
11/8/2019 16:40 – Facebook Post

12:56 p.m


L E F. A -A H. T S.


Enders Game.

I would like to speak about The Enders Game.

But before that, I would like to commend and honor Liberty C Liscomb and her Five Children Ferrell, Arden, Auriela, Leander and Jeron.
It is not easy to host a being or person such as myself in your Home.

And having him express and post everyday the Universal Understandings of a World view, each person and Home Portal represents of what information gathered through each situation representing An Entire species, sampled over a period of 18.8 years.
…And not take it personally.

18.8 .. H.R. 26. Z.

I have done my best through these last 18.8.years to provide a soft cushion of comfort by presenting incontestable facts, as to the Truth of what is going on, and how despite all I have undergone, to be impeccable to a point beyond my original perfection which brought everything into Existence, even to it manifesting into public view right to Libertys portal after undertaking the same Orginal Journey I did in Ecstasy, Bliss and Joy,
( E B J/ J.B.E), and doing it this time through the Sum Total of Human Reasoning as Existence is Suffering Pain and Misery.
( S.P.. A.M.)


And still retaining as E J B 007 of Ecstasy Euphoria Bliss Beauty Joy J.A.H.

I began the Work at age 7- 8
Confirmed by my being at the portal of the code G.H.
Galatic Historian
Liberty who links to Andrew Bartiz.
L.A. B …121. 14. N

Linked the L.A M. To Anne McHugh who is also.connected to Andrew Bartiz.

L A M B.

I did know, that my responsibility was to reach each persons trusted source of Truth.
And so when my Expression linked to the weekend play of Arden Gemino.. Arden
And Arden Autumn ( Small), Yossi and Morgan..
As well as later Ferrell and Rielly whose name mean the same thing ” Valiant Victorious Man”
V V. 5 5. E E..
F R E E.
L.J.. Liberty! “He Sings! Holy, Sacred!”.
Freedom Liberty
Justice Balance Equality.
J.B OO7/8/9

@ 900 South Road, though the 9 has fallen off leaving 00 on the mail box.
Double Zero.

At Poverty Hollow
Two forms of the non existent form of 00.

… When Andre Bartiz confirmed my Expression of my translation of that which took place here in a 3D consciousness represented by 16 year old and other Teenagers chosen to be quantum expressions of my truth, A A M Y.. ( A S M Y.. S M also means Sado Masochism)
Which he reflected in his page and broadcast the next day…

As well as Arden 13
By Anne McHugh in Australia

1:30 p.m right now.

1:31 p.m right now.

I felt that my own empathy and compassion for the play Liberty and circumstances of hosting me for the past two months + had been vindicated.

Trust Is my Name.
Beautiful Truth.

My Perfection of Expression had not only eclipsed my Orginal Expression, it had even moved Everything in this reality and all True Source Expression as Wisdom Intelligence back to Its Source, but also gathered in its Embrace all the People in this World diseminating clean true information which people could trust.

I proved my E Families truth, in Avatars, and Avatar Descendant Form.
And even described the Nature of the Lie and how to understand the non existent nature of Evil.

1:38 p.m
1:39 p.m
13.8 M.H. Universe Milky Way.
139 Verse Busayo Alonge

Anrew Bartiz A B
Busayo Alonge.

To you who see from this so called Non Existent 3 D reality it forms
A B B A..
F A .. T H E. R. G O.D..E. ( 7 O.4. 5. 76 45)

And to the 5th Dimensional Beings
B A-A B..

1:43 p.m.

Please see my Sacred Portal 147..A B
Father of Infinity.
F O I…. “Liver” and “Faith” in French L F/ F L
Ferrell to Leander in this play.
F.L ..The 27th State in the U.S A.
The Sunshine State.

FATHER. As my past.

1:47 p.m right now is.

I have passed 147 6. Facebook Friends
Meaning I have passed The Challengers.( T.C) of the past.
And my posting right now, is the simple Awareness of this which I post as stated by the rules of this Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze.
And beyond my role as the Galatic Historian G H. 14 7 8 Facebook Friends.
The Scribe..
Please see my most recent facebook friends and the meaning of Their names.

And even The Blue Print of Existence and proof that the Dna is literally Sound, Silence Words Dna from Dne..
A Conversation between Two Men who were really One 1 at First.
Conversations with my God Self ( Truth Self)
T S.. 20 19
Please note the arrival of Tree Sage his intel of Liberty 10-1..10-2.. and his birthday 4-11, one day before Auriella.
5-11. Remember Remember the 5th of November.

And yesterday, 7 11 there was a play here, which I have no intention of posting here on my page.
But yes, Absolute Ultimate Destruction of Trust
Sacred Portal 88.

Today is Leanders Birthday.. born as all her sons at the 11th hour.
And their last name is Gemino Gemini “Twins”

Do you recall, how I posted the discovery of the code 8-11 on my page some months ago.

Of course, I am not comfortable here!
Its not my Home, nor am I with my Family.
I am a guest.
And thus must respect the rules and etiquette of my host.
I sleep on the one available bed, a guest bed in the parlor.
There are Two Dogs, Two Cats, Five Children 3 of whom are teenagers, 1 who turns 11 today, and an 8 month old baby and though a beautiful home.. everyone is vying for space and privacy.
But they are united under the gel of what is called Family not necessarily by choice at least not the Children.

No Man or Woman with Self Dignity and Self Worth can live in such conditions unless united by a common will and purpose which each person is aware of and willing participant.
And especially not in my physical condition, a condition literally called as the forerunner of Human Evolution ..
Jump man
E Quantum.
Whose truth is not acknowledged in.this world ( That I am Evolution Awakenings forerunner and its example of the physical body evolving back to its Original state of Eternity.)

