
11/9/2020 14:44 – Facebook Post

I am always being spirited away back into this actuality of Evolution Awakening done and linked by ones self.

Its incredible.

Even after all these years, decades.. all the hurdles scaled to prove it into this current human existence and mentality, via Constant Expression of my Vision of being Conscious naturally.

Do you know how long it has been?
24/7 my entire life, not able to escape it even when I tried.
Not even death would take me, nor would my True Self as Will I.A.M..E allow it.

12:21 p.m

Hey Tree Sage.. 12 21. 🙂

… The talking, explaining.. the Yes! Its here and its failure to manifest.
Going back to the drawing board
Taking orders from invisible entities.
The years.. not allowed to play .
The obstacles…
The disbelief and the desire to escape
Always being thrust back into the Mind Thought arena .
Gladiators Pitt.
Daily disbelief and shock..
More.. more.

Body… truly evolving.


Its a movie.

No, it would never be allowed to go so far

You are literally Source ee..
I know.
And Beautiful Pride
You remember and have proven memory ..tracing the thread all the way back to tue one who first and Eternity Infinity rose as Immortality with him, you have connected the dots, followed a thread a single thread of every day of your life, who you encounter, the interactions, meanings, manifesting in echo response
Remember who you are, not by the lack of acknowledgement reapect or gifts of praise by others, but by the confidence in your self worth and value.
And with such can demand the very best of everything for having given your best for the noblest cause of all..
The All E..

And so I take a deep breath, and begin..

12:32 p.m

That was the name of the chocolate from Miguel Figueroa gave me, he had two bars and offered me one, I asked him to choose the one he liked most and give me the other ( I was indifferent to the outcome)

He handed me one.
It had the word Evolution on it, I showed it to Kim Arthur Hinds, Tree.. I said half jokingly , ” imagine if this was a code a message confirming physical evolutuon.
We both chuckled.
But we both were aware of the possibility.

My facebook memory today is from 5 years ago but aligns with today and the sum total of the last 15 years and entrance into Alpha Bet Ciry and ending up teaching A B C
Ah Be Cee..
Instead of focusing on Generation of the X Factor.

But a Beautiful Youth who looked like a young greek god..literally called Gabriel had told me when I first found myself bewildered beyond belief in living with a man in a studio called A Santana.
Gabriel had come and told me that I was brought here to overthrow or evolve Darwin’s theory of Evolution.

David Roman Nicholas came to the same venue.

Geoff LaCour told me I was here to destroy the idea of God.

In truth, I came to Party and find my Eternal Family and reunite with them… hence the party here to boogie .. festival

Not to War.

But thats another story.

Donna and J.S came early
Kim had spoken to J.S about my being here.
All cool.
Yes they are cool..
Donna ran her hands along the wall over the name Bella.. renarking it was the name of her cat.
Two cats move in with J.S
Tomorrow she moves in
Kim Jae..

That is all I am coding of Donna and Jae.
I placed their names here, to Mark and Honor them by writing their name in the Book of Perfection of Now.

But enough of this… without people being aware of the reason and honor because they live in the other view and I understand nearly all do.

To me personally, my role in this Life has been one of Endurance, Preservation Persistence Surety Confidence and Will ..I Am ..
Will Power..

But most of all Self Discipline
Self Mastery
And the will to summon up constant energy and momentum each day ..night and day consciously for 32 years, in a script which persists in never giving me what I desire and what a body and being have merited and earned for the most beautiful evolution and Quantum Jump of Man.

Pandora Quartz

Pandora means ” All Gifted” A.G.

In Greek Mythology she was created by Hephaestus and all the Gods were asked to present her with a gift.

What actuall came out of Pandoras box was Harnony.
Words Anointed Vibrating Expression Supreme
Rainbow Spectrum
Rainbow Children
Flora Rainbow
The note of FA
Flora Auernheimer

The Flower of Life
Lotus Flower
Lotus Santana
Life Supreme’s
Lauren Crafted
Laura Croft.
Angelina Jolie.
The Beautiful Messengers.

Quartz means ” Clear Gemstones”
Gem IN.O
I N.O.


Perfection is Quantum.

Abou Angel Azrael

A A A. 3- A. C- A
Cee Conscious Awakening
On 3rd Planet.
C Earth

Abou means ” Father Of Excellence..Filled
Angel means ” Messenger ”

Azrael is the Arch Angel of Death.
He rises in Justice for those Falsely Accused
His name means ..
Gods Angel. G.A
Or” Help..
“He Who Helps God”

Of course God means The Truth.
The Beautiful Truth.

Yes, Self Mastery
Self Discipline..
Over Mind Thoughts.
Hearts Feelings.
And the constant sacrificing and forgoing ones true hearts desire…
And always being moved to seek the embrace and comfort of death over such a nightmare and way of being in Existence that mind would snap,.heart would burst from a body and being which denies, defies your right to a free will and choice and to walk in the valley of the Dead unclean with the shadow of Evil dogging your steps and every move.

And none believing your experience is true..or simply can not imagine it as being as true as documented each day.

Where do I get the energy.
Who could in rely to fill me up, charge me up with inspiration electric charge of laughter delight desire.. will to live on past such a trail of misery and suffering.. cruelties surmounted Trans formed and understood.

Embarrassment is what I have quietly posting exposing myself naked transparent all these years, not shame.
Embarrassment because I knew you did not understand me, or why…
And Shock.

The attack on my very Core and Center..
My beautiful pride
My reason my proof
A Gift I recognize in Hindsight when I read some of these posts…
Of such a love.
Self Love.
And how truly it is the meaning of Love Supreme.

The gift of Seeing..
Fruition of A Dream Eternally Divine made real..

An Eternal Fact.

How do you still a mind screaming impossible
A heart made to see a story of E Family Selfish and who betrayed All what we stand for
Falsely accused
And made to prove it a Lie.

How do you still a body dying fighting to burst into bloom.

Or hide a smile which is compared to the 27th State the Sunshine state, which instead gives the illusion of decay, and a predatory nature.

And how can you hide from the Truth that you really are Father of Excellence

The Source of everything
And this is the version of your original expression you like the ultimate slave waa cast in a movie documentary documenting how you.cleaned it up and transformed it, expanded it all the way to Eden Paradise Infinity Immortality and more..
And no one knows what you have done. As you quietly move into a smaller room in a house you can not pay rent.

Money versus True Love.

Terry Lynn Cooper

Sharing the most Beautiful Truth Victorious recording it since age 7-8.

17 usd in my wallet.

My Value.
17 Q
For my contribution to Evolution

Sacred Portal 22.

13:43..44 Hundred Hours right now

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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