
1:10 p.m.

1:10 p.m.
1:10 p.m.

1:10 p.m.

* Yes, the time I received the intel from Tree Sage.. Kim Arthur Hinds.

It is also sacred portal 110 which was linked to Arden.

110 u.s.d.



This Kim and Serenity as TT.

K S.T..Ti!


Jea made a comment when she heard that Kamora Herrington was also having problems with her batteries and connecting- she said it is about draining energy…

I stared at her…

That was what this play was all about- the draining of my energy, your energy, it was about proving infinite energy source.

Which has aligned to Spirit E.

Spirit of Existence.

And the one other person who represented that equation Stephen Esteban S E / E S

Has left the play in perfect harmony.

Meaning that he has withdrawn from the play as well as his spirit which used him to Challenge and Test me.. a duel.

It was amicable, I love him dearly and I know the love he feels, but this is a play of Evolution Awakening of the E consciousness and despite all.

He was used as the challenger to the truth of the E as well as the messenger who brought me here.

To demonstrate his harmony, I am at 14 90 Facebook friends which equates to Nnamdi N N linked to Arden and Kim ( Tree Sage)

Sacred portal 14 is Evolution of Consciousness E O C. and 90 as Spirit E-Awareness.

S E A.

S F / F S links to me as Sensational Feelings and Facts Solid which is when I made the leap from the last place of Esteban’s sponsorship which lasted 9 months ( November to August N A… Nnamdi Arden. N A 14 1/ A N 11 4 Grant Moor)

and then he left to Oregon and I was left alone to either leave the play as I had intended but then Liberty announced the code of 56:56..= 1. and so I went to 900 South Road and met Arden Aurelia.

– Sponsored for 9 months he led me to South Whitney and then to Jesse Maccias… 317- 319 Fairfield.

True- he chose not to be fully aware of the fact that he was being moved or the significance of each place he led me, he was moved mainly by his Sixth sense and his Heart…

But do you see the symmtery?

9 Months… 900 South Road.

( months in the Womb. Jeron in the womb of his mother Liberty, Liberty, father; Thomas Lang.

Mother Father.

Father Mother at 29 Lincoln Street. L S. 2018 November…

Stephan was not in Awareness of the play because that was the role he was given, Awareness is represented by Arden line and Kim has been recognized as the process the the steps and he paid attention and showed respect for the play- again, let me remind you that this was all set up, the last two digits of Stephens phone are 63.

Jesse Maccias home Ruby dog House J M.

I met John Mack ( J M) via Stephen.

Aaron and John Mack.

A J.

1 10.

When it was time to leave 900 South Road, to my astonishment, Stephen was right there in perfect harmony 7-4-2020 Independence Day. 74 was the years Albert Santana was born.

7 4.. 11 28… 39 C I… 12 27… L A -B.. A-A B G.

Thus Sensational Feelings, Solid Facts.. Spirit E…Awareness – F A C.T. was conceded to me by his Higher Self and his human Ego.

We have left the play of numbers as pairs Twin Doppelgangers and entered the realm of single digits. O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9… O E.

O-O E.

But perhaps you can all understand why I fought and defended him until he bought the new car OIly Black.. like Petrol it was because I knew he was being used.

He had no interest in the play and despised it, especially what it was doing to me.

And I am aware of that harmony and his intent- but the truth is not even I am in control of this script of my Do or Die and it is hard to concede that what I am experiencing and that this is all real.

But it is.

Of the three lines who came to vivist me at 900 South Road John Mack, Johnny New Man.

Stephen- Esteban Filgueria.

Kim Arthur Hinds and Benjamin C K.

Only John Kim, Serenity and Ben were actively aware and conscious of the play.

And now I am at Kims portal at South Whitney, my 62nd move.

62nd and 63rd portals ( 62 63 66 23 1 5… 3 5… 6 8… 14 48= 62…

62/26…. F B and Z.

@ Jesse Maccias I met Zion Z-ION A-Z.

Ressurection links to Arden.


Thanks-Giving Day ( T G D… 20 7 4… 27 4… 20…7 4…20:11 28..) is on the 26th of this month.

Last year it fell on the 28th… my birthday.

The year before it fell on my Mothers birthday and David Roman Nicholas birthday)

Thus, the portal of A-Z was 2 17-219 Fair Field.

while the portal of 62nd move is connected to 29 Street to the 63rd to the 64th all of which are portals which Kim and Serenity passed through as well as Benjamin K.

And 217 219 represents a story while 317-319 represents the planet as 3rd from the Sun.

2.22 p.m.

