
11/8/2015 2:00 – Facebook Post

11/8/2015 2:00 – Facebook Post

12:15 pm…




Kevin Hobby.. Hello my 422 Face Book friend, to the end play of the World living and perceiving- and receiving, their physical Education from living inside of a Flat Screen T.V…

Flat Earth… Flat World..?

Nope, but yes many are waking up to realize that where are on A Holo Deck..
With four sides which create a Box a Cube or Four Flat Earths 11:11…Twin Parallel Universes…Learning the purpose of Being is understanding how to Draw a Circle from 1 line then an Angle 9O with 2 lines.., A Pyramid with 111 lines and a Box with 1111…Do re me fa…ABCD…1st Energy Point to 4th the Heart..

“Black Pearl! Sent my Heart to Davy Jones Locker- where it pumps Electro Magnetic Waves at the bottom of the Cee of the Subconscious to rise as the Black Pearl and the Creamy Pearl from the Sea of the Black See and the Milky Way”

Forgive me, yes I am speaking in very transparent codes which enables you to expand deeper in the meaning of all I am seeking to convey, while weaving, linking and transmitting the codes of the End of the Human as Children play..
Time to graduate to consciousness eternal youth.. Though humanity had lost the building block foundation of A, B. C of the 1 2 3 Dimensions Consciousness and moved into non existence because the base of their expressed and acted out logic did not have a leg to stand on because the building blocks are the lines and structure and “Mesh” of Existence and thus without building a consciousness and perception from that foundation…
Well then you are walking on thin air…Zero a Black Hole..

Once the Understand of the Expression of how to draw a Full Circle in the 1-2-3 Dimension finally moving to the ROYG…Green Screen, you then manifest the 3 OOO into O.N.E…Eno in ONri Igbo Means Four..
the 4 Dimension where Music (Harmonies) Babies ( Lights Consciousness) Enter into the Play through the Darkness the Dimming of memory, the gradual forgetting ( If you are not careful you forget so much you become a living Dead)..Until through Motion and Feeling, you align feelings to expression created all colors which led you to Green..Forgetting to Remembering… This is not real, but it is a real experience just as is playing a video game…
When you are in it you must pay attention to the Play…

Grace..and the Full Circle Expressed- Understanding the living Consciousness of Earth Universe and the World.. OOO 3 circles..DO..Then Four which is moves Heart through “Tunnel of Love” (or Transformation) the 5th Chakra – After the Blue note which comes out of the Blue transforming Silence to Words and Music -Sound..
Structure and Body..
Light and Dark Matter
Particle and Wave…

This Circle created through Expression which is Doing (Not Telling), exemplifying what you see…From that Dimension of Perception from which all things come into Existence from..
Beyond the Voice of the 5th Element…I call the Element “AH’ of Surprise…

AH BE..Cee I Cee! By Do-ing…I Cee My Energetic Expression knows already to Cee and is teaching me, so I can catch up with He-She and then merge and become one…

B..I.V…B=4…The Body comes from the Forth Dimension but being comes from Beyond the Navi and Sky Blue beyond even Universal Existence…

Kevin means “Comely, handsome beautiful from birth…a Literal Gentleman from Birth…”

Hobby means a Baby Falcon, a small horse (Child Espirit), Rocking, rolling Turning motion very much as the Turning of the Tide…

Comely Handsome Beautiful from from Birth to being a Lady and Gentleman, the Child as the Falcon, the Spirit of the Future called Children who reside in the Womb in the Waters, the Embryonic Fluids crossing 9 Planets Points and through the Space as Night Ether, and learning to navigate the Lines and turns of their Cee, that are the Tides of change, moving through music and imagery, just as the play of my telling a story for 44 months on Face Book…

Humanity were Beautiful and Comely from birth, just it the Earth the Planets Cosmos and Galaxy..
A Unified Field of O C and one point..


There is a homing device planted in all of thee..naturally…The Seed of the true Cee and the False Cee which Wold Will you Feed.

Kevin G Gordon
Kevin Hobby

K.H… *Observe the Time of this Post… and yesterdays date..

KG..Kilograms…K=11..G=7…11 7 7…7- 711 Always Open Night and Day

K.H…11 8…

11 7..7 11
11 8- 8 11..

11 11 78…87 4 (1)
Planet Earth is the Consciousness of God…and Universe..Harmony…

Beautiful from Birth… also I,E…

See sacred portal 1 and 87.

12:59 pm


1:OO pm..

O.N.E..E.N.O…1 4= 5

422 Face Book Friends..
D,V….D… D.B.B

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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