
11/7/2017 2:48 – Facebook Post

11/7/2017 2:48 – Facebook Post

11:08 p.m.


Time; K.O..H.
Date; K.O…F.

995 Face Book Friend.

I came into the World to Boogie.

*”Definition of boogie. 1 :boogie-woogie. 2 :earthy and strongly rhythmic rock music conducive to dancing; also :a period of or occasion for dancing to this music.”

Most of my older face book friends know how literal this means and how it has been part of the Script, right up to Ted in Mountain View and his broken Boogie Amp and the great play which took place of him fixing it just before I left 18 Mountain View last year in July.


I Dance.


“Celebrating End of Law That Banned Boogeing

“At the house of Yes, Bushwick, Brooklyn… Todays New York Times reads, on the replealing of The Cabaret Law, enacted in 1926… Yes 26.”

Today the 26 year old Asst Director of Delta House called me to a meeting with a Lady from the H.R.A…
( Human Resource Agency of USA)
Her name was Ms Pierre.
And Kesley the asst Director had made these arrangement last week startling my case manager by the effeciency and swiftness of it being processed.

It entitles me to benefits and Public Assistance.

She told me my card should arrive within the week and payments within 45 days.


Pierre… Pierre David… P.D…
I was in bed 4-16… D.P… Dawn Piercy…
D.P.Kolo… ( Kolo means “Circle Round” In Slav)

Peter Nyarkô.. Peter means “Rock Stone”

26 year old Killer Devin Patrick Kelly… D.P.K.. killed 26 people.

My Truth is Rock Solid…

H.R.A… Is a code…
I have never had Public Assisstance from the State.
I had Assistance from the Public, people who housed me
55 in New York…
And sent contributions.. some, but only enough, and always aligned to a the Script, a Script.
I was appreciative, but I knew it was part of a Script, I showed them, gave evidence.. some did not take it well, despite it being truth.

H.R.A… 8 18 1… I had 18 usd in my wallet this morning… Eli means “A” the First letter.

I am in Room 4A….3A 5A… 5B 4B….

H.R.A as a code formed yesterday, I saw it.
I have lived the code of Misery, Suffering, Torture and Torment every single day, and refused it, transformed it each day for 16.7 almost 8 years… 29 Years.. A life time…
It has been relentless…
The test… Brutal Cruel, Tiring right up to today….
What happened… I could describe to youu in detail the viscousness the malice of todays play, the plays I have been through in New York…
It seems impossible- the malice…
right to a Mental Health Shelter.. the riddles to solve but set up in such brutal scenarios which you have to navigate, see through, or see during or see in hindsight after “getting the equation correct”.. realize it was a test. And not believing it was a test, but getting evidence despite you refusing to see it that way, taking refuge in this 0 Conscious State where there is not order, no harmony, no proven logos to this existence..”Shit happens.. That’s Life….”

This is not about my qualifying for H.R.A after being here for 13 months and this never done until now, just as my passport.
Perhaps it was a test of the shelter…

I had sought to leave the country to seek medical attention for my body when, no one, despite the obvious nature of it has correlated my circumstances with my physical condition despite using a “megaphone’ for a while to get peoples attention.

26..A-Z. Letters Words.. Sound.

0-1…. 10 10 …

A-Z Transformed to AO…Z… H.I…( 2+6=8… 8 Symbol of Infinity… 8th letter H)

0-1… Transformed to Omega Alpha…. Alpha Full Circle O Of Awareness through Being= Consciousness.


Yes, this does END.

And no one will be more gratified to see it end, than myself.
Orien Laplante, is my witness as to how long, I have struggled to end this, and finding myself unable to because of circumstances and conditions which have continued to stun me, then which enraged me, causing me to fight back with existential fury….
It still would not end…

But it was not the ending of this which I disturbed me, I could read, i knew it was going to end.
What has bothered me, moved to Shock, then Stunned and to quiet and a sort of indifference filled an indescribable sadness.

The cruelty, the depth of cruelty and malice of the play, the scenes… the set ups.
You see, I literally remember the Eternal Realm, I have lived there my entire life, and I move from that Consciousness to dive and go undercover in this worlds Unconsciousness- which is why I call it going undercover… I mean it literally.
And each time I do so, I want to weep from having to leave the bliss of the Eternal Realms Consciousness to enter into this one so heavy and so full of filth and fear which others have so gotten used to that they see it as normal.

It is not.

Entering into this Zero frequency, or of the acceptance of this World and manner of percieving things- no matter the good you think that you are doing, is ineffective.. is it not?
A repeat of the same cycle, nothing changes no matter those with good intentions… It is never enough.. is it?

11:22 p.m.