B V.. its a code Jea recently gave me.

I am in the building where I lived on the 3rd Floor with Chris Filgueira ( Nnamdi line Chukwuemeka C =3 and now I am on the the 2nd Floor, with Kim Tree who used to work on the 3rd Floor in Chris Filgueira room)

Do you understand?

3rd Floor Emeka and Chris in the yellow Golden room.

Chris is the name of the Father of the 4 Gemino children he was born 5-8-77.

Happy birthday Larry Sax L S

an old and loyal facebook friend who turns 77 today’

Larry Sax means The Sword of Truth crowned with laurels of victory.

See Sacred portal 120.

Chris Kim.

Benjamin C K.

The play is a process of elimation from all the people whom Stephen connected me two, only B C K S J are present.

Which is why it was so important that Esteban passed through this portal to be safe.

And now, Spirit of Existence -Awareness sacred portal 90.

51…19 and 19 ( 149 ) 14 all align to the E family- not biological but Eternal.

Arden Morgan…

Aurelia was 14… of course, I knew who she is…

As well as Jeron.

Covid 19.


Today is the 19th and I heard Jea laughing incredulously, she was listening to a pod cast of Trump denying that Biden had won and was asking again and again for recounts while stating that nearly all his staff were sick with Covid 19.

And then Gulianii, former mayor of New York and fellow Billionaire.

* Billionaire Boys club.


1 with 9 Zeros.

Add E to Vid… V..I.D…

D A V I D…E.

Vide in French Emptiness Void.

There is not such thing as emptiness in Natures Blue print.

The only thing that emptiness represents is Non Existence.

Corona Virus. C V… 3 22 = 25.Y.. B E…Jerons was was born 2-25 -2019.

C.O.V.I D… E O.

Kim and his Video as well as R H.

Terrible Death… the Bomb.

Which is also Tool used – biological warefare- Fear.

But that is not this was allowed to come into this reality – a tester of fear.

T D 20 4/ 4 20…D T Donald Trump ..Card.

Joker in the pack.

She was so outraged she was laughing she told me, A Cry Baby… refusing to grow up or even take responsibility for their actions.

White America she said.

Knowing as I, that in reality that there is no such thing.

An idea of white superiority which has infected the entire world.

24 42 E M F 42 A Story

66 The Black Hole sacred portal i emerge from.

6/6= 1.


What I have understood from Stephen Esteban’s enactment in a story is of which he is an actor reflecting the truth of the Story of the Human Children as Adult Monsters refusal to take responsibility.

Donald Trump is a perfect mirror representation of not only America but the mirror of this world and why it had to go out of existence… Reason had to be supplied before the Cut Manifested which as Liberty I had to get Stephen out of.

E.S. T. B..AN. Tequila Brandy A N.. 1 14 Arden Nnamdi… Kim.

A H.


Established the Ban.

Liberty Stephen.

Larry Sax. L S

L S- 12 19= 31.

See Sacred portal 31.

Chris and Kim born 1987

Benjamin :Right Hand.. R H.

It is the right side of my body which is twisted and collasped affecting all the balance of my body- My brother Nnamdi was left handed.

I had to prove their truth despite my saying No, to such a play.

So here I am at 14 90 Facebook Friends.

104 Sacred portal Terrible Death Com pass me declares terrible death.

I passed through the last portal of Terrible Death at 29 Lincoln Street… that awful play but Kim and Kamora Herrington where present and so I still had a place to go and did not fall into the Vide- Void.

I was invited here by Kim, forming the equation of initials E K my intials.

Kim is tel code 69 and H V.

Same Code as Erik Ebright sent me 69:69 usd.

Esteban was always innocent, all one can do is judge him as a human being doing his best in this reality of the so called world in 3D.

Unnatural but no one can deny that the Truth was moving through him.


As well as the last time I saw him was in a photo with Isaiah at Kamora Herrington home with Chiefy Kim… Tree .. T K O..

* K K O… Olusanya Bey left on the 11-15-2020.

Total Knock Out.

Esteban Isaiah E.I 59

See sacred portal 59

OLu is age code 59.

Sacred Portal 59 End of the story Me Ow! End of this world.

Esteban Kamora Isaiah Olu.

E K I O.. E K 90. S P.

E K ..T K O… is I.

T is code for Twin Tom..

Tom Cat. T C.

All the Cats in this play.

Of course, there is still consequence for those who refused to acknolwdge their part in creating for me a additional misery and suffering to surmount by going too far in their enactment and not making an descion to not be used, by not obeying Santana Dharma.

