52 p.m.

* Cartlton is sitting behind me, he just interrupted the my posting to tell me someting so strange, that he just put in hand in his Dark Green T-Shirt and found that he had 20 usd..

He said he could have sword that he started out with 23 usd and that he was left with 7.. but now he had 20 usd.

I just gaped.. Beside him is Will on the computer who is in bed 4-003.. 23 +20 is 43…

Why on Earth did he interrupt me to tell me this in front of everyone…

I brought out my code 1 usd bill…

E ..19 18 17 92 H…

and the equation E.U..T.S.R.Q…I..B… E.T.. is 20…

20 Usd just confirmed… This is the nature of the Play…

… Oh yes, I travelled in my sleep early this afternoon after finishing the 7;26 am post- 9:47 am… 2 hours 21 mins… B.U…

E..U.T…B… ( 20 T..2O..B.O… Chandler Conner has a B on her T-Shirt on her Facebook page…)…

I travelled to a massive house it was my brother Boom Booms home.. he was his Gentle True self.. and yes my bio brother like Nnamdi as a child, as a man he is one of the most physically beautiful men I have ever seen. Top to bottom.

And his true Spirit open.. His best man was Gay, and his wife is Japanese…

I was visting him and he was the brother I had always known existed as if all the hurt and pain caused him especially by me for leaving him as I was whisked away by Nnamdi to the Spirit world to solve this riddle.. All his hurt and rage was gone..

But I was wary, not because of him but because the hurt the damage done to my sense of trust was too great…

I felt uncomfortable with not just him but all.. But I was so glad he was back, in in his manner with me gentle and open and expressive, I knew he knew and understod that the damage the hurt .. that this play had gone too far….

He was born 5-20-73…. 5-20-10…. E.T.J… 10+10… 20…T.. 2O.. B.O…E…

12:20 am.

Suspect is what is now on T.V.

Carl Anderson (Liam Neeson), a deaf, mute and homeless war veteran, is arrested for the murder of a prominent judge’s secretary. But Kathleen Riley (Cher), Anderson’s lawyer, believes her client is innocent. She sets out to track down the real killer, and, as the trial proceeds, makes an unlikely al… MORE

Release date: October 23, 1987 (USA)

Director: Peter Yates

Box office: 18.78 million USD

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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