
11/9/2018 3:03 – Facebook Post

Am I playing one more scene..?

Which story this time…
Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors whith his Brother Younger self, is past?
Now Equalled as E.
But only one as E.N. E O

E. N.E.O
E C. N.E O…H.. O H M.

Joe served Stephen Filgueiraand I at Nur…

Light broken down through a Prisim Diamond reveals what is is composed of Waves Lengths…
which align and link to sound.

Joseph mans “To add, to increase.. symbol + Postive”

Joseph Ejiofor J.E…. 10 5..
Ref the Facebook DNE Pool as my 1174 Facebook Friends.

Time aligned today Emeka Kolo and Stephen Filgueira.
10;50 p.m.

– Post and Text P.T ( Or Perfect Timing confirmed as Truth.
Echo Harmony
E.H.. Meaning Truth True
I.P Man
Meaning Synchrony =Fact.

-Linked ( and Inked), to my recieving a response to a text I sent earlier at teh exact moment I completed a text in which I refered to Stephen as playing a Character whom I played before…
Joseph and Benjamin.. J B..
who evolved as a charcter to Yeshua Christ…
*Link John the Baptist, J B..
St John The Divine,
Joseph and Mary..
“Add Myrrh”
A .M..
Myrrh and Mary really come from Ancient Egyptian which means “The Cherished Beloved” and was used to anoinyt teh dearly departed in ancient times. Those who were chosen blessed to rise from the Book of the dead, because they were loved .. remeberd… beloved.

In my Facebook Friends Pool.

Joseph Byron. J.B…

Benjamin Joshua Melendez


J.B (007)/B.J..M.
Being Jump Man.

Arinze Umeano A.U… sent me a message
I did not access or read until after the 10:50/10:50 Post Text play was completed.

It’s time was sent was

10:40 p.m.

*( See the Time and see the play of 10:50 p.m E and S aligned… to E S.. P…. and E S = 25.. Y.. Bed 4-018.
And Patrick Okolo recollecting out first major conversation as boys in Boarding School when I first moved to Nigeria with my Family from Winnipeg Canada, Windsor Park…
he spoke about it being about Beauty and E.S.P.
That as 1978..

NASA M.W87 classification code for Milky Way.
Mine M.W 78/87. In that play.
MW 96/69 ..15 15. 30.
Link Kyle Murphy and Eric James Murphy.
E.K. J M M.
Stephen M M.
Now Stephen Filgueira. S.F .
Linked seamlessly to Me reprenting Eternal in the play of the Immortal Technic.
E. M.I.T.

/Backward Time.

Two plays Mirrors 6996..
And Doppelganger Twins Being One.
10:50 1050.
Eternal Being
Time End.
Ten Fifty
20 6.
Truth is 6th Sense.

1515 Add 30.

And he testified to me, here in New York where we met up while I was at B.R.C Shelter, meeting for the first time in 28 years at 2nd Avemue between 85h and 86th street.
See sacred Portal 40.. and the actuality as 10;50..
Sacred Portal 50.. Ego Oge.. really E.G.O./ O .G.E..
all played out here on Facebook in real time.
Right to me stating that the past was meddling with the present…

Right to perfect enactment with Stephen from Hawaii and Fritz Venneiq connecting to me…
Stephan in the 50th state.
Last year 2017 in Oregon during the Total Solar Eclipse – 33rd state… to 50th State.. 33 + 17.. Q.. Quantum.

To our meeting and to the play at Nur and code 39 Across on the Green Awning…

10;50 a.m…

Then see the play of My ending the post on Sacred portal 111 ( 3 in 1) at 10:50 p.m stating what Srephen literally represents, after psoting the incredible awakened memory so far back in Tie put present in the moment as Eternity, accessible at any given moment.

And see my posts about The Three Brothers who were One and Two…and how they became in one Harmony, Crwown of Epiphanies
Eternal Union Eternal Love which brough forth Clarity Direction C.D..Clara Star Child 3rd aspect of the family of ten journeying through her twn self as Noni Promise directed by her male and female self to Completion of all What Ifs…
The Crown.. See the meaning of Stephens Name.. and then teh Fil-geuria…
And the Harmony of my completion of that Play Scene. Post in perfect Synchroncity Seamless see the meaning ascribed to Stephens Role.. and his Confirmation E.S.P.

J.. E.O..


Arinze Umeano A U

I haved wonderful dream before woke up this morning dear great one,their is a river near my home called iyiocha river,then i saw many housa white cow swimming & crossing the river then i was surprise,after that i dream saw many antelopes runing into the bush near my home too then i woke up and start pray”

Emeka Kolo as A U M…. O H M… J O H M … J O H N…

What is a white cow what does t symbolize.. and it is crossing a river… What are the Hausa Shepherders- what do the represent, forget the politics… The herds men represent Nomad- without Boundaries.. Limiltlessness… See what the Cow Represents
acred cow is an idiom. It is an expression or phrase that is used without the literal meaning of being about a cow or religion. When spoken or written it means a person or a belief that has been respected for a long time. It has become sacred and people are then afraid or unwilling to criticise or question it.” The Antelope represents…”Antelope is the symbol of decisive action. This is a herd animal so the actions Antelope represent are not just about the self, but the whole tribe and family as well.” … See meaning posted on my page…”

Can you decipher the riddle..
White Light…
The Elegant Nomads..
And the Antelope

StaG King

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