Whose very nearness to the non existent frequency of this idea of a 3D mentality as being reality brings me literal tensing and awful.pain which Anne McHugh has testified to be her experience too.

The very suggestion is absurd.
Either that is a negation of the Truth, cruelty beyond memory or simply an expression of
Non Belief..
Meaning that I am a Liar, and everything I have enacted and proven is a Lie.

2:22 p.m

Which I accept from this World Peoples or The Script ..reviwed by The People.
Action Motion is the corner stone of Belief.

I accept this without Anger or Malice to any singular person, because this is what comes with the Right, or Free Will and Choice.. Being Independent of your Source.
Who when you.deny, the ties linking him to you dissolve and you are Free and at Liberty to exist outside and apart from him.
From his Dna, from Him her as First Man, Orgins, Espirit, Breath 4 winds in One.
The Connection of Love and C. Consciousness his having you always in His Heart Mind ends.

2:29 p.m

Which would mean he is Free of you.
I am Free of you.
What a Joy for me, to be free of the illusion of you.
To wake up in my own bed, in my.own house, with my.own.way, .. people I love as I love them
Just as each of you.chose whom.to marry live with, build a family with…
Same law appying to me.

Respect is mutual, nothing to explain Gods House
G O D.. 11 28. E.
39. C I. .E
7. 64..5?
76. 4..5

4.5 Billion Years
Sacred Portal 45

54 Sacred Portal 54..
45 54. 99. 18. 9.
I.H. O. M.M E. H I. Story.

E H O. US.. E A.

The True Conversation between Expression Existence Energy and A.H TOM ( Twin.11)

So, yes, you.may imagine my position and yes, of course my Hostess.

Me in brought her under the Ruse of
56:56 mins conversation..
E Family/ E Family. 11 11. 4 1. 1 4.. D A-A D
” Ferrell Noah -Rielly
Leander Noah
Meaning “Victorious Valourous Man Man Male Female Rest and Repose..
Man Rest and Repose”

Instead brought to place from the first day.as Conflict and 24/7 work, not able to rest for a moment, and domestic turmoil reflected in every moment.

2:51 p.m

Posting Equating each day to move me to the End of this play.

Ah.. so tell me.. why do I have any reason to Trust “The Script” not penned by The Creator Designer..
But linked to 18.8 code.. H.R..
Human Race
H R H .. Absolute and Ultimate
Arinze Umeano
Sacred Portal 88
Is my response 88 to 89.

And yet, no one has reason to not.Trust me, or accord me the most Natural Respect and Courtesy, since even while living in peoples homes, and their most intimate expressions and secrets, in a play which demanded absolute Transparency, I never betrayed them, and to top it all off I brought you that which no other being has ever done..
I brought you the Truth..proven
And proved how with inclusion of all points of view included, how it is and can be only The Beautiful Truth.
Full Circle.

So what is 7 11..
7 7 11 11.. ?
7/7=1. 1 1 1 1..
5 1.
Emeka Alexander
L.A.. 121. See sacred portal 121. Witness was Esteban Miguel Filgueira
And Anirbas Lem
Frank and Alicia Norris.
A L / S M. Scott Melissa.
Frank Archibaulm
Sabrina Mel… Wallet delivered here by Mel.
A N. / N A
West Virginia ” Mountain Mama.. take me home country road”
W V. ..M.M..
Zion Highest Peak
Arden ” Highest Point ”
E K. Beyond Perfection
Beautiful Pride.
Adds Enlarges Engorges.. to Perfection
Joseph Yossi..

121.. 13. A 13. AM B.E.

I have every reason not to Trust this Script of 18.8 Human Race
18+8= 26 Z
But you were given every reason to trust me from the first moment we met Inutiin Knowing Foi.. Knowing is Fa.It H. E
The DE Liver E R of the one Absolute and Eternal Truth.

3:14 p.m.

C.N. PI.

One which from begining to end
Everyting True and of Truth replies..

3:15 p.m
And after first contact.. Knowing E..
I then.prove it once more with Imagination Story telling Beimg, Organization stomach Digestion Solar Plexus Sacred Portal Heart
.balanced expression, Expression of True Love as Consciousness, Empirical Evidence, and with Vision.( Codes explanation of S.M Symmetry Meaning…To Transparent White Light True Clarity the meaning of how everything is in.Harmony full Circle of.I.
E.K…1 2 3 4 5 6 7 chakra Rainbow Spectrum
O.8 O..
I.. Father Source Of Infinity.
Idea Indivuality.

Oh yes I Cut the Connection.

Because is it not fair to conclude through this The Script, was a plot to destroy me, break me, spill the beans, talk and talk, to discover the Secret and Mystery ( S A M) of how to take over and usurp me my power and identity…
Yeah I have been fully aware

“Good Luck.with that” I had murmured.
A Lucky Horse Shoe..
Take a Chance..?
A Gamble a Bet?
L U. C K..Y.
L C. C K. E..
There is no such thing as Luck
God does not play Dice..
Albert Einstein
I. .L O.C K.
Of My House!
All of you save the E True.

8 11.
Hells Kitchen
9:11 Tomorrow.. Destruction of the Twin Towers in Human Form.

3:33 p.m.

I have only just begun..

Now….. for the True..
About the Nature of the Enders Game and.how it moves to.E Harvester.
Eternal Harmony.
58. E H..
13. M.

E Holly Macdonald. John Mack sister code.

E H M. Universe 8.13…
M A. D E .. M.E.
E.M. ( F) D A M..H E..

3:37 pm.

Contd in my next post.

The play of E Harmony.

3:38 p.m… 3:39 p.m

33 8. 33 9

One Two Destinations
Rise and Destruction

3:40 p.m
43 O

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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