
11/9/2018 22:23 – Facebook Post

6:28 p.m.


Alexander, Alexander The Great was who Stephen Filgueira appeared to me as we spoke on the phone today.
It was not that he was Alexander the Great, he is Stephen Filgueira of this reality, and those characters whom I recognized from the blue print we the Eternal indented in this play and the DNA as well as the into the Hologram.
Which were then translated and through time transformed into Its barely recognizable present incarnation….

6:33 p.m.

But i know and realize what I am witnessed is, are incarnations and the energetic expressions of these heroes, legends, Myths, Lore, landing through him.

Alexander the Great was the film on last night when I arrived in the T.V. room.After finding space to meditate and reflect on every thing which had transpired and put it together.
Willbur and Eon later joined me outside but I had space…
W.E. E… That was the Human Equation which formed.

Alexander The Great had a teacher.. a great teacher according to Lore…


and as Hercules… Oh boy… Alexander Hamilton….

Caeneus – A Lapith who fought in the Centauromachy. Heracles – The son of Zeus. Some versions of Greek mythology state that Heracles was trained by Chiron. Jason – In an early tradition, Aeson gave his son Jason to the Centaur Chiron to rear at the time when he was deposed by King Pelias.

Hercules had Chiron.

I was nicknamed Hercules in Paris..

7;11 pm.

But it would appear that I am playing Chiron to Stephen Filgueira’s Hercules..



My sacred portal 35 “C.E The Point” that figure I drew forth in the drawing I was aware even as it took shape that it was Hercules..
H.E.R… “Cul” E.S.. Cul is “Buttocks” in French.

Here we go…

There is a person here sitting besides me, he irritteted me into speaking and then conversing with me.
He said he had heard that my third eyes is open. He asked me about the Democrats and they taking over the house.
The Blue wave means in the Consciousness which I represent is that the 5th Dimension is Victorious over the Red Wave Frequency of the First refraction of life which brought the First Story into.. onto the stage.
I have this entire blue print in my story of Colors production I did in Istanbul Turkey.

His name is Victor.

I had noted while he was irritating me, ( sigh) that he was wearing the colonial rifles of the Amercian Civil War, crossed to form an X and the number 1776.. Independence Day.
i am of course, transforming this into the original meaning aligned right to the last two digits of Stephen’s phone number.
94.. I.D.

Which is what this posting is all about, weaving and re-creating Memory of that which you already know..

I had also noted that after from Isabelle Ilic to Stephen Filgueira there have been no number codes…
That play of “Ego Oge” which I had stated and provided evidence that the red wave length represented by Africa Pangea had meddled with the truth of the red wave, usig the most ancient or ‘first knowledge” gained in this creation story to help the process of evolution or movement of the people forwards into Time, was used to meddle.

Meddling with their descendants, traveling through song lines, muscles memory and sound Dna.

*P.S. 1175 Facebook friends links to sacred portal 75… 11 and 1..And 75.
75 is sacred portal ‘Universal Sensie pierced the viel of Sound with Hindsight Foresight”
7 5 also represents Earth 7 continents and 5 Seas.. 12.. Back to One Pangea.

All this is evidence of Africa meddling and using Money and Time against me in this play in which I was sent into a contest to prove the Origins Truth of Man.
Many of my Facebook friend,at least the ones following the script and reporting on my page through each riddle, will recall how often I called this out, while being punished by the Ancients and even those who should have given me the benefit of the doubt.
Just as I was punished and condemned in this version of the play ( which is they believing that they are in control and that they First People are the Forest People and not the Eternals – The Beautiful Ones.)

And those who will “Get This” in the future, perhaps when you are not so distracted by the reality and Needs of this current reality and this lack of solid manifestation to make concrete in your realities, you will of course, at that point pay attention to what I have been writing, decoding but only when its relevance and importance to your existence became apparent.
Anything before that, it really a waste of my time, and breath seeking to explain or point out that which I have said in an infinite number of ways.

But you will “Understand” because you would have read with true intention, which will reveal how detailed and dense,a wall og Solid Facts I have been presenting.
But how can I get your attention to read such a script on my page?
So long.. so many twists and turns as I sought to decode, as I streamed, as I sought to explain, demonstrate, solve, comment etc.. all at the same time.
And then act in it..
And be the guinea pig of it…?