No, I mean living in a realm of Consciousness where everything is not only seen clearly, but also it undistorted image, it truth and yet living within and seeing constantly Its perversion, a perversion which used to make me literally heave, feel vomit and literally a desire of flight.

I can not describe this feeling, but those who live in Lighter realms or exist on lighter frequencies will understand.

* I just saw a Like by Amypooh Ka.. What she liked read “Just to Lighten things Up…”
Code A.K… 1 11..

That is what I have been doing since i came to New York, in fact since I came into this World and play- Lightening things up, naturally by expressing how I saw things for my point of view, which people valued more and more.. to such a degree that I could have exploited it, or become a Billionaire, or a Celebrity, Lords Knows I was given the opportunities.
I mention this, because I am aware of the value of the way I see, and percieve reality, because it gives people such a relief from the way they had been conditioned to see things, accept things, look at things.
It was never about me, it was always about they way I saw things and how this brought manifestation and hence the idea of my being everything other but me, my natural self.

I do not feel loved, I do not think I have ever felt loved.
Again, I say this simply as a fact without complaint, because I know people felt and wanted to love me, even my mother, but the value of the way I saw and see always took precedent.
It made people cast great aspirations and expectations on me, and it also brought out the worst in people, where the cast they greatest love and hate.. but not onto me personally but at what I represented.
For many I felt as thought it was Paradise Lost, which bewildered me because it was not lost, not in them.

No, people hardly ever saw me, what they saw and I say this with a simple honesty after coming to this conclusion as a boy it its continuosly reaffirmed through out my adult life, and I am sure there are others out there who understand this sentiment.

But when I found out that this gift which every one had, was the thing preventing me from simply existing, having that which I desired.. a life, a family companionship… the very basic Human requirments.. I have dreamed of thsi my entire life…
It does not require much to make me happy… People… and with the way I see.. everything is light… Harmonious…

But instead, I found my life moved literally moved to represent and share a way of seeing.. a way of seeing which was not only natural but which exists in every Human Being… But so many had forgotten… or thought they did.

My Entire existence became moved ( againt my will) by this Force which desired me to share they way I saw and read things which to me really was no big deal.
I came here to Boogie…

To literally dance through life, because I could and can hear the music, I could see the Harmony in all things.
Even in places most feared, even in War, in conflict even in disease, there is a Harmony, a way to navigate through all these frequency to get out of those situation.. see the disease before it comes.. see through the Boogey Man and go boo.

Alot of this is about the Children.
Sacred portal 3-2…Triumphant Rock Solid..” .. Peter Pierre
was and is about the Children.

See the 9th Circle of Hell…
See the New York Times.. “Behold A Child… The Lost Children of Tuam”
October 28. 2017… by Dan Barry.
See the meaning of Obanje…
We are the World, We are the Children..”

I spoke about this a great deal while I was being ‘Spirited Away” – Where Mother God -Harmony was being Tried and Judged in the dimension of Death, but not True Death..
Death as Silence Stillness, Limbo…
Their rage at why they were born, of being betrayed for coming into the Light…
The World Creation… is all Light.

I had a little conflict with Will and Chris today… W.C.
It was not really them, but the Expression behind it… a rage a rage so terrible, so viscious so full of hate and malice…
I do not wish to speak of such things, the depth of hate capable in Children whose hurt and sense of betrayal of no one protecting them.
The Irish Children of Taum- from mothers born out of wedlock were buried in the Septic Tanks… tossed in…

I am so tired, so tired of being given the constant depth of Human Cruelty thrown at me for every Beautiful Truth I Solve and Reveal…
12:53 a.m.

But I have discovered that this is not about Justice, explanation, reason, even the Truth… just rage.. rage and a raging hurt of these children, some of them undercover as Adults in this world but so many neglected, tortured, tormented, given experiences as the one I and my brothers and sister was given…
Nnamdi and Obum kidnapped, beaten.. Nnamdi’s death.

I was treated badly as a child, more perhaps than my brothers, sister and so many other children combined, this is not a boast, but rather a truth my mother knows andbrings up very rarely, but the idea was that perhaps this would make me tough, successful… a mentality shared by many societies and cultures.
I was always tough, but I could also see, and I knew how to fight back… change the music… and make the tormentor dance on a bed of fire… because they did not know this paricular music I played…
Only by understanding Harmony could you escape what I could create with words, actions gestures thoughts…

I once cut off my hair to find if I had the 666 sign on my head, but not because I felt evil or unfair to others, but rather because of the power to change the music.
I understood it was the power of the Child in me, the child who is Truth but also Eternal.

I am telling you this, because it is about the End.

I am telling you that Cause and Effect is real, and that Expression is Energy in motion and can not be destroyed, it must be corrected.

