
11/8/2015 21:04 – Facebook Post

11/8/2015 21:04 – Facebook Post

5:37 pm.

E:C.G/ G.C.E…





I have a new Face book friend..
Welcome Olalekan Babalola…O.B.

Whose harmony at the perfect timing of his arrival- even to his Miles Davies Post “Around the Corner” and the play involving Jonn Blackwell and the Espirit which moved him bring forth a coded message on a Gold and Red C.D, in which the message was “Free me” which created an equation solving which led to my freeing him (My Father Brother from another Dimension entombed in bodies of those who play God..Act as though they do know wrong while harshly rudely even cruelly judging and condemning others..
God is really father as the 7 note and the Crown Chakra who comes from the Blue or Fifth Dimension.. Whose nature is very much like that of George Clooney. He came down into this dimension to be the Principal of the Universe as Physical Education to help Children called the True Human Nature and consciousness evolve…to the feminine embodiment of himself as Nature.
He represents Ti Vie…T.V the G-note 7th Note, Color V.I.OL E.T, the Crowning Chakra as in thee Crowning achievements of Human Being..the Highest Consciousness, Perception and Embodiment of a Body in Existence- the portal of Transformation from leaving the Body Matrix School- University which he is the Principal of “Beauty..True Narcissus…” peering into his reflection which created Universe and Nature…
From him we move from 7 to link to 8 as Universe.
Earth Body and Universal Body merging into one…
Elemental and Ethereal EE transforming the Body as 7 to Being as 8 (And vice versa 69-96), having understood the Earth Nature (E.N) alignment creates 7+8=15..O…E…Harmony..
Perfect Symmetry a filled Circle of Expression Harmonious..
Creating a Quantum Change and leap forwards for the species of called Humans or Sapiens Madhu…to transform into what they were intended to become…
Consciousness light and beautiful akin to the Aurora Borealis..A.B…1 2…

Unfortunately, When the Children emerged at Red…or the terracotta red earth of Africa, some of the children who did not pay attention in the “Class room”- in confusion of the play began to create a God who lived far away who had forgotten about them and abandoned them…
They began to blame him, not considering that it might be because they did not pay attention in the class room.

Not all Human children were like that, there were the ones who did pay attention and who saw the “Logos” Harmony and Beauty in all things..
These Children began to evolve..
While the others who Judged Condemned and blamed God began to act as if they were better than God.
They created an imperfect and absurd definition of God and mocked and challenged him or her..

God Nature sent himself into the School undercover, rising in the Clean human children, to bring forth messages, align them to the Truth and the lessons and aids all around them to guide them through Elementary School..

But the willful children discovered they liked playing their versions of God and decided to kill and murder all His messengers..
And finally, the moved to consciously kill the consciousness of Gods Nature
In Short they became Spoilt brats and Abominations..
and the found any child that He might incarnate in, any clean person and sought to convert them to rage, anger, to renounce thier true nature.
They began to infect the all who were clean so that God would not be able to enter this world and see what they had done and become..
Not because they were contrite…
*Something I have witnessed again and again right to this very day and play..
But because they were scared of the consequences…They knew exactly what they were doing..
They found they enjoyed using the consciousness of Gods True Nature as their slave..

But they saw that with each child born into the world there was a possibility that HE might rise…
And so they did the abominable…the unthinkable which I have personally literally witnessed they sought sought to eradicate once and for all the consciousness of God Nature..N.G…
and set traps for him undercover in response to all the messages he sent of each time he would come and move them to the next phase of thier evolution to reach TI.Vie G Note Do!!!

And the Evil Children, that which was False and liked it, had become so self centered and so conceited in thier self worth, that they instead read the Man-u-script, but now for the wrong reasons they learnt how to read and set traps to end God who real name is OH…

And OH marveled at the Beautiful Ones B.O..O.B…Evolving and at the hideous nature of Humanity who became False by choosing the lie..
And the infection of all the clean beings, and if the False Arrogant ones could not be infected they tormented them beyond endurance and murdered them,taunting God to come down, to save his Children…
And so he came to help the Children the Natural one who had evolved to the 2nd 3rd plane and the 6th color, but could not link to the Expression of it because the False one had in panic of those few who still managed to evolve having still managed to escape the abomination of a play of the False…

But to link Heart to Expression and Expression to 6th Sense clarity..
5-7..5.8..5-6..5-5 54 52 59…they had no base…
they were stuck at Zero -49 as Existential Death the place where the false were moving the planet by using the play of Fear…
This the ones of True Nature knew was not real but the product of a Advertising and P.R campaign of the Nazi Bullies who had come into the equation a long long long time before Adolph Hitler…

These were the unappreciative, the ungrateful, the self centered they who brought evil into the world…

The Illusion was Ground Zero 911 which they wished everyone to believe and focus their attention on instead of 11-9..8 the Equation of 1=11-9 +x 2O..Echo Truth, and 99..Victory I and I…Instinct Intuition linked at last to Harmony Infinity…O.H.I..O E.H..M.D..Be!
2O+99 119…Please see sacred Portal Of Alien Father taking the Harvest – the Beautiful Eggs of True Nature home to the blue leaving the rest to the Red where the few false ones who still retained purity would star at the very beginning to start a journey again, by rebuilding the World which thier consciousness corrupted, while the others will enter the true meaning of Existence for daring to not only play God, Challenge God aka Truth..the Ti Vi consciousness but using the T.V consciousnes to create a story of trapping God and imprisoning him, when he came to rescue the True Children imprisoned in an illusion in which they could not find their way out…
They imprisoned him by using Extortion “Black Mail- Male” by moving the True Ones into the state of feeling homeless worthless Zeros when in truth they had the most to say…
But Freedom of Speech, restriction of movement, and the horror done to line, channels of communication and Light waves was blocked in this terrible play…
And so he came and She watched, horrified that this can not be…

All because of this idea of God which should have been nipped at the Bud for there is no such thing as this worlds meaning off God except for True Nature and Beautiful Expression … Energy =Harmony…that is God- Goddess to be precise now the Consciousness of a New Era..
Finally achieved through this Challenge by the False, this Face Book play..