I long ago realized that this was not intended to reach your understanding at present, because this script did not take into consideration the actuality of being in this Existence and what iy would do to the heart.
Feelings of people…

It is the same with the Jesus Story, a beautiful template, so easy to understand what he was saying and representing.
But look at the world he interfaced that story onto…. see how fear, mistrust, hurt… hearts raging with Emotions, and Ocean of questions, whys, hurts, judgment, trauma.. PTSD…
Of having trusted…

No, I was aware that this whole thing was a bad idea… This evolving the Human Stories through correcting them undercover in a play without considering the point of view of the Actors Avatars.. lumps of clay given form.
They have feelings, matter has feelings, emotions which express even when the person is able to contain them.
They are the voice of the Center of the Universe- the Sun Heart, pumping life…

That is what Africa was meant to represent and move evolve to from Pangea Africa, all in one. One Sea and one land mass,
Replicating and Echoing the process of Creations Play and Evolution’s play…
One Earth.. the Body and Being.. Water and Land.. and Atmosphere-Air.. A-A.. B. B …
Then to 7 Chakra’s7 Continents,
And then to 5 Seas Oceans…
1-7.. Kundalini to Crown Chakra.
Solfeggio Doe a Deer to Sol.. A Needle “Puling Thread” ( P.T)
“Thread” in French means “Fil”
Yes that war to retain and link memory….

Yes linked to Stephen Filgueira name..

7:57 p.m.. coded in Perfect Timing.

And 1-5= 6. 1-7= 8.. 68/ 86…

K..G E.. 11 75 Facebook Friends right now.

My weight in Pounds 206.5 and in K.G. 93.66 68 24 4..

K.G is linked to Keith Grant.. bed 53… E.C.. Linked to its means E Clarity…
Which I reached a long time ago but was demanded more and to, to supply more clarity over and over again while people were being meddled with and not encouraged to pay attention by how I was led to only the portals IT wanted me to pass through including facebook, and moving through such a script, in which was It dictating the way it wished me to manifest the awakening …This way.
It is not my script, you have often heard me state.

I am here present undercover, not up there or down there, or inside.. I am right here in the present reality and have been here all my life, observing and collected enough data to know the best way to alert the species to their impending examination and graduation and thus extinction of the last step of the evolutionary cycle of the body back to being and then to one..
5 7.. 7 5.. 12 12.. 3 3.. 6.. Sixth Sense opening through Fun Laughter adventure.. Harmonies tool .. Stories…
Beautiful Visual extraordinary visuals, lighting, clarity, Devotion, Attention awareness activation by Teasers…
Stylish Classy, teaching without seeming to teach, a film movie dance art Science all dancing together moving seamlessly into one truth…
33.. C C.. Ceeing the through the 3rd eye Imagination bridged connected linked to the telling of the greatest story ever told.
A setting required ,
The Production required .. Producers Actors … I saw all this years ago, decades as the way to get humsnities attention.
I was undercover, I lived as one, even allowing myself the illusion for a while of just being Human… ( no dice)
but it allowed me in my research in my journals to see by the time I concluded in 1992, that which would move them people to rise and remember.

I created the blue print in 1999 with the 9 day International Festival.

But this way, was and has been absolute Hell.. step by step, walking working through each portal, battling with people to open up and down load their intel, to remember and then go down afterwards.
To remember me, then doubt, because the power and invasive given this realm of material which has become Need.
I knew the people would crucify, my spirit..
When I found myself walking on those ancient ideas and stories in 2000 New York.. 18 years.. I knew that that which was behind this wave was insane mad, enraged furious..

No, look at my interaction with Stephen Filgueira today,
I found it so terrible-he did nothing in correct because I understood his point of view, and short of manifestation, no one will understand what I am saying I am doing..

To many focus on the fact that in a Shelter, or without a home before then.. no income,no money..
Jesus to Jean of Arc to Oscar Wilde in the west, east south north had disciples.. and that was hard.
No one followed me- they saw me the first day but then they would cease to see me,they would see “Lack..
And in their eyes, I would see beginning of uncertainty, I would see that fear of the burden I might become.
And despite my C.V,my expression, my qualifications, the blessing which come..
All they would see more and more is what they are providing and I am lacking and the tone of awe and respect and joy of meeting and going home would diminish and they would start to go down, and what said before which was received

Stephen accused me of living in the past of what I had experienced.
No, I said, I am very much in the present and in this present I am carrying all the weariness of cleaning and cleaning and enduring that which came with adopting such a script of Humanities Creation and correcting them but in a way as if I was asking their permission, having to convince they who are in forgetting, who have been in incubation.