But in the end, Stephen’s sixth sense, despite his temper hurt is linked to the E as well as Liberty rep as Intelligence.

Its is because this play went too far, this idea of Mission Impossible 8 to prove E Harmony.

104 J D..Jundegment Day.

So after crossing J D linked to Donna O Sullivan and Jonn Delguidce Blackwell

J D…D S.

18 Mountain View. M V

18 Alexander Grove A G

18 / 18… 1 36 37.


M V.

A M.. G V.

1 13.. 7 22.

14 29.

5 11.

E K.

5 2

E Be.

5- 1.

E A.


My First day to Esteban’s Portal on 7-21-22-2020.

To this Kims portal 10-23/24-2020

3 months and 2 days later…

Kim was age code 32.

See Sacred portal 3-2.

No Esteban Stephen remains Beloved to me personally- I do not care what this script says but just in case, I am proving his Harmony via codes of the script.

But everyone, even those aligned ..by me to rise, have to take personal responsibility of the hurt they gave to me personally- after I worked tirelessly to remind them all that this was a set up..a play.. and awful play..

But I remain loyal to Esteban Stephen despite demanding the space to complete the play…

And call him out for his part because I am still the Santana Dharma Eternal Law of 17 Q.


100 usd play.

Loyal first of all to the Truth as well as the beings such as Esteban as Human beings who True and in rage at revelations.

I can not say he was played the part of My Friend.. or the Friend of the E, because he did not contribute as others did, to the intel and play constantly..

I was his Friend.

Friendship is definded first and foremost as Loyalty to the Truth.

So no, as the rep of the Truth and the Beautiful Truth, and Equality i can not sat that he was my friend.

I made it clear from our first meeting on Facebook, and in person what I represent and nothing else.

I am The Source and he was given evidence facts and proof

But what he was which I acknowledge is that even desite it all was that he was human and he cared.

He did the best he could with a play which was so horrible to concieve was real.

So after passing through 29 and the E M F.

and Alexander A E M F as Terrible Death, I moved to 14. N A D to Kim Arthur Hinds as the emodiment and exemplification and example of the process of Evolution of Conciousness

E.O C…/ C O V ..I D… E.


Chris Filgueira code 36 not really 63 tel.or portal

But it aligns with his First Cousins initials C F 3 6/ 6 3.

360 O is the Full Circle where i am right now full circle back in the story linked with the truth.

15 is letter O.

O 9.

O I.

I O.

14 90 Facebook Friends.

14 of course is N… Nicole Nigel Atlanta Georgia.

14 9O ( 9 O is 9 6= 15…O = A-E)

14 96 96 usd.

5 O.. E O… see Kims Share.

E F.





2= B

E F A-A.

E F B.

At the 62nd portal after reacing Ferrill Arden-Aureilia.


E H.

I do not have anything I wish to say, I feel that I have been clear to the point of absolute and ultimate clarity.

This was a play set up for which was about Self Discipline ( S D) and Self Mastery.

of Rage … Justicifed which had to be transformed from Terrible Death to Beautiful Transformation 84 to 48.

And based the law.. Eternal Law- neptism of favoritism – which I was tested and checked to see if I would follow my the one still!, playing mt Guide Father God…

G F G.. 767…( 20 T Echo E .2 O B F= 8)

Kim Arthur Hinds and Benjamin line as well as J.M qualifed as Self Discpline Mastered of Anger Frustration A F of Alien Father, transfomed into Beautiful Rage.

Light Bringers as both 84 H D Harmony Destruction and Beautiful Death.

This is not my script- and as you can see, I was used as the example- provoked night and day to rage and yet I, was used as an example to show no matter what I was put through- despite my having proven Satya, and empirical evidence of Evolution Awakening, of qulifying to that Title :The Source of Existence – under cover in Human Form, The Creator T.C. Teated to such an insulting script at which I could not simply walk away.

And the only choice given was to endure this torment of body mind and spirit, even to the passing crossing of my mother, and to being dependent on others when this is my Creation Eden, despite the ignoble treatment, of Do or leave your body I have not allowed my Fury and Rage to infect how I treat others or infect them with my rage.

To still be fair… and stand up for fair play.

Its true I will never forgive or forget this experience … and especially how far it was allowed to go…

But I do not, can not turn into a monster.. I retained my Attention Focus Awareness on completing the Blue print and script, which has nothing to do with me personally.

6:43 p.m.

Beautiful Rage O.. Full Circle.

B R O… T H E R S.

O R B I T I N G…

I can not, we the E can not be anything other than what I am.. we are.

The Beautiful Truth.

6:45 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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