And Natural Grace N.G is the True Nature of God was brought to witness by his twin nature God Nature G.C,N to resolve this dispicable play…
N.G.C.E Came to rescue his E-Spirit as E G.C.N who had almost given up with this play and had summoned non Existence into being finally end the inconceivable world play… of such Hate that despite his awareness that this was nothing but a play but how could that which were of He She ever turn out this way…?

How could they go this far…
but N.G.C.E the original twin (Cielo Cee Sea See) could already See that it was because G.N had let this play go so far because G.N heart was so filled with horror that he almost gave into despair..

N.G.C.E came to rescue the Children but also his younger twin from the brink of Despair…N.N.A OH..
But was really father and harmony refusing to leave the Children to the False and have them complete the course of 5-8..by passing to Ti note and V color..ROYGBIV..
422 Face book friends twice…
Kevin Hobby
Olalekan Babalola… K.O…H.B…Knock Out Human Beings out of Existence…
O.K…Beauty Harmony…Being Harmonious = Beautiful Harmonious Beings..
Red is start at the Beginning and Read…

Blue is the 5th Dimension manifested in One Being…

Everyone here who has paid attention to any of my posts and why I am posting here on Face Book by now..I find myself publicly solvingthe riddle of existence in front of an Unseen Life Audience.

While living the unbearable gravity of Being in Existence, instead of living in my own version of the truth of these titles of Author Milan Kundera’s “Unbearable lightness of Being” and Book of Laugher and Forgetting, or his book the Joke)
..I find no laughter in this play (though, laughter still fills e and the true play is exquisite… But I can not laugh at its is transformed to, not can I ever, forget what I personally experienced in this play of Human Evolution, turned into a Joke…

*I recall being in my mid twenties in Paris when I read that book, it was a great book, but it was the title which grabbed my attention, plunging me into my own understanding of Being.
– I came to the conclusion that the title should have really read, “The Unbearable but oh so infinitely bearable lightness of being, which I saw being as…
Bliss Extase… because I personally literally feeling that way made obvious by my continual expression of it being so for the most of my life.
resulting in what appeared as a challenge, in form of the circumstances which my Life kept moving towards…
A Challenge to prove me wrong..

As if I were walking from what was a field a green pasture, into a Sea, a Blue Cee and the more I walked forward the more difficult it was to move, wading deeper and deeper…and progress seeming to get slower and slower until I could not walk anymore and began to swim…

Swimming was easier but I was no longer walking on my feet, I was on my back on my stomach, arms becoming heavy, and heavier as I swam across the 7 sees, but through the dead c of forget fullness, forget answered prayers, forget the generosity of Existence, praise appreciation grace…
And then I would let go as if drowning, going deeper and deeper…

Only for me to realize that I could not stay in such a filthy consciousness which my letting go revealed around me as the cee of the dead.
I would suddenly start fighting, struggling to come up for air..
And begin swimming again, swimming years passed, so many years swimming, tired-falling into the deep the struggling back up until reaching the shore line, walking again through so much resistance to my point of view..
the Unbearable but Ah, so infinitely, Bearable Lightness of Being, the Book of Laughter and forgetting the JO-K.E.. E.K is O.J (Orange Juice, O Jay Simpson?)
Nah, just O Jay…O1O…

E G.C…


*See Sacred portal 5…37-73…to understand the meaning of todays play.

George Clooney meaning “The Farmer From the Green pasture- Meadows is a quick witted devilish rogue”

Tomorrow Land…T.L..


Played out By Donna Hawk Eye..Looking to the Future- the Blue..Yes, 5th Dimension..5D.

Donna O’Sullivan chose for us to watch this film- where the Future informs the Past and she is representing the line of Harmony in this play.

When I saw that movie- I understood that the mission which began the day I left Augusta Georgia, (A-G..1-7) on April 2nd, (42-24), the very day Pope John died…
And Geoff La Cour informed that I had to stay behind a rescue the Children and the Human idea of God and their playing God by riddling it outt of Existence…

That was in 2OO4-5…
That is 11-1O years ago…
and 9 years in the Womb and Loop of Albert to Donna via Jonn…


The meaning of the name Olalekan is “Increase of Wealth by Adding One”
A Lady see sacred Portal 73…

Babalola already exists here in the play with Babalola Tobi Emmanuel…
and Babalola means “Father is Wealth”

Father is Wealth To B,i.. Toby- God is Beautiful and Graciously Present…

And increases his Wealth by adding one to his Treasure- his wealth..
the Line facing the Blue while the Red must start from the very beginning to learn respect…and the rest will cease to Exist..
An of the Red, well they will do it this time without any help from E Presence..The Presence..
They will do the entire process on their own and only few, so few will make it back to Nature… but never will they enter the Realm of E…
they can exist of the I.N READ I…
I.N.R.I…Yeshua C nailed to cross.
Nri Yeshua Christ sent into Oblivion…death
Erie Nri Yeshua Christ imprisoned in the illusion of Eternity i a Dungeon filled with Demons and Dragons..

that will be the Wall which will keep you from the Lord Cee and thus, you can stay in Existence, but to reach the E then you must incarnate the truth of these three stories linked into one before you ca reach E.N… But never the E

8:O4 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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