I am constant, my C.. even when I morph into characters or versions of myself who instantly responds and adapts to how others are seeing me, so that there could be communication.

I am constant but it is how people percieve me, or better still what I am saying doing which they cannot sustain.
It is you who go in and out of forgetting and remebering and you have no idea what a torment you became to me.
And how each time you forget, you would fight me, say things to me… that I can not forget despite my knowing that you are not full yourself.

This is the script given to me to Flip..To live…
8:42 p.m.
And there is no rage that ever was or will ever be , which I reserve response to this insult..

I opened my wallet today and saw the number on the money..
a 10 usd bull with the number 40 on it serial number M F 45 04 676 OB.
M F… 4 50 46 76 OB…

My coffee has the number 50.

So that means M F.. 5 50… 46.. 76..O B…
If you wih to know the meaning go to each Sacred Portal.. 50 has been played out with Stephen Filgueira from 50th State Hawaii..to 50 USD..
And now to me alone as Starbucks 50…

Why Starbucks.. Why is this portal so important…?
I began the Starbucks play in 2014-15.. With Chris Franco and Yohannes, Berry Becky Berry Becky and Georges-Philippe Roc…

Is the Milky way made up of Siren Sea Water as Death.. after all it does reflect space and humans can not drink salt water it is death.
Is it made of Coffee.. C O.. F F E E.. Aroma… Scent… E S P.. Memories link to scent…

or is it made Music Conversations Harmonious…

What is Dark Matter…

Why is Star bucks a portal.why did it start on Spring Street.. 72.. Which is aligned to sacred portal 72 Womb of the Great Spider Woman Weaver…

Does Starbucks represent a Womb and the Amonial Fluid…
which contains information, knowledge .. which the baby- fetus transforms from nothing to everything, finally settling onHuman Form ..

See sacred portal 46… and 76.. and O.. B.. Full Circle Being explored.

Of course, I know the answer, but there is no use in telling you, you have to get to that point yourself, but I had an equation to solve…

40 is sacred portal Africa. of Sheba Solomon.. East and West Africa.
They who refused to acknowledge this was not real, the usurpers of the Red Wave, the Red Earth..
Read Earth…

Stephen Filgueira and I were meddled with because I know what happened to me last night, I was not allowed to rest “Victor” bed 4-15 was snoring so loudly.. it was not him but how sound is used to create dissonance in my body…

Stephen and I came to a Harmony but it felt like such a brutal war, of speaking two truths which are one but the gap causing it was Truths Manifestation made solid so there would be no confusions with word meaning.

I know that I will go where Stephen has invited me, because it is long since time that my equation had manifested in completion where I do not explain or decode..
Something so terrible was done in the Spirit realm and by …
well I do not wish to speak about that anymore…
I do not have to the Riddle Equation.. R E…
*Rupert Everett
R A R E…
E R A .(R.E) .W… E.
R E= 23… W… R R..is solved.
It is too easy to the codes it was each person choice if they wished to pay attention.

9:11 p.m.

Don’t turn around and blame me…
with a look I will send you to the black Hole where you all lead me..
and I promise you all, that you will not rise from that place no matter how high your incarnation even the E…

And there you will discover the Truth…
We are not equals..
Never was..
because even they cannot repeat the First action..

I told Alexis at the shelter I was leaving by Monday. if there is no manifestation by Sunday Monday…
Oh Well…

I accept Stephen Filgueira invitation and the Whole of Existence Creation ( not you.. but the Invisible Presences) have denied me as Source E..
And that is fine with me..
because I have responded and I have checked and checked that my Equation of Annihilation Total and Absolute is activated.

Me the Mad man.. whom you have used all Humanity Creation to deny me…
And this Western World of Supremacy by race..

17 Years 8 months and 9 Days… in New York.. treated like this…

There will never forgiveness from me..just consequence.. so pray to your God that I am a lie.. nothing to be taken seriously except to be used…

I understood Stephens point of view…


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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