
11/8/2018 23:50 – Facebook Post

10:23 p.m.

Isabelle Ilic

Stephen Filgueira..

Do you see the Mermaid to the Stag Kings Left my Right?

And the winged “Chi-Nna” Girl… ?

Starbucks Siren..
We. “Mer- M..A.I.D.”

Chin Nna- Girl
*See movie-book, “Girl with the Dragon Tatoo”
( G. W.T.. D.T… Woods Therieriot Park..
4 20..D.T.. )

And Stag-E.

Harry Potter.
Harmonious Planet
Harmony Perfection
8-16- 1984 you in life here on stage.
8-16-1984 Date of Birth on face book..


Harmony Perfection..
Already I.S.
George Orwell.
V.U. “Seen” in French .. “Toute Bell-Vu.E”
*See the yellow magnets in my locker art”

Big Brothers
Has Got His Eye On.
I always had your back.

Yes the All seeing eye on your back the first day we met, you were in the energetic costume of Thor..
Thor Lopez.
T.L.. 20 12.. 32… 32O “remember that number yesterday?”
50 USD.
E O.

You always tell the Beautiful Truth.
You are moved by the E.
Immortal Technic.

Yep Lion of Judah
Eric The Red..
E 2018..
Lion of Judah…my locker the past.

At present Thor
Sacred Portal 127..
“Royal Epiphany..
It is the Epiphanies of Epiphanies its true scope and majesty supremacy…
As strutting Peacocks riding as Awareness Dawn…
Your Ultimate and Absolute Self as Perfection Sustained.
This is what our meeting in this play represents to the world…

10:39 p.m.
10:40 p.m.

The Awakening of the
Impossible Dream.


Actually, if you considered it logically and rationally given the evidence and facts mirrored in the extraordinary manifestarion as Univdersal Nature
And the True Beauty in Man Woman at their most Inspirational as Ah Fresh Air..

It really was inevitable
That all would reveal revelations
True Identication and Passports.

I P…

9-16-2016. Arrival at Delta Manor Redevous point, waited under deep cover thrown off to send openly the Beacon Radar, Light, Ray Bolt, Drum Trumpet…

I A ..P. / P A. I. D. E.

D I. A. L. P. T.E.m

m. E.T P.. L.A..I.D. With E K.P.T/K 115 A G E.

The last part I do not wish to explain any further .

10:50 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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