I tried to tell and show the Children that that which they experieced is not real…
But they held onto those memories… Their rage…

A Cause and Effect…. A Viscous Cycle…

Since Time…began… which is why I fought so hard, because the only answer to this Viscous Cycle is Consciousness.
People learning. re-learning how to Cee.. to Read…
And so a script was created to show that this was a play, a school of infinite possibilities but only one Truth and hence all possibilities dissolve.. illusions. not real/.

Without Consciousness Harmony… C.H…
Sutherland Springs…. S S… 19 19… 38… 3=C..8=H…
C H.

Do you remember Donald Sutherland in Hunger Games…?

1;11 a.m

*Origin and Meaning of Sutherland. “Sutherland” is a name of English origin, and it means “From the South Most Land”.

I have only one pair of jeans left, a gift from Eric Eposito ( E E) called South Pole. He was bed 9 At B.R.C.. Then 4… 9 4…
I Dance
Infinite Dance…

He replaced Luke Wilson Luke A. Wilson… L.A.W…

The progenitor of the Clan Sutherland was a Flemish nobleman by the name of Freskin,[5] who was also the progenitor of the Clan Murray.[5][6]

Bed 4-012.. D.O.L… Door of Life S.P 43 is occupied by Allen Murray… A.M… Before that it was Tom M…White and Black…

*The conflict today arose because Allen which means “Harmony” ( Tom means Twin) was commenting with shock about how the men in the Shelter behave, so shocking to him ( he is new) bed 4-003 who angry that I had stopped giving him tobacco after having supplied him for 3 weeks ( he gets his money soon and I realized that when you help it is often seen as a sign of being a “Mark”..)…
What happened was so petty and dark, so so dark based on what moved him to make a comment as he feigned sleep.
It was all set up- because he was acting something out what I was describing lightly and the moment I completed my expression he was summoned in perfect timing to the office…
Two three witnessed the perfect harmony that it seemed like a set up even to them… yes it was spooky.
I then found once more my tobacco was lost…
I calmed myself knowing again it was a play, and decided if it was gone it was gone and that the use of money to take away “comforts” which I realized was the lesson or play based on what the powers that be do… And which I had mentioned to A.M to answer his question that I used to ask myself…’ Why do they conform.. they have a choice they do not have to become and do such things…)
So my comfort was taken from me to test me…

I walked to Starbucks but on my way passed by Taylor Av where I had walked to earlier….
This is the Bronx, a very poor and dangerous area… but there it was on the ground.. No one had touched it even though it was in plain view.

I had passed the test…
I have been through such tests non stop for 16.7 years…

All Dimensions exists simultaneously together – all illusions except the Eternal Truth the 5… the 5 1…
All other Dimension or planes exist interconnected with each other.
To solve the riddles you have to unravel the Riddle from the begining of Time…
Times Square….
N.Y. C….
Nnamdi Yeshua Christ…

I have fought so hard for that right to exist as i saw fit, but instead my Existence has turned into a living Nightmare seeking to convince me at all cost that Existence is Evil.
My Existence is Evil by the nature of theh life I have lived and the Isolation in even having to proof that the things happening to me are true. And then to correct it, because my survival my comfort and Peace of mind were all hinged on my navigating the Maze, the Matrix

I did not wish speak about the things I saw and experienced looking at things in any other way but the Beautiful Truth, and in being able to do what It seemed had become my Duty, which was to share the way I read reality and how things I say did, paths I walked manifested.

I can not fight such a rage…
A Rage which brings the End.
the Z..
I Represent the Y…And had to enter a play of a realm which does not exist… Z… Z 00….
Z00… Not ZOO… To manifest Zorror Zeina…
through a Fury and Rage…. so beyond belief because it is based on Hurt.. Hurt and Betrayal… a The RAGE of Children who believed themselves Righteous…

But they are not more Righteous than their Mother Father,
the First Child who was never an illusion…
Eternal Child Youth Consciousness Eternity….

That is the True Nature of a Child…
Not the little people… Illusions until reaching code
21 and 18…. U… Universal.. Consciousness..
R reflecting Truth… T R U C..E….

So yes it Ends….
Peace Truce… P.T.

I passed the Test of the Beautiful Illusions, the Children
My Brothers, Fathers sacrificed me… Answer to them… you can..
Instead they refused to listen they wished to see me endure what they felt they had endured, but which they exaggerated in their minds for they all died age 0- 123456789 10 11…12/ 21

But i am 49… 50….And it has never stopped.
And a child stops when it sees the truth…I cared

1:47 p.m.

147 Sacred Portal…

But not any more…
Stop yourselves from going too far…
S.P 13..
1:48 AM

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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